Monday, May 11, 2020

Blue Run Park in Dunnellon!

Finally! Blue Run Park is OPEN! 

We thought it would be filled with people anxious to get back on the trail but it wasn't crowded at all.

And if you've never thought of a swamp as a thing of beauty....

you should have seen it this day!

The water is low but the Cypress Trees are at their most beautiful!

The Withlacoochie River was a deep dark blue!

The temps were in the 70s and it was gorgeous!

And even though we were tired at the end of the day....

we went outside about a half dozen times to get different shots of the Super Moon! 

The Flower Moon!


How wonderful to be back on a favorite trail to enjoy a Spring day in Florida! 

And then walk outside at sundown and take pics of the full moon! It made the difficult week a little easier to bear.

I'm joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE . 

I'm linking with All Seasons at the Jesh Studio too!


Tom said... that quiet the mosaic, what software do you use. Take care.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Beautiful photos! Especially of the moon!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

stunning photos of the flower moon, it has been so amazing this week. i love cypress trees and swamps, and am surprised there were no walkers.. all the better for you though... love that first pic of the tree. a place i would love

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Such calculatingly beautiful photos and the ones of the moon are breathtaking! Thank you and have a wonderful day!


Ella said...

The moon photo is amazing! Breathing freedom is very pleasant!

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

I know you are happy the park being open again. It's great to get out and take the nature walks. Those moon shots are just beautiful.
Hope you have a nice week Diane.

Edna B said...

Such beautiful photos. I really do appreciate you taking us along with you on these walks. And that moon is just gorgeous! You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Arlene G said...

That moon is magnificent. Great Shot Diane.

Gillena Cox said...

Ah yes we are i phase one, experiencing some openings also.
Happy Monday Diane.
I am #14 on the linky today


♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Great landscapes and beautiful photos.
Hugs and greetings :)

Maggie said...

Amazing moon captures, so artistic, simply stunning. So glad your parks and other areas are opening up for you In Florida. Here in UK lockdown continues with ever more confusing information coming from the Government on a daily basis. But we survive, stay well and stay safe.

Latane Barton said...

I am so happy that you can now enjoy the park again. That shot of the moon is 'over the moon' gorgeous. Have a great week. Hugs

Creations By Cindy said...

Oh my mercy! What wonderful and beautiful photos! LOVE them! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

eileeninmd said...


I love your moon images, beautiful mosaic! The views of the park and swamp are lovely too, I am glad it was not crowded there. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week!

Powell River Books said...

You were lucky to find it fairly empty. We went out last Friday and there wasn't a parking spot left at a park here in town and there were people everywhere, many without masks. - Margy

Vee said...

Beautiful day on a beautiful trail. So glad that it is open now for you.

Inger said...

That's a beautiful park. You must have had so much fun with that super moon. And some great pictures came from it all.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Your last mosaic, Diane, wowza! Imagine that enlarged and up on a wall. My favorite moon shot is the one you call Flower Moon. It fits.

Terri D said...

Beautiful, beautiful photos! I am looking forward to having both knees done so I can begin to walk again. You are my inspiration!!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

that river runs right by my town of Port Richey

Angie said...

Diane - I can't decide which pictures I like better - the cypress or the moon - but you know what? I don't have to choose! Thanks so much for linking to Mosaic Monday with these fabulous photos!

NatureFootstep said...

I love swamps, ours, right now, are filled with green grass growing among the trees. Really beautiful. Most time I find the moon boring to photograph, but you made the photos interesting :) Well done! And love your mosaic.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It is interesting that not many people took advantage of the opportunity to get out into the parks again. Perhaps staying indoors has become a way of life for some.

EricaSta said...

I love the nature.

A lovely Post for MosaicMonday, thank you for sharing.

Stay healthy, stay well.

Caroline said...

Hi Diane, beautiful photos. I like the moon and the lake. It's good you can go to the park again. Have a nice week. Greetings Caroline

Carla from The River said...

The moon photos are amazing. Well done my friend. I love that it was called the Full Flower Moon. :-)

I am catching up with your posts and sending hugs as well regarding your loss. Your mother in law sounded like a very special person indeed.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Your trail and the swamp too, are lovely! It is so green. Your moon shots are simply spectacular and thank you for sharing them with us.
My SIL and her husband just got home from FL last week. They are self isolating now and if I know her, {her name is Dianne also, only with the two n's} she will be itching to get out of the house.
We were allowed up to five visitors in our home on the weekend although I just had the one. It is wonderful to begin to have our freedom again, if only a little at a time. Next week a few stores, including where my hubby works, will reopen. I hope it keeps up although none of our Festivals will be happening this summer. It will hit our tourism hardest of all with all the cruises cancelled until September. So sad! Thank you for your lovely post!

Debbie said...

good for you diane, i am so happy this trail opened up. i am surprised it was not crowded with people, anything that opens up around here is packed with people in about 5 minutes!! your pictures of the area are beautiful. i missed the moon, your views of it are extraordinary!!

Lowcarb team member said...

That super moon and all of your moon photographs are brilliant.

Loved the deep dark blue of The Withlacoochie River too.

Enjoy the week ahead.

All the best Jan

Teresa said...

Es muy bonito, a mí me gusta. Besos.

Art and Sand said...

What a beautiful spot fo walking

Barbara said...

All your photos are superb, but the moon shots really entranced me with the sharpness of the tree branches contrasted against the color of the moon. So beautiful!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Such beautiful pictures of the cypress swamp and river, and trail. Yes, I love to see the cypress swamps in the spring time. I wouldn't want to walk through one, but I love to see them. So happy for you to be able to get back out to your favorite hiking trails! I know you are happy. And yes, that moon was spectacular this week! Still thinking of you in the loss of your mother in law. I am sure that made Mother's Day rather difficult especially. (((hugs))) to you both.

BeachGypsy said...

These pictures are gorgeous!! Love the one of the trail!! And your MOON ONES.....SO nice! I know about the swamps....I always imagined them to be dark, muddy, gross, stinky places full of gators and other icky creatures. I have now been "educated"....ha ha ha LOL!!--by going out to see the alligators and found I love photographing them and I love seeing them!! There are some REAL PRETTY flowers in swamps, as well as trees and delicate dragonflies and butterflies, and pretty birds high up in the trees. Swamps are best visited in the daytime of course, altho we've been out at nightfall to photograph the glowing eyes of the gators......from a safe place of course. The "skeeters" and "no-see-ums" will practically eat you alive and then carry you off at night, you REALLY have to cover up with protective clothing. LOL

Dawn said...

The river and the moon...lovely and peaceful.
Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

Linda said...

What a great mosaic!


Maravillosas fotografías de la naturaleza en todo su esplendor!!!

stardust said...

Hello, again.I scrolled down here to see your Flower Moon. What fabulous photos! My favorites are the tenth image as well as the mosaic, and as a reflection freak, the third, enchanting swamp reflection.
