Friday, July 26, 2024

Summer sightings at Halpata Tastanaki Preserve

 I've taken a few short hikes this summer and loved every minute of my time in nature.

Do you see the little Blue-gray Gnatcatcher in my new banner?

The web is full of caterpillars so he appears to be getting ready for a feast!

When I drove onto the dirt road that runs along the preserve, I saw this in the field.

It looked like a couple of critters waiting to greet me!

But it was a pair of cute cactus plants!

There were so many Eastern Meadowlarks singing their beautiful song.

Some of them flew along beside me as I walked. 

There were a lot of Bobwhites calling each other but I didn't get photos of them.

I did see a nice flock of Red-winged Blackbirds though with some young ones in the flock.

This is one of the most beautiful butterflies I've ever seen and it lit on some frogfruit.

Checkered White Butterfly

And I will report that I wasn't just hanging around the house all this time goofing off like this critter.

This Raccoon was in our backyard for a few days, cleaning out our bird feeders.

We left them empty for a couple of days and I think he's moved on now.

I got a lot done around the house on my break. So when the weather improves, we'll be ready to go camping! 

What's new with you? What did I miss?

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

  and Mosaic Monday HERE !

Saturday, July 6, 2024

"Oddities" and time off for good behavior!

 I wanted to share photos of some of my sightings that didn't make it into a post this summer.

And as far as the 'good behavior' depends on who you ask! heehee!

This Utopia sign is at Ross Prairie State Forest, so we'll see what we've missed there!

I saw this Scarlett Tanager but it was deep in the dark woods so the photos aren't great.

But it sure was a good sighting!

I think this is a Painted Lady butterfly.

There were TWO of them!

I just wish it had stayed put for a longer photo shoot!

And this Gopher Tortoise was running as fast as his short legs would carry him when he saw me coming.

They really are surprisingly quick!

He was a beauty and close to our campsite at Ross Prairie.

Here's his home! 

The Cactus was in full bloom and I took these at the same time.

I am going to take a couple of weeks break from the computer to get some things done. We are busy with 'home improvements'. Nothing big, just cleaning out and tidying up! I finally removed the silk tree from my bedroom. 

I loved it but it was impossible to keep clean. The dust collected on it! 

Photos taken at different times of the year. I don't change much, just a throw pillow or two!

A view out my bedroom window. 

 Maybe we'll even do a few 'fun' things in the next couple of weeks. I hope so! 

See you later, gator! 🐊 Hugs, Diane 🐢

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

  and Mosaic Monday HERE !

Friday, June 28, 2024

Hiking on a four lane hwy! Is it safe?

 It seems pretty safe on this particular highway!

I rarely see another hiker and I've managed to avoid seeing a bear.

But the blackberries are ripe and I see 'evidence' that they've eaten there!

I love walking down in the canal diggings and that's where I took the trail photos.

This one was taken after a rain shower passed through and left it a little 'less hot'.

Out in the open there are lots of wildflowers blooming.

I always see butterflies.

But on this particular hike, I watched a large hummingbird.

It was the biggest one I've ever seen and really surprised me.

I'm not hiking as much now with the heat but I get out when I can.

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

  and Mosaic Monday HERE !

Friday, June 21, 2024

A nice long hike at Halpata Tastanaki Preserve!

I finally got on the trail at Pruitt for a nice long hike. 

It was less hot, less humidity with a breeze! 
Those days are few and far between in the summer months.

I took my time and took wildflower photos to my heart's content.

I saw 4 Bobwhites and 1 deer and a Hawk (no photos) but I took my time and enjoyed 2 hours in nature.

A quick photo of the wild honey bee hive, still active.

One small airplane flying overhead,

as well as Swallowtail kites and buzzards.

It was a welcome sight to see the Eastern Meadowlark and I enjoyed the song they sing.

Velvet Ant

The old shed with all of it's rustic beauty.

And a spider.

I got back to the Jeep and thought there was NO WAY I would stop for another pretty flower and neat bird. I had apple slices to munch and water to drink and I was ready to go home! 

But as I drove the dirt road to the hwy, I looked out in the pasture and saw a family of Sandhill Cranes.

So I took my one last ounce of energy and got out to walk the fence line and take pics. 

They walked and I tried to keep up!

Mama staying close to the young one!

Papa with all of the brightness of his colors! 

And the little one trying to keep up!

Getting to see the young Crane and this beautiful family was worth the effort!

I hope you find a nice day to get outside this week!

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

  and Mosaic Monday HERE !