Thursday, March 30, 2017

Bet's Bunnies and Dust Bunnies

My husband can always tell when I am feeling better. I start tearing apart my house and vacuuming everything in sight. I don't wake up and think, Oh good, I feel better. I think I'll clean! No I wake up and look around and everything is covered in an inch of dust and I can't stand it one minute longer.  Today I tore apart my bed and washed everything...even the blankets! Then I vacuumed behind my bed, oh and the window sill, under the bed as far as I can reach too! I must be on the mend!

The room doesn't look any different so I didn't take pics. But how about Bet's bunnies?

She's one of my favorite Etsy shops, Bet's Dolls and I got one of her Prim bunnies a couple of months ago. 

Now that I feel better, maybe I need another one. Hubby is still taking the extra dose of medication that is helping with inflammation and he feels better too. 

 I see lots of bunnies on my favorite blogs. 
We need to do a 'bunny hop'!

I’m joining Thankful Thursdays.


Arlene G said...

Love your Bunnies Diane and I am the same way. After I have been sick I want to sanitize So glad you are feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Diane, I am so glad you are feeling better! Your bunnies are so cheerful and is that candy I spy?

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Diane! I am so glad you and your hubby are feeling better. Your bunny and decorations are pretty. It looks like you are all ready for Easter! Have a happy day!

Kim@Snug Harbor said...

Glad you're feeling better. If you really want to feel better, come over and clean MY house. LOL!

That bunny is adorable.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

So glad to hear you are feeling better. I need to clean my house but can't seem to stay home long enough to do that. I'm watching Tiger today who is sick. I think we should do a bunny hop for sure! Hugs!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your husband is feeling better.
I tend to clear everything vs vacuum. Have plenty of bins in garage to hold the madness. ;)
LOVE the bunnies, and count me in for the bunny hop. ;)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Gee---I wish I wanted to clean the house ---when I'm feeling good --or bad!!!!!! ha ha ---Working in the yard and digging in the dirt is where I like to put my energy. Cleaning my house is NEVER on my list of things I want to do!!!!!! Of course, if I were creative like you, I'm sure my house would be more of a priority for me... Oh Well---all of us are unique and we all have our gifts and talents... Mine seem to be outside hiking and gardening and birding... Even when I was little, my Mom 'tried' to teach me to cook, sew, read, etc. ---and all I wanted to do was to go outside and play!!!!!!

Your bunnies are adorable... Made me smile....

Hope hubby is feeling better too!!!

Jeanie said...

Bet's bunnies are adorable -- and best of all, now they are yours! I hope things are going much better for you -- glad you're getting your groove back!

Sam I Am...... said...

So glad you are both on the mend! I love your bunny always have such cute holiday scenes set up. I love your little vintage ceramic bunny too! If you have any leftover energy you could come to my house! LOL!

Karen said...

Glad you guys are on the mend! Happy Spring, friends -

Susie said...

Diane, Glad you and your hubby are better. I love your sweet bunny girl. I also like the ceramic bunny and chick. :):) Hope you all continue to improve there. I almost feel like I would have to be on fire to clean any more. LOL. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

SImple and Serene Living said...

So happy you are feeling better. I am cleaning and reorganizing a closet today. XO Laura

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

so glad yer on the mend

Sandy said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better and hoping hubby gets all better soon. I love your bunny. I have two in my seeing room that I made for classroom years ago. They have always been a favorite. I will have to look at the Etsy shop.

Vee said...

Yay! So glad that you two are vertical and feeling so much improved. I am impressed with your spurt of energy, Diane, but pace yourself!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

So glad to hear you are both feeling better, Diane! Your bunny is adorable. There is no such thing as too many bunnies around Easter time ;)


So glad that you are both feeling better--
and I am in the cleaning mood too--so guess it is going around!!
and I love love bunnie--all kinds and sizes--
and love yours toooo!!
enjoy the moments, diane

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

You must be much better to be able to do all of that cleaning! That's great news. I'm so happy to hear you are both better. Your bunnies are so sweet. All of your Spring decor is cute. Have a wonderful afternoon. ♥

Danice G said...

So glad you are both doing better. Those bunnies are adorable. Yes, we should do a "bunny hop". What a neat idea :)

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

After all that cleaning, go out and sit in the sunshine. Get some natural vitamin D.

Lowcarb team member said...

It is so good to read that both you and hubby are doing so much better.

You certainly did have a good clean ...

The bunnies are lovely.

All the best Jan

Janey and Co. said...

Diane, Sorry you guys have been sick. I share your cleaning gene. My friends joke about how clean my house always is. I even tackled my husband's large walk in closet yesterday. I didn't only clean but pitched and tossed. he will never know since he was out of town.

Love the pics of the bunnies. I have a granddaughter and her "family" coming for Easter. I have been decorating too. Have a great weekend...Janey

Rose said...

I am so glad to hear you are both feeling better...

NanaDiana said...

Yep-I wonder how many of us are just like that. We feel better we want our homes to 'feel better', too. lol
I love your sweet bunnies and I hope your hubby is feeling a bit better or at least they know what is going on with him. xo Diana

Janey and Co. said...

Diane, Sorry you guys have been sick. I share your cleaning gene. My friends joke about how clean my house always is. I even tackled my husband's large walk in closet yesterday. I didn't only clean but pitched and tossed. he will never know since he was out of town.

Love the pics of the bunnies. I have a granddaughter and her "family" coming for Easter. I have been decorating too. Have a great weekend...Janey

Red Rose Alley said...

What a cute bunny, Diane. I also love that porcelain bunny. For some reason, porcelain figurines really get to me. : ) So glad to hear your husband is feeling better.

Have a relaxing weekend. You earned it with all that vacuuming hehehe

love, ~Sheri

Michelle said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better and those bunnies are so cute! Thanks for linking up today and have a great weekend!

Dianna said...

Glad to hear that you both are feeling better, Diane. Love all the bunnies and ducks I see around your lovely home.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

So glad you are feeling better, that was a nasty dose you had! Bet's Bunnies are very sweet!

Blondie's Journal said...

Awwwww...Diane! I feel your pain. My kids once laughed when I said I couldn't be sick when my house was a mess! You did a great job. Sometimes we have to grab that opportunity when we feel a little spunk. Then rest, rest, rest most of all.

Hugs! Feel better soon!

Jane x

Linda said...

Adorable bunnies. Good to hear you are both feeling better.

Cherdecor said...

We are so happy to hear that you and your husband are feeling better and having better days. I am like you in that when I have a good day, I start cleaning everything.

Last week, Alan agreed to help me wash down the walls. I love a clean smelling room. We washed the walls in the family room, dining room, hallway, bedroom and living room. The other rooms we will do later. We do one big job a week then rest. That is how we roll these days.

I know how happy you must have felt to get all the bed sheets and blankets washed and better still, how happy you felt after sliding in between the sheets that night. It is the pride and satisfaction of a job well done. Have a great weekend! Tah! Tah!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I'm so glad both of you are on the mend. Big hugs! If you get to feeling too too too much better, my house is always dusty -- come on over ;>)))

20 North Ora said...

So glad you are feeling better. That is a darling bunny. I think you need another one also.

Have a good weekend.


Happy@Home said...

So glad to hear you are both feeling better. I tend to feel that way too after being sick. It's like I'm on a mission to rid the house of germs and have a fresh start.
Cute bunnies.

Carla from The River said...

Yay...great news. I am so thankful you are feeling better.
I am like you, I start to clean like crazy after I am down for a few days too. ;-)
I also do it if we are away for a few days. I have to clean, clean, clean. Ha. Silly girls we are.
Love, Carla

Yesteryear Embroideries said...

Glad you are both feeling better! Your bunnies are adorable!

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Oh sweetie - that is such good news - you both feeling better - hope Ron continues to improve. I love the bunny and all the cute things around - what a fun decoration. I had a busy cleaning up day this week too - even baked a fresh apple cake, made potato salad and grilled bratwurst - I love those busy busy days. Happy weekend my dear. Monday is opening day so I guess the baseball gang will be getting ready for the season and there will be a dollie post on Wednesday.

betty-NZ said...

So glad you both are feeling better. I think we all do a bit of cleaning when we are on the mend :) Love your bunny.

Linda H said...

So glad you are feeling somewhat better, and that your hubby is getting some relief. Brighter days ahead!

Geraldine said...

Cleaning can be so therapeutic. Great exercise too. I'm so glad you are feeling better Diane. Have a good week.😂🌞


Preciosa conejita, besos

Deborah Montgomery said...

I am glad to hear you are feeling a little better. You are a strong and courageous lady to continue posting and sharing beauty even though you and your husband haven't been feeling well. xo Deborah