Monday, December 4, 2017

How many do you see?

How good are you at seeing the details?


How many windows do you see on the second floor?

How many doors do you see on that floor?


Is the Barber standing upstairs waiting to cut your hair?


I consider myself creative but I do not always see the details. And sometimes I need to see PROOF to believe.

My husband took one look and said, that door and those windows are not real. REALLY? (that’s MY response!!!) I had to get out and walk over and take MORE photos and then I still wasn’t 100% sure until I saw the photos on my computer! heehee!

Let’s look at a window ‘up close’!


What a cute little puppy and look…a bird is on the ledge!

Is that what YOU see?

Did you see a door and windows (and a puppy and a bird) or did you see plywood tacked up on the side of a building with scenes painted on them?


We’ve driven through Ridge Spring, SC many times but this was the  first time that we pulled into this parking lot to see this building up close. We stopped here to eat our picnic lunch and I’m so glad we did!


The library is across the street and I probably look that way when we drive through!


So do YOU see the details or wander through life with your head in the clouds like me?

I’m joining Mosaic Monday HERE .


Kim@Snug Harbor said...

Wow that was pretty cool. I thought they were real too.

Anonymous said...

I knew they were painted right away lol, I have no idea why I did but I did,, I think because I paint lol,, and I only have vision in one eye so I have to zone in on things,, that's must be why,, its such a clever idea,, I love things like that. I painted a window in a door in one house we had,, and I have on several occasions painted windows with scenes in them to create the illusion,, maybe that's why I knew it was art work,, its wonderful,

Stephanie said...

Oh my, what a unique building! I must say that I thought they were real at first {{smiles}}

Happy day to you, sweet friend! Hugs!

Betty said...

WOW, I thought they were will too.

Arlene G said...

I will admit that I only notice the details when cross stitching or doing jigsaw puzzles. You are right, we need to slow down and take in the world around us.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I thought the windows were real. I like the barber waiting to cute hair. I like the cute dog and bird at the window too. I am sure we all miss seeing some details. Hopefully not all the details. Enjoy your day and new week!

Linda said...

I didn’t know where you were going with this at first so I was surprised to see they really weren’t windows! Or perhaps windows with painted inserts? Yeah, I guess I don’t always see the details - just the bigger picture at times!

Ricki Treleaven said...

I fell for it...and I'm an artist! I'm supposed to be observant!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

How clever! Really adds detail to that plain building.

HappyK said...

I thought they were real. Did think it strange though that all the shades in the window were the same color as the building. : )

Jeanie said...

Yes, I thought they were real, too. Very nice architectural detail!

Terri D said...

Great building art!! I love that murals and building art have become so popular! Thanks for sharing this!

Sandy said...

Yep, I thought they were real. My family is constantly telling me I need to be more observant as I usually miss whatever is around me.

Kathy said...

I'm with the majority, I thought they were real. When you asked how many I even counted them several times because I thought there was some trick involved. This is very clever. It's amazing how our minds will fill in the blanks and make us believe these things are real.


Well--you got me--really thought they were windows!!!
Cute building--
enjoy the moments, di

Anonymous said...

Such a strange building with a creepy barber on it! Yikes!

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

Wow - that's so funny. I thought I was SO smart that there were 6 windows and the door was fake. So listen to this. The other day I was at a local business and when I came out, there were a bunch of geese by the creek that runs through town. When they flew off, there was a coyote standing there! I was freaked out (because we do have them around here and were just warned to watch our pets and not let them out at night alone!). I drove over and parked and stared and stared until I realized . . . fake. I asked someone later why it's there: To scare the geese away. It's not working haha!

NanaDiana said...

I LOVE trompe l'oeil...and that is a really good example of it. What fun post. I am usually pretty good with details but not always.

Hope you are having a great week- xo Diana

Angie said...

Like Kathy, I kept counting windows and doors - I thought I was missing something - and I was - that they are fake. So clever!!! Thanks for the entertainment!

KMS said...

I like that they decided to paint on "windows" after they boarded everything up.

Sarah said...

I admit I'm not always good at seeing the details. My husband doesn't miss a detail! Clever post!

BeachGypsy said...

hello there my friend....thanks for the help identifying the catalpa tree...I had NO IDEA WHAT THAT WAS! LOL the long bean type pods were interesting. Are y'all all unpacked and settled back in now and getting up holiday decor? We are.....slowly but surely, LOl Takes me forever to get unpacked and settled back in now that we are older. I love your post today....and yes, it fooled me for sure, the first picture it looked like real windows and a real man up there! ha ha LOL That is so cool!

MadSnapper said...

I thought they were all real windows and a door, and wondered why you wanted us to count them since it was plain to see. after I read the post I can't UNSEE what I see, fake windows. wow. hubby sees details I miss every single day. he once said to me, that is just like what the lifeguard wears in her hair every day, I had been talking face to face with her for 2 years and said she has something in her hair? next day sure enough, a big black scruncy bow looking thing on the back of her head.

Maggie said...

I saw that the man wasn't real but thought some of the windows were and the others false. Just goes to show you can't always believe your eyes!
Have a fab week.

Cherdecor said...

Oh how we are easily deceived! We must take a lesson from this. It doesn't seem like your hubby is easily deceived. Hugs~

Vee said...

Hello, fellow Wanderer! 😉

Lorrie said...

I tend to wander until something is pointed out to me. Amazing trompe d'oeil painting on the building. I do notice small details in nature.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

From a distance, those windows and doors do look real! That is amazingly clever art work.

Debby Ray said...

That is an amazing abstract! I would have never thought it wasn't real if you hadn't given it very cool!