Monday, September 10, 2012

First Fall Festival!

I appreciate all of the sweet comments, dear friends! My computer is still dead…and I am still missing about 6 weeks worth of photos but life goes on. And hubby is still working on the problem so my mood has lifted!

Time for some FUN!

We drove up to McIntosh, FL for a Craft Fair on Saturday!


Ames from Girl Raised in the South would be proud of this photo. She likes to show the ‘real’ Florida and we both love scenes of America! We’ve had such a beautiful summer that the farmers have cut hay over and over again!

And NOW….to be the ENVY of my friends…


I got to shop at Del’s Shells on Saturday morning!


It was her first Craft Show and she had a beautiful booth!


Of course her jewelry was what I was excited to see. I have several pieces (I’m wearing a Del’s Shells necklace) but to see it ALL laid out right in front of me…


be still my heart!

Don’t I look like a little kid that’s been left ALONE in the candy shop?


We hugged and laughed and swatted love bugs!



And I bought new earrings


and a sweet starfish ring.


Now I’m off to her Etsy store HERE to look some more!

Do you love Craft shows and

Fall Festivals as much as I do and

spending time with your best blog buds?


cucki said...

Oh dear I hope your computer get better soon
Thank you for sharing the pictures..they all so niceee
Cute star fish
Hugs xxx

Della said...

I was so happy to see you on Saturday! You all sure got some good pictures~ I think I'm going to have to steal, I mean borrow! these. Mine didn't turn out this good. I'm sure glad it's fall festival time, and it's beautiful in Florida this time of year...or any time really. Thank you so much for coming out to see me! Hugs!

Kim@Snug Harbor said...

Sorry about your computer woes... But a good way to cheer up anyone's day would be to visit Del and her shells. I would love to be able to see all her beautiful stuff in person!

Anonymous said...

I think its amazing her creations and you are so lucky to be so close,

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love the tractor scene and the jewelry is beautiful. i live in Florida and my mother was born and raised here, she loved shell jewelry and had a ton of it.

Vee said...

Very pretty! Your earrings look like a wee bit of autumn in their fall colors.

Olive said...

Oh dear computer problems are awful. I am getting a new MiFi this week as mine died. Love the jewelry. We went to a huge craft show too but pictures were impossible and I was too hot. You look awesome Di. hugs, Olive

Pat said...

Lovely earrings...Congratulatins to Del on her first craft show...hope it was a success.

Sherry@Back2Vintage said...

Yay for you, Del, pretty jewelry and craft shows. Boo for lovebugs!!!

Ames said...

She does such nice work. I'm going there now.Thanks for the shout out!~Ames

Unknown said...

Yup! You WON the giveaway. Just send Donna your address & I'll get in touch with her also. She is a marvelous creator of beautiful things.

I know you had a grand time & the pics are fabulous of you both. Love your cloud photos previous post, Deb.


Completely Coastal said...

You guys keep having an awesome time, I see! What a great set up Del had!!

Musings from Kim K. said...

Looks like a great way to spend your Saturday. How fun!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Lucky you to get to be in the 'candy store' and met Del!!! Love her stuff. You look so cute and happy! Hope the computer is fixed soon! Hugs, Linda

Chenille Cottage said...

Just look at that tiny little starfish. How sweet!
You are so sunny and upbeat about your computer calamity! I pray your hubby pushes the right button and its cured!
Monday morning hugzzz,
Carolynn xo

Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

What a great way to spend the and visiting with a friend. Her booth looks like so much fun!

LBP said...

I hate computer problems! UGH! I know enough about fixing them to be dangerous!

I love your new earrings and ring. That tiny starfish is so cute! Glad you got to meet up with one of your favorite bloggers and jewelry makers. How fun!


Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

It must be fun to meet a blog friend in person.

Yes I do love craft shows. They are few and far between in my town though. I like doll shows, and teddy bear shows too.


SwedishCorner ~ DownUnder...Pernilla said...

What a lovely place to spend the day - and shop! :)

NanaDiana said...

I so want to hit a couple of Fall craft fairs this year- I was working the last few years and didn't get a chance to do that- I love your sweet jewelry- xo Diana

yoborobo said...

Thanks for visiting me! I love that tractor picture - looks like Maryland! :) And your friend's jewelry is very cute. I'll have to check out her etsy shop. :) Pam

romance-of-roses said...

This jewelry is so pretty, like the earrings you bought. Yes, do love craft shows, my daughter and I went to two this past weekend. Urban Barn and Vintage Market Place in Rainbow, CA...we had so much fun. Hugs, Lu

★Carol★ said...

I have to admit that when I think of Florida, I never think of farmland. I think of beaches and palm trees! Your new pieces of jewelry are gorgeous, and little works of art!

SImple and Serene Living said...

Love your new earrings. Hope they eased some of your computer sorrow some. :)


I heard that they were having craft shows there, but couldn't remember the dates. I am looking forward to next month lots of shows!!! Maybe the love bugs will be gone by then.

Cherry's Prairie Primitives said...

Love the jewelry!! Hope the computer can be saved!!

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

Uggg . . . hope you can retrieve what you've lost on the computer!! But I agree - what a fun way to take your mind off your troubles! Sure looks like it was a perfect day -- and you do look like a kid in a candy store :)

joyh82 said...

You look great! The jewelry is so cute. Have a great week Dianne and good luck with the computer.

Introverted Art said...

oh wow, craft shows are amazing and you look like you had so much fun.

Mary said...

What a lovely place for shopping. The shells are sweet.

The Polka Dot Closet said...

First, I backed up my computer today, thank you for the reminder! What a fun weekend and gorgeous booth!


cynthia lee designs said...

Del's booth looks great!! Hope she had a great show. I love doing crafts shows and festivals...and I love going to them as a shopper too.
So sorry you are still having computer problems.

Robyn said...

Gosh Im sorry you're still having computer problems.. The craft fair looks like so much fun an I LOVE the shell jewelry. I've never seen it before.. It's beautiful!...

I hope it's OK that I put a link to your blog on my blog.. I love reading yours and Im sure others will too..

Hope the computer gets straightened out soon! :)

Aprons For Women said...

I love these pics! You look amazing in blog ; )

A garden just outside Venice said...

Hi Diane!
Thank you for visiting me, your comment put a big smile on my face!
I hope everything is well with you!
Michela x

Trace4J said...

Good Morning
What fun times in a candy store.
Hope your computer is fixed soon.
We sure miss you,
Beautiful jewelry made by a very talented Friend.

Donna said...

How fun! Oh yes, I love craft shows. And antique shows too! We're going to an antique show this weekend so I sure hope that it's good!