Monday, June 25, 2018

Let’s visit the Library! Alachua County Library in Micanopy

I have such wonderful memories of going to the library in Arkadelphia, Arkansas when I was a kid. My sweet friend and neighbor Jeannie Carol would let me tag along with her. She was a couple of years older and lived across the street. We could walk to the library and always carried home an arm load of books. I don’t remember ever carrying a book bag but maybe we did. I have to remember over 50 years ago now. (that’s hard to believe!)


Arkadelphia, Arkansas Library

I’m using a photo from Wikipedia HERE.

So I decided I would take a few drives this summer and visit some of the libraries in this part of the state.


The first one I visited and photographed is the one in Micanopy.


Isn’t it a big beautiful red brick building?


The fire station was next door…


with this big tanker truck parked out front.


There’s a nice playground beyond that. Lots of wonderful benches under the big Live Oak trees at the library too.


I talked to the little girl that rode up on this cute bike. I told her I liked her bike and she was all smiles!


I go to my local library at least once a week. How about you?


I’m joining Mosaic Monday HERE.


Sandy said...

I love the library too. I can get lost in there as well as the fabric store. I lived in a rural setting in elementary school so the book mobile was our thing. We moved into town when I started sixth grade. I would have Mom just drop me off at the library. I would have lived there. I read so much more that first year out of just pure giddiness of so many books.

Stacey said...

Your library is quaint and beautiful! Those live oak trees are amazing. We have huge live oaks here too but we don't have the moss hanging off of them.

I love, love the library and encourage my friends to use it all the time. I am in a book club and can almost always find the book I need there. It's such a bonus.

Susie said...

Diane, I loved your pictures. I always like to see things from others' lives. I have a library card, but have not used it in a couple years I buy books most often. My sisters and I have gone thru some of the old records at the library to see our town paper way back when. Our old library was torn down and anew one built in the same spot. the old stained glass windows were hung inside like art, which I love. I love the smell of books. I like seeing them lined up and trying to read the titles on the spines. My daughter would join the summer book club and ride their bikes to get new books every week. Thanks for this post.... and the memories. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Nancy Chan said...

You have a beautiful library in a beautiful place surrounded by shady trees and plenty of greens. Its been a long time I have not been to our local library.

Deb said...

I was so lucky that my library was around the block when I grew up! I had my first library card when I was 4 and have never looked back!
Thank you for sharing the pictures!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we have five librarys in our county, make that 6, one is archives library and very old... none of ours are beautiful, they are modern... but they are great librarys. it used to be just books, now it is computers, DVD movies, audio books, so much I can't list it. I used to go to the main one once every 2 weeks, now I just borrow on line for my kindle. I read at least 2 books a week, sometimes more and 95 percent of them are library books. our library's have a lot of things for families going on also. this library the grounds are just magnificent . all those trees and sun dapples are worth going just to visit the grounds. I was raised going to the library with my mother, she was an avid reader also....

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I too love of the best things about our city home here in Eugene is that we’re only a block away from the beautiful main branch! So great. Like you, I walked much further than that as a child, but also loved every minute of our weekly visits and coming home with that armload of books. Back at our winter home, North Ft Myers is getting a new library ...we hope the construction project will be complete by the time we go back. The temporary one is in an ugly strip mall, not very inspiring. Thanks for this fun post....(and thanks for visiting’s goid to be home and back to blogland).

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Love the library and town hall. The big trees are beautiful too.
The bike is cute, I like the colors. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and week ahead.

Maggie said...

Hi Diane, as a small child I used to love to visit the library with my Mum and can still remember how proud I felt when I was old enough to get my own library card! No English library here in Normandy so Amazon Kindle books is my library now.
Happy Mosaic Monday!

Red Rose Alley said...

That's so nice that you go to your local library at least once a week. There is a pond with geese at my local library that I love taking pictures of, but I never go inside. That Arkansas library is so charming with the brick. You always make me want to read more, Diane! hehehe

love, ~Sheri

Red Rose Alley said... you have a Barnes and Noble in your town? It's so nice to browse through the store and look around, and I think you'd love the children's section because there are many delightful children's books. : )

Silver in AZ said...

oh my gosh, that is a gorgeous location! And to your blog!

Snap said...

I love libraries. When I was little ... it was the bookmobile! Sweet memories and fun times!

Jill said...

I love this post so much! Libraries have always been one of my favorite places to go! I've taken my girls since they were little and enjoyed all the programs they provide as well as checking out arm loads of books! Summer reading programs and so much more! Thank you for sharing :-) Have a wonderful afternoon!


Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog today. Happy Mosaic Monday. I worked in libraries for the greater part of my working years.
At retirement i have dedicated my years to blogging and playing the poet😊then some of my online friends got into publishing and i ventured in. I am really happy to say that The Natiobal Library service here
In T&T have bought copies of 2 of my children'stories titled The Little Seed And His Brother and also Under the Chinaberry Tree both published through Authorhouse avaiable from the publishers and Amazon dot com and other online book stores
I still go the libray near by a d borrow books to read😊

Arlene G said...

I am a library lover as well Diane....I was there this morning and I picked up some light cozy mysteries to while a way the summer days.


Yes--I was at the local library here today--had a '7' day book that I did get finished and it was due tomorrow--and I had not planned really on getting any books--at least not another 7 day one--(cause I have a sewing deadline for Friday night and a busy week--)but I walked out with 3 and one of them is a 7 day book--ouch!!!!
our library has large big windows that look out on the river and all the sail boats--beautiful!!!
enjoy, di

Carla from The River said...

We love the library too. We go once a week for sure or maybe twice!
I like this idea of visiting and sharing about other local libraries.
Love, Carla

Debby Ray said...

What a lovely building and I love the smell when you first walk in. I wish I could answer yes to your question but unfortunately we don't have a library that is that close by or convenient to get to. I have wonderful memories of the library at my school!

Lowcarb team member said...

I love libraries, and visit quite regularly.

All the best Jan

Lorrie said...

I stopped by the library today and picked up three books I had on hold. I Love, love, love the public library system. What a gift! You have some very pretty libraries in your photos. Ours are mostly in community buildings around town - all connected. I enjoy going downtown to the main library once in awhile, but it's so convenient having the smaller ones closer by, and I can order whatever I want on line and they send it to the local branch and send me an email to let me know my books are in. Wonderful service!

Terri D said...

Lakeland's main library is right across the parking lot from the Museum where I worked for over 20 years. I was maybe in that library three times in that 20 years and at least two of those were for meetings. I just don't go to the library. I have my Kindle and don't feel the need to browse through books. I am going to make it up to Micanopy one of these days.

NanaDiana said...

Yep- I am a library gal, too. Those are great pictures and I am glad that you made that little girl smile.

I don't have time to go spend IN the library but I put my 'order' for books in online and then just swing by and pick them up. Love that service.

Hope you have a great week, Diane. xo Diana

Sarah said...

I enjoyed this quaint and charming library. I can spend hours in a library or book store. Thanks for taking us along.

riitta k said...

We have an excellent library system in Finland and I read a lot and have a literature blog as well. I reserve the books I want to the nearest library, just pick them up when they have arrived.... Efficient & quick :) Your childhood library is situated in a beautiful green park. Happy reading.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

doncha love those oaks?

HappyK said...

I too remember going to the town library as a kid and I've gone to the library ever since.
One of the first things we do when we move is to check out the library.

Jeanie said...

Oh, you are having fun with the libraries! I love the settings and a good library is indeed a wonderful place!

carol l mckenna said...

Library is and was one of my favorite places ~ lovely series of photos!

Happy Day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

SImple and Serene Living said...

I love old libraries. They evoke such wonderful memories. That adorable bike with the basket reminds me of my bike. I filled my basket with books every week. xo Laura

Angie said...

The red brick building is simple and classic, but it is the majestic trees around it that really take my breath away. I usually only get to the library once a month … half hour drive or more for me! By the way, I may not be commenting as often for the next few weeks since I will have my in-laws visiting from the UK. We are going to have a great time!

Connie said...

I have heard so much about the libraries of our nation dying out because of the electronic age that we live in. I am guilty . . . I love my Kindle, but it would be a horrible shame to see libraries disappear. Have you seen the small neighborhood libraries that are popping up? Some are not much bigger than a large mailbox and some as big as a phone-booth. Younger people don't even know what a phone-booth is . . . that's how fast our world is changing. Some changes for the good and some not so good. You've make me want to visit our library and start using my library card more often , LOL.
Have a sweet day dear friend.
Connie :)

Buttercup said...

I'm a regular library visitor, too, even though my apartment is filled with books. I read magazines -- saves the subscription price -- and like seeing the new books. I worked in our local library in high school and in both of my college libraries. I think I need to do a library post, too.

BeachGypsy said...

Oh I love this post!! Love anything to do with libraries. Seems I've lived half my life in libraries all over the place, ha ha LOL A lifelong love from childhood, just like you. The mysteries, the stories, the far away worlds and people that are there for us to find, simply by reading. Like you, I usually go once a week or so. I can never pace myself....and always leave with big stacks, ha ha LOl What are you reading now? I just found a new author I love, I will have to blog about her real soon. Did you go to the bookmobile when you were a child??---that is one of my most favorite memories!!---so fun. Hope you are having a great week. It's SO HOT HERE......STAYING INSIDE ALOT. lol

Hootin Anni said...

That fire station is so beautifully landscaped. LOVE the colors of her bike!

Sylvia said...

Diane, I love libraries as well. They are changing for sure. I prefer a paper book to an electronic book but more and more only digital is available. We shall see. Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Sylvia D.

Cranberry Morning said...

Well that brought back fun memories! When I was a kid, I loved the Lois Lenski books especially, then baseball heroes, then science fiction... Now I own hundreds of books that I'm trying to downsize. Not easy! Have a wonderful Thursday, Diane.

Anonymous said...

Love the library! Beautiful red building surrounded with ample space to spend some time! Colorful cycle!

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

That is such a nice library with beautiful trees. I love picking out books from the library. I am such a slow reader since I'm always busy and need to always renew them. LOL. I used to work in a library when I was younger and loved it. :)
Hope you have a nice weekend.