Friday, October 11, 2024

Aliens from outer space....close to home!

 The 'close to home' part of my title concerns our weather.

With the storms this month we've hiked close to home and went on a camping trip close to home.

The Alien?

Don't you love this beautiful Pipevine Swallowtail butterfly?

He was very photogenic and stayed around long enough for me to shoot a whole roll of film!

I guess back in the days of film cameras, I wouldn't have gotten this many photos!

The month of October has been stressful from the storms and restful with the camping trip.

And I won't complain about staying close to home.

Our weather has at least been good for the mushrooms! Lots of moisture, heat and humidity!

Hermit Thrush taken at Ross Prairie State Forest

We didn't have any damage from Hurricane Milton! I'm keeping everyone who did in my prayers. And we continue to pray for those affected by Hurricane Helene. It's been a tough Fall for this part of the country! 

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

  and Mosaic Monday HERE !

Friday, October 4, 2024

The Blue Grosbeak at Halpata Tastanaki Preserve!


I've driven out to HTP once a week for months now and finally saw the Blue Grosbeak!

I saw two of them which was a thrill.

They are at the preserve every summer but this year I went all summer before I spotted them.

I was at the end of my hike and they flew right across the trail in front of me.

I get so excited seeing something special like this.

A photo of what I call 'the view' along the trail.

It's always beautiful out there and you always see something special.

I like to look through the trees at the view too!

This little Downy Woodpecker was very cute climbing up and down on this tree.

I also saw an Eagle on my drive over, but I'll have to share more Woodpecker photos today. 

One day I drove out to the Shangri-La trailhead and parked next to this persimmon tree.

It was loaded with fruit!

Have you ever eaten a persimmon? Pucker up! 

We haven't really turned the calendar to 'Fall' here but change is in the air!

We are heartbroken to see the horrific damage caused by Hurricane Helene in so many places. We lived in Asheville, Hendersonville and the small mountain town of Hot Springs, NC for many years and it is devastating to see the damage. And of course worrisome to know so many people are suffering. My prayers are for all those affected. Our relatives that live there are safe. But we appreciate your continued prayers. 

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

  and Mosaic Monday HERE !

Friday, September 27, 2024

Attention to detail

 Sometimes I hike. When I'm on a good trail and feel like stretching my legs and setting a good pace.

Other times I take a nature walk. 

'Attention to detail' is the ability to observe, analyze and comprehend even the most minute aspects of a situation.

Halpata Tastanaki Preserve gives you the opportunity to 'hike' and 'walk'.

I stopped under the big Live Oak tree that shades the trail about a half mile from the trailhead.

It's a good place to take a drink of water and look up into the massive branches of this tree for birds.

But this time something else caught my eye.

Then when I zoomed in with my camera I saw even more.

A perfect feather!

I thought at first it was a nest but I think it a branch that some big bird had lunch.

And if that wasn't enough to slow me down...

there were dozens of tiny frogs crossing the trail.

This one was so wet that it picked up little bits and pieces of the seashells that cover the trail.

Boy, is he going to be in trouble when he gets home.

He's so dirty and messy! 

It was a beautiful day on the preserve and perfect for a nature walk!

A blog friend asked me how long I hike. Always longer than 1 hour and up to 2 hours, depending on how much nature I stop to observe!

We survived Hurricane Helene without any damage to our house. There are lots of branches down in the back yard but so far everything looks fine. We are keeping everyone in our prayers today. It was scary to hear the high winds and rain last night at about bedtime. But it's a beautiful sunny day today! Take care and be well! 

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

  and Mosaic Monday HERE !

Friday, September 20, 2024

The Florida Trails "Ross Prairie State Forest"

 Let's take a hike!

I've taken so many photos this summer and I know I can't share them all.

But I wanted to take you all on a hike.

Let's hike the Holly Hammock trail in the Ross Prairie Forest.

These photos are all taken on the same trail....

one right after another.

You can see how the trail changes as we walk.

This is all in about 2 miles of the trail (before we make the turn and loop back around).

It's always changing and one of the reasons you never get tired of hiking in the forest.

Let's take a drink of water now and keep going!

This is a good spot to look at the prairie!

Back into the brambles!

And since most of you follow my blog, you know all of the interesting things I see along the way.

So I'll go back in time and share these bear photos with you.

Black bears live in the forests here in Ocala, Florida.

Getting out in the forest is an experience you never forget.

The weather is changing and I'll be spending more time out there.

Who...Who? Me! Me!

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

  and Mosaic Monday HERE !

Friday, September 13, 2024

A Sixty minute hike!

Because of the hot weather and a foot that has bothered me, I've made more sixty minute hikes this summer.

Mourning Dove (on the trail! I had to say Shooo to get it to move!)

It's hard for me to make that turn, 

I always want to go a little bit farther.

But it's been good for me I think.

Dotted Horsemint in full bloom

I've definitely enjoyed getting out in nature whenever I can, for any length of time!

And we've had some funny sightings around the house lately too.

Who wouldn't want a little red MG delivered to the front door?

Our neighbor has a 'new ride' now!

And this Red-shouldered Hawk perched on the roof across the street.

To get ready for Fall....

this black cat walked all the way around our house.

Does that ward off goblins and ghouls?

Can't hurt! lol

Sixty minutes is enough time to get some good exercise and experience nature. (that's a forest monster not me!)

Has it cooled off at your house this month?

Are you ready for Fall?

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

  and Mosaic Monday HERE !

Friday, September 6, 2024

Catching up with the Sandhill Crane family!

 It's always fun to drive out to Halpata Tastanaki Preserve and hike the trail from the Pruitt trailhead.

And there are usually good sightings when you drive in the front gate.

I was happy to see the Sandhill Crane family, alive and well.

It was funny though when I stopped and hopped out of the Jeep to take the photos. 

My camera fogged over from all of the humidity!

But I waved it around and luckily the Crane family stayed close by their photo shoot!

I think this bird is a young Mockingbird.

It always confuses me because they seem more tan than gray.

I KNOW what this bird is! haha!

Northern Cardinal

I thought this was a small grasshopper with really long antennas but now I wonder if it a katydid. Anyone know?

Lots of beautiful plants and wildflowers this summer.

We've had summer pop up showers and that helps.

Oh and now we've finished the hike and I'm driving the Jeep back out on the gravel road.

And look what I saw!

Papa Crane was crossing the road ahead of me. Mama and young one were already across. I slowed down and waited!

Have a wonderful weekend! Take your time!

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

  and Mosaic Monday HERE !