Wednesday, August 8, 2018

I Volunteer for Hospice of Marion County

I’ve been volunteering at the Legacy Hospice House for 6 months now. It hasn’t exactly been a secret but I’ve been a little shy about mentioning it to anyone. I was always taught to do your ‘good works’ in private and God will bless you. And there was the ‘other thing’….I wasn’t sure if I would be able to do it.


But now I’ve been volunteering for 6 months and I’ve gone to the Legacy Hospice House close to 40 times to visit with patients.


Back in January I visited our friend, John who passed away at the Legacy house and I noticed there were a lot of patients that didn’t have anyone with them. So I called my friend, Audrey who volunteers there and asked her if it would be possible for me to visit people there (people I didn’t know). She gave me the phone number of Hospice of Marion County and I started training to be a patient visitor.

In my interview, I said I was happy and healthy and cared about others. I’ve never been shy and people feel comfortable around me. So I thought maybe I could do this. I’m not saying it’s the easiest volunteer job you can take but so far I’ve been able to do it and it might be one of the most rewarding jobs.

I’ve met a lot of amazing people during my visits…both patients and their family and friends. There are so many interesting stories to be told when you come to this point in your life.


And one thing I realized right from the beginning….everyone really appreciates your visit. I always ask those that I meet if there is anything I can do for them and I’ve done all kinds of little acts of kindness. It might just be some ice in a cup of water or an extra blanket for their bed or spending the time listening to them and holding their hand. And do you think most everyone says ‘Thank You’? Surprisingly….most people say ‘God Bless You’. So I go home after my shift and when I walk in the door, I tell my husband….I was ‘God blessed’ a whole bunch today.


There are many volunteer opportunities in every community. I know a lot of my fellow bloggers volunteer. I hope you’ll feel encouraged by this post to find out what you might do where you live.

You’ll be God blessed a whole bunch if you do!

So now you know where all of the cards have been going that I’ve made this year. I started the year with the slogan “Follow Your Heart” and this is where my heart has led me.


(these are the cards I made this week to give to the hospice patients)

I’m joining Thankful Thursdays.

Have a beautiful day!

God Bless you!


Arlene G said...

What a blessing it is to you and to the people you visit, Diana. And what a lovely home that is. It is a good to have an option like that for end of life care. Those cards are just beautiful and I know they will be appreciated by those who receive them.

Stacey said...

Diane, this is one of the most important things you could do! Most of us have had an encounter or two with hospice and the people who volunteer are truly angels on earth. I'm saying thank you and God bless you from many states away because I know how important it is.

When we moved back to Texas 6 years ago and I quit working outside the home I had big plans to volunteer. However, the reason we moved here was to care for my in-laws. My FIL has passed away now and my MIL moved to Tennessee so unfortunately, my time is much more free than before. I have a plan. :)

eileeninmd said...


I have to say God Bless you for volunteering. I am sure the Hospice patients appreciate your company and visits. Your cards are so pretty.

Kudos to you! Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

Estelle's said...

What a wonderful post this was. Having been through Hospice with my parents, I know all too well house very needed this is.It would take a strong person to be able to handle all the emotions,,,,,God will bless you indeed!

Karen said...

Best post ever! And.. I don't agree that you should keep your good deeds to yourself and God will Bless you. I believe sharing your good deeds, encouraging others to reach out in whatever ways are comfortable for them, is a way to bless the world with a little of your own light - and to shine light on others.

Keep doing the good work :-) you are truly a gem.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

What a great thing to do. I know you are blessed by those visits also. You are such a lovely giving person. Hugs to you Sis!!

ann said...

Diane, you have found your calling. I cannot image anyone as well suited to bring good cheer and love to these special patients. My best friend is a retired hospice nurse, an angle for sure. I learned through her how special hospice care givers are and I agree with Karen Ann. Giving of yourself is the greatest gift and the truest blessing. Hugs for you today.

Linda said...

God does indeed bless those who bless others! And now you are encouraging us to be a blessing. We can all do something to brighten this world. Even a smile can go a long way. I love that you shared your heart with us! And may I add....,God bless you....

Gina said...

Diane, what a beautiful testimony of love to those families & patients and to us as well. Your cards are beautiful. Thank you for volunteering and sharing it with us.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...


Having lived through multiple relatives in hospice...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you receive blessings as much as the patients. I volunteered for 8 years at a rehab home, 3 days a week, 3 or 4 hours and loved every moment of it. I have not done any volunteering in 3 years. no idea why, just have not.. here is one more God bless you from ME.. the cards are beautiful

Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

I have to add another God bless you to the ones you mentioned. This is something that is certainly needed and most people do not realize the impact it has. What an encouraging post today.

Terra said...

You are lifting up all the hospice people you meet, that is a brave calling. I have volunteered at a retirement home for about 3 years. I think it is good to talk about our volunteering since we may inspire others. So keep on sharing. Those cards are beautiful and the recipients must smile each time they look at one.

Janey and Co. said...

Bless you Diane,

I imagine all of the folks that you visit benefit from your smiling face. What you do is not easy...and many shy away from the dying.
You will receive your reward.

Vee said...

God bless you, Sweet Lady. You certainly have not chosen the easiest path. There are times when I leave the nursing home where I visit a Dear One and I could weep all the way home. That final Valley of the Shadow of Death gives us all pause...

The cards are very special.

Debby Ray said...

I will add my "God Bless You" to the rest of them...what a wonderful, selfless thing to do for others...especially those who have no one. Your reward is waiting for you in Heaven. And the cards are precious and I'm sure they mean so much for those new friends of yours. Much love and hugs to you, sweet friend!

Debby Ray said...

I will add my "God Bless You" to the rest of them...what a wonderful, selfless thing to do for others...especially those who have no one. Your reward is waiting for you in Heaven. And the cards are precious and I'm sure they mean so much for those new friends of yours. Much love and hugs to you, sweet friend!

Jill said...

Hospice is a wonderful organization.... I volunteered there years ago while I was in college. You have certainly blessed many with your time. Those cards are just darling :-) Have a wonderful day!


Susie said...

Diane, You are a sweetheart. It's sad to think there's people suffering, that have no one to be with them. Just another person to talk with can be so nice. I loved your pretty cards . Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Ann Thompson said...

What a nice thing for you to do. I can't imagine how lonely it might be for some people there. I imagine your visit is the bright spot in their day

Kim@Snug Harbor said...

Diane this post made me want to cry. You are such a beautiful person, inside and out. What an awesome thing to do.

Anonymous said...

you are perfect for this,, you are kind and caring, happy spirited and a good listener,, god bless you, one more time lol,,


And I say--"God Bless" you for your time and creativity and love you give to others--
enjoy, di

Terri D said...

Well, God bless you again and again! Tough job. One of the women here in our community volunteers for Hospice. She is a retired nurse. I'm not sure I could do it either, but I do have experience with Hospice from a family point of view. God bless you yet again!

Debbie said...

You are doing a wonderful thing, It is always more rewarding to give than to receive!! I was a nurse and it was one of the best things I have ever done, it’s in my blood!!

BeachGypsy said...

the cards you make are so beautiful, but even more beautiful is you giving of yourself and your time to go bless others. I loved reading about it and I just know that anyone you visit with will enjoy the time with you and just having someone to talk with or to just sit with them, or do little things they need. You are definetly making a difference.

HappyK said...

Volunteering is a wonderful thing to do and this sounds like a good fit for you. I've always thought you get so much more out of volunteering than the people you help. : )
God Bless you.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful for you and the hospice patients ~ blessings for all and what beautiful ages you have created!

Happy Day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Judy Biggerstaff said...

What a blessing you are to the patients at the hospice house. Love your cards and I know how they must enjoy your visits and cards.

Meditations in Motion said...

What a generous and kind thing to do! Thank you for commenting on my post. It led me here, to your beautiful blog. I enjoyed reading your inspiring thoughts on hospice volunteering.

I recently read a book by a hospice chaplain that I loved. It was uplifting and full of life. You may be interested. It is called "On Living" by Kerry Eagan.

Michelle said...

This is the most wonderful thing I have read in a long time, and I mean it. I appreciate the work you are doing and it is IMPORTANT! Thank you for linking up and I hope others read it.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

That's such a wonderful place to volunteer. Hospice is so critically important and there is nothing more important than providing comfort to end of life patients.

Tom said...

...the world needs folks like you!

betty-NZ said...

Good for you! I know there are more rewards than you could ever have imagined!

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

Aww that is so amazing and sweet that you go to spend time doing volunteer work with the patients. It must feel so rewarding doing this.
Thanks for your visit and hope you will try out one of the products. Enjoy your day and weekend

Pamela said...

As a Registered Nurse who takes care of Hospice patients say ThankYou.

Angie said...

How could you possibly have doubted that you would be good at such a place? God Bless You for this service … I also was taught to do good works in private, but I also think sharing these stories with people helps to Pay It Forward by inspiring others. Enjoy your weekend - you deserve it!

Lowcarb team member said...

Volunteering is a wonderful thing to do, and I am sure the Hospice patients appreciate your visits and company.
I think your cards look pretty.

Enjoy the coming weekend.

All the best Jan

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

how wonderful Diane! I know you are great at this and I know how much your service is needed.

Jeannie said...

Oh, my. What a hard job you are doing and I don't think it will get any easier; however, it has to be the most rewarding time of your week. Thank you for sharing and making me realize I should definitely be doing more for others.

Carla from The River said...

I am so proud of you! I feel the same with Meals on Wheels.
You are a light my friend!
I know you shared this with me earlier in the year, I am happy you shared how it is going.
Congratulations and I will be praying for you.

Jenn Jilks said...

Well done for volunteering there! I am a respite and hospice volunteer, but I go into private homes.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I'll add to those that said "God Bless" to you, Diane! You are doing the best volunteer work there is. Dying alone is everyone's fear and your being there is a blessing to those you see as you give them companionship and comfort/

Jeanie said...

I don't think of it as tooting your own horn as you do good works. I think every time we hear about someone who volunteers or gives of themselves, we become more aware of the world around us, the people around us, and how we can help. We learn of organizations that might benefit from our services if it's a good fit (or our donations if it's not). It makes us realize that we can do that, too. It is promoting not so much your great goodheartedness -- which deserves praise, by the way -- but the importance of bringing light to all areas to the world through service. I'm glad you told us about this -- and I thank you.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, what a wonderful thing you're doing, Diane, by volunteering at the Hospice House. There are many people out there with no family, and you can brighten the days of these special people, along with your cards that are handmade with love.


Louca por porcelana said...

Wonderful and inspiring post!Your cards are beautiful.God bless you,hugs,Maristella.

Ariadne said...

That's so nice and kind of you!God bless you once again!AriadnefromGreece!