Friday, February 18, 2011

Honey, will you carry my books?

We had a little ‘day out’ yesterday

and we started with a trip to a book sale in Dunnellon!


I LOVE visiting libraries!


I have such wonderful memories of spending time at the

library when I was growing up and I still enjoy

walking into a ‘new’ library for the first time!


And what did I find? 2050 pages!

Well if I was looking for the three BIGGEST books in the library....


I think I found them!

New York by Edward Rutherfurd is one of my

ALL TIME favorite books thanks to

Pat at  Mille Fiori Favoriti .         

She mentioned this book on her blog

and I couldn’t wait to read it!


 My hubby hasn’t read it yet so it’s really for him! lol

I’ll read the Forest next!


And I couldn’t leave without at least a couple of old cookbooks.



So how did I do? FIVE books for $4....what a DEAL!


What are you reading right now?

Any other authors I should be looking for at book sales?

ENJOY your day! smile_wink


Freckled Hen said...

A book sale! I have looked at the New York book before but now I have a reason to borrow it. Libraries are among my favorite places, too. I love the cover of the Betty Crocker cookbook...happy reading!

Vee said...

I'm reading a Max Lucado book...short and short chapters. I'm not ambitious enough to read New York! Yes, there are always wonderful bargains at library sales.

Donnie said...

I love to look through the boos at thrift shops and book sales. A few make it to my home but we have a library here in the park and in town so I don't buy many. Great finds.

Ruth Welter said...

Hi LD, right now I'm reading "The Age of Innocense" by Edith Wharton. Actually I'm lisening to it as an audio book on my i pod. I don't actually seem to read anymore, but listen to all my books. I like it because I can paint and read a book at the same time. Enjoy your new ones.


Jaime Haney said...

These books not only sound good, but they are pretty too!

Theodora quilts said...

such great deals for great reading,enjoy,theodora

Shellbelle said...

I love libraries and used book stores! A few months ago I finally gave up almost every single book I own. I'm in a downsizing mode, so I loaded my car to the hilt three times and drove to the Salvation Army. They were so excited that it made it easier for this book hoarder to relinquish them. I did keep my absolute favorites, of course, and now they will fit on one bookcase. When I get sad that I did it, I just think of all those who are now reading and enjoying them, just as you are the treasures you found.

Simply Shelley said...

The library is one of my favorite places to visit.....I love the little one I have been visiting since my children were wee got a bargain on those books indeed....blessings

Barb said...

I love the pictures. I share your love of books, too.

There is nothing like a new book. I'm not reading anything new right now but have a stack waiting for me. :-)

Have a great weekend!
Barb ♥

Tammy @BeatriceBanks said...

I guess being a teacher makes the library feel like a field trip to me. I love to take my kids. We could stay for hours. Looks like you scored on some books. Happy Reading!

Anonymous said...

I downloaded a free book from Kobo for my iPad...but haven't started reading it just yet! I do have that incredible thirst and yearning to start though...maybe this weekend will be perfect for that!

thanks for your email.
I always recommend assessing what sort of art you'll be doing...if it's just pen work, or watercolour washes...or pencil drawings where you need the paper to have some tooth for texture...

once you can say what medium you'll be working in...then comes the hunt for the perfect paper.

with me it is so many things, so many different types of art and art mediums....that I opt for handmade journals most of the time. I make them myself...and include whatever sort of medley of papers to suit my mood. By using loose binder rings, pages can come in and out easily while you're working on them, and yet they are all held together in a delicious package!

You should make one..fill it with appropriate papers..or wait until I make one for my Etsy shop...
I have been slowly working on a few's just a matter of making the time to do it!

pen and ink paper
watercolour pages
collage pages
pencil drawing pages....

the list is virtually endless!

hope that was helpful.

there is no one book out there on the market that does it all - FOR ME... so I have to make my own!

ciao bella

creative Carmelina

and never, ever feel bad about sending me an email...I answer so many each really is my pleasure to help and inspire where and when I can!


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Thanks for the "shout out" Diane! You found some wonderful books at bargain prices! You'll have a lot of happy reading and cooking ahead of you --enjoy it!:)

PS: Did you hear on the news last night that the author of the book "The Help" is being sued by the former maid of a relative of hers? It seems she used a version of the maids name, Ablene, and some other facts about her without her permission!

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hi Diane... looks like you hit the "book" jackpot, my friend! All three books look great...ohhh, and the cookbooks too! It has been awhile since I have been to our library. I used to go nearly every day when I worked at school. So happy for you...for finding some book treasures, my friend!

I just wanted to come by to say hello and see how you're doing! It's been a little while since I had been by for a visit! I'm so glad that you stopped by my place...I always enjoy your sweet notes, dear lady! Thank you! Enjoy your new books!

Warmest wishes,

Paula ~ castleandcottagesigns said...

Great deals Diane! I love book sales..usually the first place I head to at the thrift store~ I'm always thinking, 'thankyou, thankyou' to the person who paid 25.00 for a book I get for 25 cents!! :)
I'm going to keep my eye out for New York!

Anonymous said...

Love libraries and book sales ... hence we have one of our own now!
Have you read London, Diane? I think you may enjoy that one too.

Been catching up on your posts and I must say your doll room is adorable. Thanks for dropping by the other your visits.

Warmest Hugs,
Sandi @ Ess D'Ess Bears and Bearly Sane Studio

ann said...

I love book sales- and libraries. Looks like you had a nice time.

Debbiedoos said...

That is awesome Diane! I wish I loved reading that much. I just can't concentrate long enough to get into a good is my loss. The NY book looks great!

Pamela said...

Oh! A book sale is the best place to be! Your choices sure look interesting.

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

What great books you found and for a great price. I love book sales!
I am reading The Gates to the Alamo by Stephen Harrigan. Can not put it down which is very unusual for me to be so lucky to find a book I enjoy that well.
Hope you have a great weekend

Betty said...

I love libraries too! Ours is closed for three weeks for remodeling. I can't wait until it is done. It has been neglected for years. I haven't read a book that I would recommend lately. I'll be looking to see what everyone else recommends!

Vicki said...

Love the cover on that Betty Crocker cookbook. Great finds. I miss reading. Ever since I started blogging and creating, I spend all my late night hours in the studio.

Lallee said...

The Rutherford books look very interesting. I must investigate. I've been on an espionage suspense kick for so long, I need to take a break and read another genre. You did great with your four dollars!

LindyLouMac said...

As a librarian I also have a passion for libraries and bookshops. I have an Edward Rutherford here to read one day when I have loads and loads of time 'Sarum'

Leo said...

Great find on these books. I love vintage books to read and also to use in decorating. Betty Crocker book is awesome. Lucky you. I am going to make a stop by Goodwill today and see what books I can pick up. Have a great Saturday!

Paula said...

One of my favorite books of all time is Edward Rutherford's 'London: The Novel'!

Summer said...

Well lets see ... Right now i am browsing through Daily Readings from the life of CHRIST ( a great book that shows us how to walk along side the LORD through exerpts from the Gospel of Matthew..... I also jus finished The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks (one word to describe this book Fabulous ! ) ....and one more thing i am doing besides reading : Waiting for Winter to be over !!