My girlfriend, Judy from CJ’s Stitching and Blooms has been surprising me with postcards from Michigan. I’ve never been to that state so it’s great fun to get a variety of postcards from the area that she lives in. And then one day, I got a package with seashells….YES…seashells that she made!
Aren’t they the cutest? Thanks Judy!
I made the bowl, Judy made the seastar!

Of course she showed darling little bowls on her blog so I got busy crocheting up a storm. I’m probably the only person you know that can use the same pattern and come out with a different creation every time! heehee! I TRY to follow directions…really I do.

I even made the little sea star for this coral bowl.

I told you….I’m having WAY too much FUN this Spring! I made a bracelet, too!

But our weather is fabulous and we’re either on the go or I’m sitting in the lanai, crocheting, reading or visiting with all of you! It’s a good thing my hubby likes to grill or we would starve!

Have you made anything new for Spring?
What inspires you?
And just for fun…

does anyone want this Americana potholder. Yes, it was supposed to be a bowl but it got bigger and flatter the more I crocheted. It could be a candle mat or a trivet.
Leave a comment IF you want it and I’ll draw a winner in a couple of days. Anyone can enter!!! (just don’t tell anyone I used a pattern for a BOWL to make it! We girls need a FEW secrets! hahaha!)