Wednesday, September 15, 2010

“Wednesday Wanderings” The N C Mountain State Fair

What a DAY!


We spent FIVE hours at the fair yesterday!




We saw so many things and I took LOTS of photos!


Our heads are still spinning…


We enjoyed music by the band, Simple Folk. We know Dave, the lead guitarist and enjoyed hearing him perform!


Lots of music that we grew up with….James Taylor, the Monkees, the BeeGees, the Eagles and Jimmy Buffett…FUN…sing along classics!


And here’s a photo taken up close (thanks hubby) of the new me! lol Don’t worry…my hair grows fast! heehee! DSCN8344

Enjoy your day!


I have photos of bunny rabbits, quilts and prize winning pumpkins to sort through! I did not alter the color of these photos…it was a Carolina BLUE SKY today! Gorgeous!


HAVE FUN! Black Sheep


Anonymous said...

What a fun looking day!

I would have loved a spin on the farris wheel and my hubby would have loved the music!

Your pictures are gorgeous and so are you!

Fun to visit with you again.

JG said...

What fun! Nice photos! Cloud formations are so fascinating.

Your fair sounds so much like our New England state fair "The Big E" in nearby West Springfield, MA. It opens next week.

You did have a fun day!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Sounds like fun! We have never been to the fair - isn't that funny!

That miniture horse is adorable. And I love your new haircut!

Georgia Peach said...

I love the new "do"! And, again you have beautiful pics. I love visiting your blog!

Theresa MacNaughton said...

Oh, I love fairs! It's the season - and I can't wait to start attending! :) Theresa

Lallee said...

Important things first--your hair looks adorable! I like it! You're just not used to it yet.

I haven't been to a state fair in years and years. I loved seeing your photos. Did you break diet and eat any cotton candy?

Donnie said...

I love your new do. It's very flattering. We don't go to the Fair anymore because hubby's arthritis prevents him from having a good time. Thanks for taking me there in your photos.

Anonymous said...

I would've snuck that there pony in the back seat of my car. What a cutie!! Tammy

Vee said...

You are looking mighty fine and I think that haircut is really cute on you! Keep having fun...

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Looks like lots of fun. We use to go to the fairs.

Janean said...

the farris wheel is about the only thing i'll ride these days....and it scares me now! LOL.

looks like a grand time and your haircut is sweet!!! looks great!!

It's Just Dottie said...

I grew up where the fair was the most important event in our small town. My brothers all showed sheep, cows and even chickens at one time are another. My mother entered her quilts and canning .She won many ribbons. I marched in the parade with the band when I was in Jr, High and rode on the float as Fair Queen my senior year of high school. We try to go as family at least on day each year. I love the fair.

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

The fair looked like a lot of fun! Glad you had a great time. And I love your new haircut. It looks great!!! Love & blessings from NC!

Debbie said...

I love Fall Fairs...all the handycrafts...baking...etc.always brings back so many fond childhood memories.
Looks like you had a wonderful time.

Anonymous said...

Looks and sounds like you had a great day at the fair!!

Mary said...

What fab pics - especially that first one of the ferris wheel - made me wish I was there enjoying some mountain air, instead of here still roasting in 93 degrees in Raleigh!!

Your haircut is lovely - and congrats. on shedding those pounds - you look gorgeous and can't wait to catch up with you at Penny's next month.

Hugs - Mary (A Breath of Fresh Air)

Catherine Holman said...

Looks like a fun day. I haven't had much time for blog reading lately, but wanted to stop by and say hi! Love your new look!

Blooming Rose Musings said...

Sounds like you had a fun day! Your haircut is adorable!

Happy@Home said...

Looks like a fun day. I haven't been to a state fair in a long time. Don't you just love our Carolina blue skies? Your new haircut looks great on you.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

You look FANTASTIC. Your hair is just lovely! Good heavens, but you look young in that photo!! Wow!
It looks like a perfectly wonderful day. It has been so long since I have been to a Fair. What fun!! :)

Becca said...

Great photos of the fair! It looks like so much fun.
That's a really nice picture of you too!

Unknown said...

Beautiful photos of the fair Diane, and you look absolutely FABULOUS :)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

You look very pretty Diane! Your new haircut suits you wonderfully.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

You look very pretty Diane! Your new haircut suits you wonderfully.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hi Diane, Wow, looks like you guys had a good time at the fair. Love the life stock and the miniature horse is adorable as is the goat. I want a little black faced lamb so bad I can taste it, not that I would. I would just love to have one of them and a pigmy goat.
Lots of cute creations too. I love your hair. I think it looks great on you and really give you an uplift. Not saying you needed it but it brightens up your face and smile.
I love the painted armoire. That looks so Norman Rockwell. One of my favorites.
I am going to be starting a Christmas swap and a giveaway too so check in now and then. I haven't posted either yet but I am just forewarning everyone to be alert. Nothing worse then a sleepy crafter. hehe
hugs my friend and sorry I haven't been around more. God just didn't designate enough hours to a day. Thats just my opinion though.