Friday, February 28, 2025

Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center

 Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center is a State Park in White Springs, Florida with a very nice campground.
It's perfect for a day trip or a longer camping trip. 

Every park we visit has unique features and things we love about it. 

This one was perfect for walking. 

There were a lot of beautiful historical buildings to photograph

and hiking trails too.

A thatched roof hut in the background on this trail.

And a good trail to hike right down to the Suwannee River.

There's also a big gazebo for relaxing and watching the river.

You could see how far the water had flooded this river looking at the bank.

The biggest surprise I think was the music from the bell in this tower. It has a 97 bell carillon and the beautiful songs can be heard all the way to the campground. 

There's more information HERE about the park and culture center.

I don't want to skip over the fact that there was still a lot of damage to this park from the hurricanes that came through last Fall. Most of the buildings were closed and there were trees down everywhere.

It was sad to see the damage and it takes years to repair and rebuild the State Parks. 

I saw a lot of birds but didn't get many photos.

Carolina Titmouse

We sure enjoyed our stay there and I walked down to the river several times.

White Springs, Florida is off the beaten path but well worth traveling the backroads to spend time there!

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

  and Mosaic Monday HERE !

Friday, February 21, 2025

Halpata Tastanaki Preserve in the Van Camper

A Van Camper is great for a day trip to the HTP at the Pruitt Trailhead.

You have everything you need when you finish your hike. You can make a cup of coffee and enjoy a snack out of the refrigerator....oh and go to the bathroom! And sit down to eat!

We know we'll enjoy taking it on other days trips but of course Halpata Tastanaki Preserve is one of my favorite destinations and it's close to home.

These are the first American Kestrels I've seen in awhile. 

I took pics of this one and then when I started to move down the trail, it flew and so did a second one.

So I think I caught a male and female traveling together.

We might see a Kestrel from time to time during the year, but more of them are here in the winter months.



And don't forget to look UP!

The clouds looked like feathers and I saw a little pile of real feathers too.

There are still lots of Flycatchers at the preserve.

A view of the trail and my turn around point. 

(get a drink of water and make the turn)

Time for some relaxation in the van before heading home.

Do you enjoy day trips?

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

  and Mosaic Monday HERE !

Friday, February 14, 2025

The Wood Stork at Manatee Springs State Park

It's always good to learn to identify the birds you see. I find it a challenge but over the years, I've learned a few!

I walked on the boardwalk at Manatee Springs State Park every day that we camped there. 

Sometimes I went more than once a day.

The lighting can be so different and also bird sightings.

I said 'hello' to a couple that I had seen a few times and I noticed his camera with a zoom lens.

One late afternoon, I was on my way back down the boardwalk and saw that he was zoomed in on something in the swamp.

So I stopped to look and I said, "Even living here in Florida, it's still a thrill to get to see a Wood Stork."

And they both looked at me with wide eyes and she said, "Is THAT what that is? We didn't know what that bird was." 

So it felt good to actually share that with them. And when he gets home from traveling he will have a bird ID for his photos! It made me smile. I walked on, and when I looked back, he was still taking photos!

This Great White Egret was very beautiful too.

The birds don't feel threatened by people walking on the boardwalk.

So they pose and preen.

The Suwannee River in all of it's glory! 

And my favorite Wood Stork photo!

Do you see his loose feather?

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

  and Mosaic Monday HERE !

Friday, February 7, 2025

Manatee Springs State Park on the Suwannee River

 We camped at Manatee Springs State Park just before the manatees came up into the warmer waters of the Springs for the winter. I hope we can go back soon.

It was sad to see all the damage from the hurricanes back in the Fall. There were so many trees down and a lot of the camp sites were closed because of the damage. 

We saw these Blue Catfish right off of the boardwalk.

They were 3 or 4 ft long! And there were a dozen or more that we could watch!

The campsites that are open are well tended but it will take years to clear all the downed trees and debris. 

It's a wonderful campground with lots of wildlife wandering the campground and the river and springs are close enough to walk to, more than once a day.

That little white triangle is another Grebe that this one was chasing off! 

We were happy to see that the boardwalk had been repaired. It was closed in the Spring when we were there.


Eagle overhead!

There's such a great view of the river.

A headless Little Blue Heron!

Whew! He DOES have a head after all! lol

And this Great White Egret is trying to hide in the swamp!

I love these Cypress knees!

Isn't the Suwannee River gorgeous! 

It's a beautiful place to camp or spend the day!

It's Florida in the winter time! Come on down!!!

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

  and Mosaic Monday HERE !