Friday, June 12, 2009

Everyone gets along....

Isn't this flower unusual?

It begins as a little pillow

and then it breaks open into a beautiful blue flower!

We have so many babies this year! Baby bunnies, chipmunks, thrashers,
Downy woodpeckers, cardinals and all kinds of other birds.
It's fun to see them interacting.

We actually saw a Brown Thrasher chasing a chipmunk out of the forsythia yesterday.
She must have a nest with babies in the branches.

The bunny wanted the chipmunk to play but the chipmunk ran away!

Wanna play?

Is he down here?

Where did her go?

Hope your day is full of marvels.

I am going to make an effort to answer questions on my blog
by commenting on each post.

I've had so many great comments and questions
that I think this is the best way to answer them all!

Thanks to all of you for stopping by to visit
and for making my blog so much FUN!


Janet said...

You know I love that flower!! And I have a special place in my heart for bunnies so this post was a delight!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Love the flower! Such a pretty color. Seeing the bunny and the chipmunk together was wonderful!

Unknown said...

This too is one of my favorites. I have several in my garden both tall and dwarf. Your photos are charming. You have a good eye!

Anonymous said...

What a charming post, Anything with animals just grabs my heart. Have a wonderful weekend! hugs, Jennifer

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

The flower is so pretty. Your photos are just beautiful. It must be wonderful to live that close to nature. It is so sweet that all the little babies get along.


trisha too said...

VERY pretty post--the chip is my favorite!


LW said...

what wonderful sweet pictures...


the fabled needle (jen) said...

so cute! i wish little bunnies lived around here. :)

Draffin Bears said...

What a sweet post.
I love the purple flower and to be amongst all that wildlife must be lovely.
The bunny and is it a chipmunk or squirrel? are so cute.
We do not have chipmuks over here.


Happy@Home said...

I used to have the purple balloon flowers in my perennial garden. After a few years they disappeared so I enjoyed seeing yours. Very cute pictures of the critters. We have been seeing a lot of chipmunks this year. They are so sweet.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It is a chipmunk, Carolyn. We have lots of squirrels, too and in this area we even have albino squirrels that are solid white. The chipmunk is a lot smaller than a squirrel and cuter!

Thanks for all the sweet comments!

johnmckenzie said...

what a charming are too good

Beedeebabee said...

Oh this is just the sweetest post!
I love your beautiful photos of the little critters! They're just too adorable!!! Paulette :o)

Emily said...

I have those flowers too. It's called "Balloon Flower" since the buds look like balloons :) Very cool flower. We've had baby downies here too. I saw two blue jays after a squirrel the other day too. Just dive bombing him relentlessly. Kind of funny to watch. Take care :)

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

Sweet photos. I love bunnies and chipmunks.

The Painted Garden said...

Goodness- gracious - looks like you live in the perfect place for little critters to play and have fun. Love the purple flower - it fits right in with the critters and looks like a little fairy lives there.
Love your post. Have a wonderful week.

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Thank you for commenting on my first post! I do really think I will enjoy it!
Have a great week, Lindsey

Anonymous said...

Thanks for commenting on my post! I love Sea Grove pottery so much! Love your little chip monk. I have 2 the play on my backporch during the summer.

Elizabeth and Gary said...

I Enjoyed your post today. Silly little rabbit chasing the squirrel.
Have a great day,

Lisa Lectura Creations said...

What a sweet post! Thanks for sharing your pics! Love the cute lil' chipmunk! Have a wonderful week!

Lisa :)

Q said...

Darling! I enjoy the way wildlife figures out how to get along...

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Sweetie, that blue flower is gorgeous. What beautiful pics you share today. How sweet the bunny and chipmunk are. We have lots of bunnies and squirrels. They tease Miss Beazy running back and forth. It can be comical at times.

Enjoy your pretty suroundings.
Blessings and hugs, Celestina Marie

Catherine Holman said...

Those critters are so cute! I just get the large ones like racoons.

Unknown said...

Such a beautiful garden Diane :)