Monday, February 15, 2021

A Hike into the Canal diggings!

I've had an exceptionally good and interesting week. Not all weeks are as much fun as this one has been and it has kept me preoccupied!

I'd like to share some neat pics we took on a hiking trail through the canal diggings of the Marjorie Harris Carr Cross Florida Greenway. 

(the hiking trail intersects with a biking trail here)

(critter homes)

(looking across the way at the horse trail)

I know we all agree that it's been a very difficult year so to have some fun things to experience is truly a blessing.

So I'm outside more than inside right now. I'll stop by and visit when I take a break from having fun. lol

I hope the weather improves for everyone! We are having some pop up showers but temps in the 70s and 80s for the most part. 

Take care and stay safe and warm!

Is it my imagination or does this mushroom even have a happy face?

I'm joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE . 

I'm linking with All Seasons at the Jesh Studio,

AND my Monday post HERE.


Sandy said...

When it is that temperature you just must get outside. I can't wait. I am now over cold and hoping that the cold doesn't dip as far as me tonight. I saw my little bluebird that comes each year as spring as is beginning. I was surprised to see him because it was so early. Maybe he came to hold off cold and bring me some pretty get outside weather. Love all the pictures.

Tom said...

...a fabulous spot to enjoy nature!

The Feminine Energy said...

Yes, I see a happy face on that mushroom too!! :-)

No 70s & 80s here. Right now it's hovering at 10 degrees above zero, with a foot of snow in the forecast. No walks for us yet... only mugs of hot chocolate by the fire in the wood burner. But that's ok... our warmer temperatures are right around the corner. In the meantime I'll enjoy your lovely weather through your pictures. Thank you for sharing your warmth!

~Andrea xoxo

Marcia said...

What warm temps! Some lovely spots to have fun exploring.

MadSnapper said...

I see the happy face. i am thinking those HOMES may belong to tortoises. such a beautiful palce to hike

Vee said...

A gal must play while she can! Your weather sounds glorious. ☀️

Lea said...

We have sleet this morning here in north Mississippi. You can be sure I will be back to visit your blog several times today to look at your warm weather photos!
Have a blessed day!

Martha said...

Great photos! So glad you are having such a great time. In typical Florida style we went from almost too cold to almost too hot all at one shot.

Creations By Cindy said...

Looks like a great nature trail. Girl, the weather has been gloomy and doomy here all weekend. Rain has over poured from fishing pond. Of course in a few months I will hollering, "Lord send rain". LOL! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Edna B said...

Yup, I do believe that is one very happy mushroom! I love all the photos. Send some of your warm temps to us here in New England. I miss Florida. Right about now is when I would normally be starting to pack my suitcase and getting ready to leave for Florida for two weeks. I'm really missing that this year. Keep taking those walks and photos. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

Arlene G said...

Diane, I think one positive of this year is that it has caused us to look at nature a bit more. We have seen some of the prettiest sunrises and sunsets as well as noting all the wildlife at Grimmwood. I have heard predictions that this spring is going to be spectacular.

Rain said...

Beautiful photos! I'm longing to have a nice long hike in the woods. Right now I still to the blueberry fields trail, but that ocean wind is a killer! I love the critter holes!! :)

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Wonderful photos! I love the last big mushroom with the happy face. It looks like a big pancake to me. I've seen others like that that even look like a stack of pancakes. So I call them the pancake fungi! LOL. Such great pictures of critter homes and trails and horses, etc., I am so happy you are able to get out and enjoy God's beautiful creation all around you! It has been warm, although we've had a lot of fog and rain lately. I guess we should get out and enjoy it now before it gets TOO hot this summer! Love your pictures!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

The trails do look like a fun place to walk with many interesting sights to see and photograph, Diane. The weather also sounds perfect--enjoy it all!

Terri D said...

Great photos!! Keep having fun and sharing it here, my friend!! Love seeing nature through your camera lens!! xo

Bill said...

What a nice place to walk, ride a bike or horse. Plenty of nature to see for everyone. Have a great week!

Connie said...

You are so brave . . . I would be afraid of wild and dangerous critters out there, like snakes, gators, wild hogs, wild cats, weasels . . . oh, the list goes on. Again, You Are So Brave!

Beside a babbling brook... said...


"Canal Diggings"... an interesting term. Certainly no *digging* going on there now. Pure Nature...

"It sifts from Leaden Sieves --
It powders all the Wood.
It fills with Alabaster Wool
The wrinkles of the Road."
~Emily Dickinson

☃ ❄ ❅ ❆ ⛄

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Nice little hike

John's Island said...

Hi Lavender Dreamer! Neat photos along the trail. Those critters homes ... wow! Thanks for sharing! Have a great week ahead. John

Ed Rosack said...

Looks like you had a very nice hike. We're fortunate to have such places close by here in Florida!

Ann said...

I don't blame you one bit. I would be outside if more if the weather was that perfect and I had fun places to go explore.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

How wonderful to be able to get out and about! We're snowed in so your photos are delight! Thank you and have a wonderful week!

Happy@Home said...

You just keep on enjoying that delightful weather. It has been cold, wet and gray here for days. I look forward to seeing the sun again. It definitely helps lift one's mood. That is one giant mushroom and, now that you mention it, I see the happy face too :).

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Yes, it does have a happy do you, I imagine after seeing all that!

Gillena Cox said...

Lovelg mosaics. Stay fit. Stay safe


HappyK said...

Lovely photos. I'd sure like to be walking along there!!

Angie said...

Diane - I am spending more time outside than inside, too! It's just that my world is 55 degrees colder than yours, and there is all this white stuff on the ground! LOL! I still surprises me to see horses in your area. I am glad you are enjoying all your hiking ... love the critter home photos! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

Linda said...

How lovely and green! It is cold and gray here and we cannot travel safely cuz covid. I am looking forward to spring.

NatureFootstep said...

what a nice place and great photos to whare it. I would not mind being on that horesback :) But taking photos might be a problem then. :)
I´m glad you are able to spend time outdoors, enjoy whenever you can.
Loved your shots sharing the hike today.

Take care!

BeachGypsy said...

howdy there Diane, so glad you posted. Love all these seeing the trees, the neat peaceful trails, and people riding horses!! So glad it's been nice and warm there, wow, you've had warmer than us for sure. We've just had rain rain rain for the whole past week. We don't let it stop us....we go anyway unless it's really pounding down hard, ha ha LOL. I like to walk in the rain! We had thunderstorms last night, that was so nice to hear...sounded like summertime showers. Hope you have a great day my friend! Stay safe and make lots of pictures! Hugs

Gillena Cox said...

Happy you dropped by and linked to Monday WRites


Dawn said...

This is the perfect time in middle to southern Florida to get out. It's not unbearably hot. Enjoy for those of us who are snowed in.
Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

Lorrie said...

Yes, enjoy the outdoors as much as possible! I always enjoy the photos you share with us. What kind of critters live in those holes?
We had lots of snow over the weekend (our once a year snowfall) and although the temperatures are slowly warming, it will be a few days before the snow melts. I enjoyed walking in it. Now it can go away.

Sharon Wagner said...

Florida sunshine makes me smile too!

Lowcarb team member said...

Your temperatures sound wonderful.
Great variety of photographs, I enjoyed seeing them all.

May the week ahead be a good one for you.

All the best Jan

lesh Stgermain said...

Love the details of your trip here, like the rose/red underside of the leaf. And the horse trail - have not seen those for a while. Your weather must be of another world.
At the end of Valentine's day began a severe weather alert of a frigid storm, and we are still in it for the rest of the week. Snow 6 inches, yesterday it came down to 11 degr. F, and the worst - power outage! Every area is assigned 40 min. to have electricity! So I have to hurry to do everything on my blog within that time.Have a beautiful week, Jesh

Teresa said...

Que lo pases muy bien. Las fotografías muy buenas. Besos.

SImple and Serene Living said...

Love the mushroom. It has been a bit rainy here in Atlanta this week, but the sun is out today and the temps will be warming back up. Looking forward to getting back outside and walking. xo Laura

Ranten said...

LOvely pictures of the nature :-))

Crafty in the Med said...

I so agree with you Diane that having fun things to do are essential to help us through these difficult times. Part of those fun things is blogging and receiving interesting posts just like yours. Your photos of your hikes are extraordinary and allow me to travel virtually and to experience in a way just what you enjoy too. keep well Amanda x

Jeannie said...

Oh, your pictures are such a blessing to see. The warm weather is encouraging. We were covered under a blanket of snow last night and I can't seem to keep my toes warm.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, I love how you see images in nature, Diane. Yes, the mushroom has a smile it seems. That old rock looks like a dinosaur. And those horses would be so fun to ride. Those critters always dig and make holes for their homes. A squirrel was outside my front yard, and when I opened the door, he started to dig a hole right in my front yard! I shooood him away, and thankfully he didn't get far hehehe.


Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Beautiful mosaic photos...I especially love to see the critter's homes. Fun to imagine what might be hiding\living there as you are walking past. I wonder what we are passing every day like that on our trails. Meanwhile, enjoy the outdoors, your meanderings in lovely temps!

Debbie said...

i see and feel lots of fun in this post!! you are lucky to be having such great weather, we are having that cold, icy rain on top of our snow!! it's nice to find friendly people along the way and to be able to see the horse trail!!

i see the happy face in the mushroom!! stay safe and stay well!!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

We’ve been able to get outside most days here in our part of Oregon. Our neighborhood walks aren’t quite as wild and beautiful though. Thanks for sharing.