We make so many decisions when we get up in the morning. I eat a good breakfast and have a cup of coffee...always! And then I check the weather. This particular morning was supposed to be a little less hot with a bit of a breeze. So I started getting ready to go for a hike. I've been starting at a trailhead near my house so that there's not much drive time to get there. And I didn't even make my bed! I sliced an apple and packed it and extra water in my little insulated bag to have after the hike. I put my water bottle, phone and extra camera battery in my backpack, grabbed my camera and I was ready to roll!
Great horned Owl
This is the firebreak I was hiking.
A firebreak is a path that is plowed to keep a wildfire from continuing to spread. This firebreak was tilled up about a month ago so some weeds and grass have started to grow but it still serves the purpose.
Of course when I started the hike, there were stops to look at the many deer tracks on the trail and one possible bobcat track.
There were flowers to photograph and little Warblers flitting about.
I got to a 'T' in the road and took a few steps to the right at the hummingbird tree. (I shared it last month)
And a really BIG bird flew across the trail in front of me. I thought it was a big bodied Hawk! I was so thrilled that it lit in a tree. So being the country girl (at heart) that I am, I trekked through the brambles in the forest to get a better look.
I was so glad I did! It was a Great horned owl.
Probably a young one by the looks of his 'horns'.
We had seen one of these beautiful owls at Pruitt a few years ago so I could see the difference.
All of these photos are of his back.
He swiveled his head all the way around to watch me!
It was an amazing sighting and made me really glad I didn't take the time to make my bed before I left my house.
I would have missed his flight across the trail and not even noticed him in the tree.
Time and chance.
I hope you can get out and observe nature where you live this week!
Don't forget.....go BEFORE you do any housework!
I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE