It's been an interesting month to be sure!
We've worked hard Spring cleaning our house
always trying to take time to smell the roses along the way.
What helps me to escape is my love of BOOKS!
I am usually reading at least 2 books at the same time.
I keep a list of my books in my journal and I even rate them....1 to 10!
I know this is obsessive but I love to look back
and see what books I've read in years past.
I've been doing this for over 10 years and keeping a journal for most of my life!
I have been reading many of the classics in the past year.
My son gave me Pride and Prejudice for a Mother's Day gift last year
and I've read all of her books this year.
Now I've branched out to other notable classics.
This past month, I've read Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte....

very sad..but a wonderful read!
Then I read Outliers by
Malcolm Gladwell( I've read his other books, Tipping Point and Blink )
and of all of these I enjoyed Outliers the MOST!
They are all good but Outliers will change your LIFE!
At the same time, I read the book, A Stopover in Venice by Kathryn Walker.
It's an easy book to read and very entertaining!
( I will read anything set in Italy! heehee! )
Today I finished Persuasion by Jane Austen and it was excellent.
I also picked up a copy of The Queen of the Big Time by Adriana Trigiani
at a book sale and I may read it AGAIN!
I have had the privilege of meeting her and love everything she writes!
So that's what has helped me stay sane.....if indeed I can make such a claim! lol
And then onto some of the cleaning out process........

These boots are on the way out! It's been years since I have worn them
but I have not had the heart to throw them away. Back in the '70s....
I traced my foot onto a piece of paper and sent it to REI and
they made these boots for me!
I've hiked in CO, NM, UT, AZ, NC, TN, OR, TX....
and even Alaska in these boots (and other states that I've forgotten, I'm sure! )
But they were replaced with better lightweight hiking boots YEARS ago so it's TIME
but it's still hard to give some things least it is for me!
My friend, Helen suggested I take a picture of them for a remembrance!
Thanks Helen!
Have a good night blogger buddies!