Monday, April 3, 2017

Lavender's Blue dilly dilly

I love these pretty pale shades of lavender! Time to dust off the camera and get back outside for some walks. I walked a small loop around the neighborhood last night and it felt great.

This was going down the road one day last week. Can you tell what it is?

It's a humongous TREE on it's way to be planted somewhere!

I hope your day is filled with happiness, and maybe some lavender blue flowers and big green trees!

I’m joining Mosaic Monday HERE.


Linda @ A La Carte said...

That is wonderful that you felt well enough to get out for a walk. It is cloudy here today and I'm waiting for a storm and also a Tiger to stay the day with me!! Hugs!

Susie said...

Diane, You make me want to go looking for some lavender know my mom love every shade or hue or purple, lilac and lavender there ever was...Daddy used to say she had 20 pair of purple pants and the rest were white. LOL. Glad you up to a walk about. Bless you my friend, xoxo, Susie

Stacey said...

Happy Monday Diane. :)

eileeninmd said...

Hello, your flowers are lovely. So glad you had a nice walk and are feeling better. That is a huge tree. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week ahead!

Linda H said...

Glad to hear you're getting out and about again. That's a beautiful bush/shrub. Do you know what it is? Blooms look somewhat like azalea..?
Wow, that's one massive tree!
Take care Diane.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Good Morning Friend. How's Hubby? Thinking about you both.

Wonder how much someone paid to MOVE that huge tree?????? wooooooooo

Great pictures of the Azaleas. Ours are just budding..

I posted some pictures today from your beautiful "other" state.


Daniela said...

Dearest Diane,
your dilly dilly are truly adorable and in such a lovely shade of mauve, thank you for sharing your stunning mosaic !

Wishing you the best of weeks
I'm sending hugs & love to you

XOXO Daniela at - My little old world - (Dany)

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

Good to get out before the Florida heat descends upon us.

Debby Ray said...

Hi Diane! Ooohhh...what a lovely shade of lavender these azaleas are! I have never had any that color but always think they are so pretty when I see them! And I wonder where they are going to plant that HUGE tree?? Have a blessed week, my friend!

Vee said...

A tree? That is huge. Wonder how much it cost... Glad that you are feeling like being out and about. That's a very good sign!

Jill said...

Hi Diane, I wanted to stop by to tell you how much I appreciate your prayers for my surgery last Monday. Diana posted a prayer request on her blog and I am full of gratitude! I am slowly recovering but wanted you to know how very much I appreciate you thinking of me. :-) You have a lovely blog, I look forward to following along and getting to know you better! Have a great week!


Jeanie said...

Oh my! I wish we could plant it at the lake! The neighbors up north took down dozens of very old, tall trees to build their McMansion and now we have to look at it. I'm hoping to buy many fast-growing trees this summer!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Looks like they are towing a missile. :-) Love the pretty flowers

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Glad to hear you are able to go walking!

helen tilston said...

Hello Diane, I am glad you explained to us on board that truck. My mind was working overtime.
Your images from your walk are beautiful and spring like
Have a great week
Helen xx

Sam I Am...... said...

Thank you for telling me as I would have been guessing all day! LOL! Love your lovely flowers and glad you are getting out and about again! Have a nice day...hugs~Sam


My what a 'little' tree they have there--wonder where it went and if it will grow once they replant it?????
I love lavender flowers too--along with any shade of purple--
have a flowery day-
enjoy the moments, di

BeachGypsy said...

I am so glad you are feeling better! Diane guess what?!--i just re-did our living room IN PURPlE!! I love it!!💜💜

Poppy said...

Hi Diane,

So glad you got a chance to have a little stroll in the neighbourhood, at least for a bit, anyway, since I know how much you love walking. Pretty flowers and yes, a HUMONGOUS tree!

Have a wonderful week!


Karen said...

Amazing feat, when they replant those huge trees... Glad you're feeling better!

Snap said...

lavender for a lavender lover -- seems only right! that's one big tree! Happy Monday!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I wonder how much that tree cost!! Such pretty flowers in your mosaic. Glad you got out and about with your camera!

Inger said...

Some tiny purple/lavender wildflowers are beginning to fill in in my backyard. No tall trees where I live, something I'm grateful for because the wind keeps howling and howling around here. It's just a windy place, nothing bad like in the South. Those storms are just horrible.

Anonymous said...

Diane, I love that song. It is one of the first ones I learned to play on the piano. :-)

Lovely lavender flowers! I wouldn't have guessed that BIG thing was a tree. It looks like a really large cocoon. (which would be kind of terrifying!) xo

Rose said...

I love those it an azalea?

Maggie said...

Hi Diane, Glad to hear that you're up and about once more and discovering lavender blue flowers again.
Great shadow capture, by the way.
You'll be bunny hopping before you know it!
Maggie Xx

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Diane, I just did a bunch of catching up with your posts since I've been gone away on spring break and just now catching up. I am so sorry to read the health issues you and your hubby are facing. I pray all will be well soon and the tests are helpful.
The flowers from your walk are beautiful. I have some creeping phlox that looks very similar.
Wishing you beautiful walks and good health to you and your hubby.
Blessings and prayers. xo

Lowcarb team member said...

Many thanks for your words and comments on the low carb diabetic blog. Pleased to read you are eating healthy, I'm sure your husbands weight will slowly go on ...
I wish you both well and back to 100% soon.

Pleased you were able to get out and about, I loved the photo's especially the colours in your mosaic.

That does look a very large tree, so nice that someone will get to have it planted and see it grow.

All the best Jan

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

Those flowers are so pretty and so happy it's spring. Hope you have a nice week.

Red Rose Alley said...

I'm glad you got to take a walk again, Diane. It's so therapeutic. You saw some pretty flowers along the way. And that big tree is something else.

Have a splendid week. : )

love, ~Sheri

Carla from The River said...

WOW! That is a big tree!

Take care my friend.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Gotta Love the lavender! So glad you are getting out and about.....I didn't get an early week post ready this week. Busy saying goodbye to all the wimpy snowbirds who are going north way to early ;))

Cherdecor said...

I am so glad that you are out walking again and showing some of your great photos. Wow, that is a huge tree! I wonder where it will be planted. Love your lavender flowers. Blessings to you!

Susan said...

We're all abloom here too! Love the Azaleas, Dogwood, and Redbud--beautiful colors for Spring, XOXO

Cranberry Morning said...

What an amazingly big tree. Can't imagine it being transplanted anywhere! Wow! Thinking of you. xo

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

What a lovely walk - glad you could get out and about. Such a pretty flower. I'd like a big giant tree but not sure what I would do with it - oh well, we are surrounded by the woods so I guess I have mine already. Happy days to you my friend.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Glad to hear you are out walking again, Diane! Beautiful flowers and that was one GIANT tree!

handmade by amalia said...

I hope the tree will be very happy in its new home, must be difficult to start over when you are that big.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

So glad that you are feeling better and out taking walks again. The flowers are so pretty! Glad you explained what that was on the back of the truck - I never would have guessed it. Who knew they could transplant such big trees! Hope the rest of your week finds you feeling better, too. Hugs xo Karen

Anonymous said...

Hi friend. So thankful you enjoyed your walk. My late mom loved lavender flowers! That tree is huge!
God bless you and your husband.