Friday, April 2, 2010

A Change of View



What a spectacular view from our balcony!


We drove….




drove (the back roads!)


through small towns… 


don’t eat here…..


or stop for gas here…


and reached the mountains of North Carolina yesterday afternoon. The weather is fabulous but most of the trees look like it’s the dead of winter. I see some forsythia blooming in the landscaping but the mountains are bare!

We took 2 days to get here so that we could enjoy the trip and not be so tired when we arrived. We had some wonderful meals along the way and saw some amazing sites!


This was a carpet of tiny blue flowers. The pecan trees have not leafed out yet! We saw 2 eagles, several hawks, beautiful Spring flowers and blooming trees in Georgia and South Carolina and a couple of things I will save for another post!


The peach trees were in full bloom and the Apple trees had more flowers than I can ever remember seeing in years past.


Hope you are all enjoying your week and have a special weekend.


We’ve been gone for 4 months so I have a lot to do  but I hope I can catch up with everyone soon! It’s always fun to be off the computer for a few days and then click on all my favorites to see what’s new!

DSCN5022 Coming into the mountains of Western NC!


Ignore the bugs on the windshield…heehee! And would you PLEASE tell me ONE thing that’s NEW with you so that I can get a head start! Talk to you soon! XXXOOOXXX


Stacey said...

What a beautiful drive! It doesn't seem like you've been gone for four months to me...but I'm sure it does to you. I can't imagine having two homes. Sounds wonderful and like a lot of work. :)

Still working in my yard. Loving every second of it.

Happy Easter to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Getting away is nice but it makes coming home twice as nice. Welcome home.
I have you down for two entries for the giveaway of Hanna and if you get a pic of Hanna on your blog that will give you three.

Janet said...

OMG! Your photos are spectacular! What beautiful scenery you've shared.

Old Centennial Farmhouse said...

Your pictures today are favorites? The ones of the bloomin' orchards! What a lovely country we have to see!

What's new..with me...hmmm, did you know I'm going to become a grandma in late May or early June!? I'm so excited!

Have a wonderful Easter weekend! HE AROSE!

Bearly Sane said...

Fabulous photos Diane ... if you weren't driving on the "wrong side of the road", I'd swear those photos were taken in Australia! LOL! Honestly, we have scenes and shops just like that here.
Love that sunset too ... beautiful colours.
Hope you are enjoying your Easter.
Warmest hugs,
Sandi @ Bearly Sane

Theresa MacNaughton said...

Lovely photos! Enjoy your holiday weekend getaway! :) Theresa

Laura~Pretty Pix said...

Gorgeous! Thanks for taking us along.
Happy Easter!

Velva said...

Thanks for taking us on the journey too-Beautiful photos. My parents have a home in western N.C.-it sure is pretty.

One thing new with me....Hmmm....I just cleared the Winter out of my backyard. I have planted my summer vegetables and herbs. Looking forward to warmer weather.

Unknown said...

It's fun taking a road trip with you. What beautiful country. Pecan tree's, I've never seen one in my life! What's new with me, I've just started Gnomes Ahoy, my April give away...look back to the first post, which is today, April 2nd.

Gypsy Purple said...

Wishing you a happy and blessed Easter xx Gypsy Purple

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

Thanks for sharing those beautiful photos. Hope you have a blessed Easter.

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

What beautiful pictures. I hope you have a wonder Easter.


Barb said...

I came to visit you from Q - I so enjoyed your drive through small-town springtime. I live in CO, so I'm still seeing plenty of white, and it's not on trees! Enjoy your weekend.

M.L. @ The House of Whimsy said...

Oh my goodness, what a treat for the eyes over here. Thank you so much for taking us along. I can't get over all those beautiful blossoms.
Have a wonderful Easter.

Della said...

When I saw the sunset on the mountains, I knew we weren't in Florida anymore! What a wonderful post full of beautiful pics. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Diane,

What a lovely road trip you had and I have enjoyed seeing your beautiful photos.
I hope that you are having a lovely
Easter weekend.


Dolores said...

All of your pictures are breath takingly beautiful!!!
Thanks for sharing.....

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Welcome home! This is such beautiful scenery. Have a wonderful week! Twyla

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Those photo's are just glorious! Oh for a drive like that in California....We must go for one soon and see if we can catch the poppies at least! With all our rain..I hope so!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Such pretty photos Diane! I love the apple tress in blossom! Welcome back!

I'e been busy spring cleaning and organizing ..the nice weather revitalized me :-)

jen said...

i love flowering trees, one of my favorite things! these photos are lovely - it looks like you had such a pleasant drive!