Monday, April 2, 2018

April Roses

My husband bought my favorite roses to plant all around our house!

Red Roses!


But as it turned out, a couple of them are pink. And they are lovely!


We now have 40 Knock Out Rose bushes and they are all in full bloom right now.


(along the wall of the lanai or Florida room)

Each bush has at least 25 blooms….25 X 40! A THOUSAND roses!

And wildflowers are in full bloom here in Florida now too.


We’ve been seeing them along the trails when we hike.


Happy April! Red roseRed roseRed rose

I’m joining Mosaic Monday HERE

and Cooking and Crafting with J & J.


Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

Lovely mosaics

Gillena Cox said...

Happy Easter; Happy Mosaic Monday

much love...

Sandy said...

They are beautiful! I love spring. Nature just comes alive.

Anonymous said...

I can't think of a more beautiful or perfect gift, that man is a keeper!!!

Arlene G said...

I must get out and work in my flower beds. My hostas are coming up most beautifully. I have some dandelions to pull out , bushes to trim and mulch to put down.

Linda said...

Oh, my!!! Louis Dean would love all your beautiful roses!!!!
They are his favorite and he has American Long Stemmed Beauties in our front flower bed. We plan on getting more rose bushes for the new bed he made.
I'm looking forward to getting back to the country for the wildflowers were just starting to bloom when we left!

Maggie said...

Blooming lovely! I can't imagine what the perfume from 1000 roses must be like but it must be amazing! Florida certainly has some lovely wild flowers, too.
Happy Mosaic Monday!

Anonymous said...

So pretty! I love all the flowers, but especially the roses! Wishing you a lovely week.

Mary in Peoria Handmade said...

Oh my goodness. Those roses are just beautiful. mary in Az

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Knock out roses are so pretty. We have several in front of our house. No flowers yet but it's getting a bit warmer now, so soon! Hugs!

It's me said...

What a beautiful roses......wowww....happy Ria x 💕

Preppy Empty Nester said...

I miss my knockout roses that we used to have in Texas. Mass. doesn't grow them so well. Love all your pics. Enjoy your week.

Terri D said...

The roses along your house are just beautiful! Wow!

Karen said...

Your roses are beautiful! We have those same knockout roses in our backyard garden - they're plagued by bugs and molds here more than not, been frustrating. Your climate might be more friendly for them.

We've got snow again today, can you believe it? And my daughter is in Bonita Springs with her BF and his family, flight delayed four hours today to come home.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your knock outs are truly knock outs. love that first shot. and they would all make a gorgeous calendar

Susie said...

Diane, I could use some roses today. LOL We have snow. I bet it smells wonderful around your yard. I would be snipping a few tiny bouquets for inside. They sure look beautiful. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Your roses are beautiful! I want to get some knock outs for our home too.

Lorrie said...

Gorgeous roses! We have a few months to wait until ours bloom, and I don't have a long row of them as you do. Very impressive. Enjoy the flowers here and there as you ramble.

HappyK said...

Have a quite a few of those knock out roses in my yard too, but sure not blooming yet.
Your roses are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Your husband is so thoughtful, Diane. I am hoping to plant roses after our holiday away. Thank you for the sweet Easter card! xx

Lynn said...

Your roses are absolutely gorgeous! Enjoy:@)

Jeanie said...

VERY impressive, Diane!

Red Rose Alley said...

Your roses look pretty alongside your house. They look like a vibrant Pink on the screen. Wow, you have 40 bushes! There is a rose garden right down the street from my house, but no roses in bloom yet.

Roses are so sturdy, and take the harshest weather. I love them! Enjoy your rose bushes, Diane. They look lovely against your lavender house.


Angie said...

It's like having your very own florist shop in your back yard! Glorious! And we have all this to look forward to! Have a rosy week!

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

They are all lovely!

Linda said...

Marvelous flowers!

Vee said...

What a nice show the knockouts are putting on! I’ll be blessed to have a handful of blossoms come July on my rosebushes.

Connie said...

Your roses are beautiful! Last Spring (2017) I had to replace half of our roses due to a freezing winter, but this Spring they all made it through winter. It will be wonderful to see them all blooming again. I was very blessed, because I know many ladies that lost all of theirs last year. Hopefully we won't see another winter like that in a very long time. The wild flowers are so pretty too. You take such lovely photos. Thanks for sharing.
Connie :)

carol l mckenna said...

Beautiful roses and lovely photos!

Happy Days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I’ve heard of people getting a dozen red roses from their best beau .... your sweet hubby tops them all! A thousand roses, wow! They are stunning...what a gorgeous yard ... and the wildflowers are wonderful. Happy April to you too!

Lowcarb team member said...

I love roses ...
What a great selection of pictures - such lovely mosaics.
Lots of good wishes coming your way - have a Happy April.

All the best Jan

Carla from The River said...

Beautiful!!! I have heard the Knock Out are great roses.
We have had two snow storms in the last three days! Up to 18 inches!! They even plan to re open the cross country ski trails.

BeachGypsy said...

Wow! you have alot of rose bushes and they are all so so pretty, I love them! I love seeing all the pretty little wildflowers when we are in the parks etc....not sure what hardly ANY OF THEM are called, but they are so sweet. The little purple ones I call "fairy flowers"---they just pop up unexpectedly in all sorts of places, sun or shade. Hope you had a real nice Easter weekend, my friend.

Zaa said...

How beautiful to be surrounded by roses.. of course you deserve it ...Right ( Ha ha) Such a nice gift from hubby ... The Florida climate gives the best support for blossoms too... since moving east , my roses struggle with the harsh winters .. so I can appreciate your excitement ... and I’m so happy that you share such beautiful pictures... They always lift my spirit .. even the little wildflowers..they are so precious.. Thank you for sharing the joys of nature.... Big Hugs

Annesphamily said...

Such a cheerful share! I am so happy I stopped by! You made me smile today! I hope all is well with you. Good to see you here. Take care HUGS