Saturday, April 4, 2015

3 Months of Hiking

The winter months are the best time to get out on the trails here in Florida. The weather is nice and the cooler temps are perfect.


Swallowtail Kite, photo taken yesterday

During the first 3 months of this year we went on 18 hikes, averaging 1 hour and 45 minutes for each.

We also went to the beach a few times. When we first moved here I wondered why anyone would ‘hike’ when they had the choice to go to the beach and walk. But our favorite beach Cananveral National Seashore is 100 miles from our house and our favorite hiking trails, Ross Prairie and Halpata Tastanaki Preserve are 5 miles from our house. So it’s been nice to find the joy of hiking again and the day trips to the beach are even more special.


Several of you have wondered how to find hiking trails in your area. We found most of ours by driving around and then going to the State Parks site for our state HERE. You could do this too and find out what trails are near you.


Scrub Jays in Halpata Taskanaki Preserve

Getting out in nature is always an adventure. This year we’ve seen deer, a raccoon in a tree, a covey of Bobwhites twice and several Scrub Jays. We’ve seen hawks, osprey, all kinds of common birds and a swallowtail kite. We watched a pocket gopher and even got photos of him, and listened to owls calling to each other. We’ve seen families hiking, a horse and carriage and bicyclists. Wildflowers and water lilies blooming in a pond. Pileated woodpeckers and wild turkeys on the run. It’s been amazing.


An Easter egg tree right on the trail.

We’ve met a really nice Forest Ranger that told us about a trail nearby that he enjoyed and now we’ve hiked it several times. He explained about the control burns and gave us info on some of the critters we’ve wondered about. (he is NOT the person that told us about B*ig F*oot! haha)

I hope you have a beautiful and blessed weekend.


If you have a chance, get outside and enjoy the beauty that surrounds you.

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE.

And I'd Rather B Birdin' .


Arlene G said...

Thanks for the information on finding local hiking spots Diane. Now that I have my Fitbit, I am looking for ways to walk that are not boring!!

ann said...

You are so right to get out to see the world around you, to enjoy nature. I have enjoyed tagging along with you. Happy Easter.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Diane, it is great to get outside to the beach or the hiking trails. I love your swallowtail kite shot. Sounds like you have had some awesome critter sightings during your hikes.. Wonderful post and photos, thanks for sharing. Happy Easter! Thank you for linking up! Have a great weekend!

Kim@Snug Harbor said...

We were supposed to go hiking today but the torrential rains we had last night put a stop to that. Looks like we'll be visiting antique stores instead. Happy Easter my dear friend. xo

Susie said...

Diane, I loved your pictures. The 1st one with the sky reflection is beautiful. I love that you have hiked that much. Wish I could. I would not last that long walking, or so it seems. It's getting nice enough for us to walk the park and around town now. So hopefully, I will get a few walks in. Blessings to you and your husband for a wonderful Easter, xoxo,Susie

Diane said...

Yes-- the "clouds reflecting" photo is gorgeous! Love it. Happy weekend!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I love that you have enjoyed your hikes so much! The photos are always fun to see.

The Bear's Blog said...

Happy Easter

From All of Us

Unknown said...

Beautiful! I love the reflection in the pond.

BeachGypsy said...

I so agree with many neat trails away from the beach resorts and more well known cities. Love learning about them....thank you for showing them to us!

Christine said...

You have great trails to hike! Hope to get out this weekend
Happy Easter!

Anni said...

I am so jealous of the kite sighting!!! How I'd love to see one in 'real time'.

Excellent photos all the way around.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I'm hoping to get a hike in this next week while we are out and about touring. I'm so excited that the weather is behaving, even though I know we have rain in store tomorrow, it should clear off after.
Have a lovely Easter!

sweetbriardreams said...

Such lovely hikes to enjoy! I try to get out as much as I can, but I am not blessed with beautiful weather such as yours :-) Have a wonderful Easter xx

Mary Howell Cromer said...

We enjoy hiking very much and used to take our 3 daughters, and now when we can the grands go too. Scrub Jays and the Kites, I never got to see any of, nor the Spoonbills, I need to come back down there ;

Happy easter~

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Wonderful photos and great information. We love discovering what is nearby so we can enjoy it.

Forest Mother said...

Hi I'm a first time visitor to your blog and I enjoyed your pics especially the swallowtail kite and scrub jay. Neither of those birds live here where I live. I like birds a lot so it was very interesting to me. Have a blessed Easter.

Becca said...

Love to hike, just don't do it enough! Great shots, especially the reflection of the clouds in the water. Happy Easter!

doodles n daydreams said...

Oh i agree with you on getting out and enjoying the beauty that surrounds us. I love to get out in it when I can. you have some lovely snaps to share.


EG CameraGirl said...

The Swallowtail kite is a lovely bird!! I would choose to go hiking over going to the beach, especially since a great [lace to walk is so close by.

Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

I'm sure you could hike the same trails over and over again and discover something new every time. Thanks for sharing Diane.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

There is nothing better than getting out into nature adn see what turns up. HAPPY EASTER.

Sheila said...

You are lucky indeed to live in such a beautiful area and to be able to go on such interesting hikes. Happy Easter!


Thanks for this post--love the photos and the information was great as I am coming to Fl the first week in May and one of my goals is to go to some nature parks for photos--will also be looking at some senior places to move down there!!!

Art and Sand said...

The reflection of the clouds in the second photo is absolutely awesome!

Happy Easter!

Deb said...

Wonderful shots Diane! There is absolutely nothing in this world as wonderful as getting out there and hiking the trails and enjoying the beauty that Mother Nature provides us all free of charge. Get your noses out of your 'devices' people and take a look around, it's a wonderful world!

Sam I Am...... said...

I love your hikes you take us on. I don't know birds very well but want to learn. There's so much here in the "natural state" but I don't seem to see much of it. I'm going to look for trails here but most of what I've seen is hundreds of miles away. Happy Easter!

FAB said...

Hi Dianne. You have obviously found some super locations to stretch your legs and enjoy all the varied wildlife. Super shot of the Swallow-tailed Kite.

A Colorful World said...

Beautiful hiking areas! Love the scrub jay.

Gayle said...

The scrub jays are beautiful.

Carola Bartz said...

Your hikes sound so lovely, Diane. It's wonderful to get out into nature and experience its wonders, especially the wildlife. The scrub jays belong to my favorite birds. They are such clever and funny birds with real personalities.

Montanagirl said...

I've been telling my husband we should get out and walk more!

joyh82 said...

Wow, everything looks so nice and fresh. Great photos!
Joy @ Books and Life

handmade by amalia said...

This really is a wonderful way to live your life, I'm feeling such hike envy! Should check out what is available around here.