Saturday, March 13, 2021

Cows, Horses and a 'cat'?

We drove out to the Pruitt Trailhead to hike and the cows were in the neighboring pasture.

There were so many young ones.

I think there were as many small cows as big cows!

All very curious about our vehicle driving past the fence.

We hiked the other trailhead of Halpata Tastanaki another day and just as we got around a curve, we heard a 'hiyahhhh' behind us!

A rider was coming at a full gallop.

In all the years we've hiked this trail, this is the first horse we've ever seen there. It's nice and wide and horses are allowed, we've just never seen one here. I don't know who was more surprised! It gave us a 'start' for sure!

And the 'cat' is a catbird that I saw in the brush.

We usually hear them make a meow type sound but not this time.

Hubby took a photo of me taking it's photo! lol

(I think I'll leave the photo small so that I look smaller than the cows! hahahahaha)

Have you seen anything out of the ordinary in some of your usual places this week? 

It keeps life interesting, that's for sure!

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

and I’d Rather B Birdin’. 


Debbie said...

i have not seen anything out of the ordinary, i have not been out too much. on the outings we did have, it was the usual suspects. we did however see a beautiful memorial to those who have lost their lives from covid19, it was sombering!

the cows are adorable, it is so nice to see them when they are still small and cute!! we see horses every now and again on our bike path!!

Sandy said...

I haven't seen anything unusual but lots of spring signs and sights. Always love your pictures. I especially Loe the cows.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Diane

I love the cute baby cows, they are adorable. We have seen horses on the bike trail and on our fire road walks. I have not seen anything that is considered not normal lately. I am looking forward to the Catbird arriving here. Great collection of photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post! Take care, have a happy weekend!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Great pictures! That would have been startling to have that horse coming at you!

Tom said...

...what no alligators?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am beyond jealous over the cow pictures. Next to dog's cows are my next love and these are just beautiful their faces are melting my heart! A galloping horse would be dangerous out there with people walking. I've seen horses walking on Trails but never running

Ella said...

The calves are so beautiful! I hate that they are being slaughtered ...
I hardly ever eat beef!
You call that bird "cat bird" ... because of their wailing call that resembles a cat's meow? Am I right?

Arlene G said...

oh those sweet faces. Baby calves are so sweet...we enjoy watching them frolic at Grimmwood.

DeniseinVA said...

Super photos and what a surprise the horse must have been. We saw horse tracks on the trail we walked this week but no horse in sight.

Mae Travels said...

The horses and cows make neat photos. I would love to walk that trail.

be well... mae at

Inger said...

I love their big ears! It looks like they have to grow into them. And, as always, it's so much fun to follow along on your hikes.

Martha said...

I've seen something very out of the ordinary, but it was online. I'm going to have to share it soon! Love all the babies in your post, they are adorable! You cracked me up about leaving your photo smaller lol! Enjoy the weekend :)

Vee said...

That calf looks so soft...made me want to pat him. No, have not seen anything unusual. I have noted that the snow is receding from the base of the trees...a sure sign of spring.

Lea said...

Love those cute calves!
Have a wonderful weekend!

carol l mckenna said...

Oh what wonderful photos of the cows and other critters ~ Horseback rider too ~ Happy Weekend to you.

Living moment by moment,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Villrose said...

The cows look so faithful and trusting.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Cute calves in the pastures there they always seem inquisitive

Ann said...

Well you just saw a little bit of everything on that hike.

RedPat said...

Nothing unusual here this week although some of the birds are arriving back from down south. I did see a vulture circling around - the first of the spring.

HappyK said...

What a treat to see all the young cows. I never tire of watching them.
Fun to watch them as they run around and then all of a sudden stop and take a nap!!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Calves are always so adorable. They do look rather newborns.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Such beautiful calves! I love them all! What a treat to see them so close. And that catbird...what fun. We are seeing them back here now too. Now, that horse and rider...that was a surprise, especially as it appears he was riding rather fast! Glad you were able to get out of the way!! Wow! What a day! Thanks for sharing with us. That was a great hike!

Olde Dame Holly said...

Spring has really sprung in Florida. Here the onions in the onion fields are already quite tall, for this time of year, yet it will almost get to freezing again next week!

Linda said...

I enjoyed your nice photos of the young cows.

Phil Slade said...

I guess that for non-birders you have to explain that a catbird is so called because it has a call like a cat. I cant imagine a bird looking like a cat LOL. Young cows are like many a young animal, inquisitive, but watch out for mama cows looking after their young. They can get mean. Take care Diane.

Irma said...

What a beautiful series of photos you show.
Photos 1 and 8 are my favorites.

Kathy said...

Such a great post today! You can tell warmer weather is coming when all the baby animals are being born. Watch out for those horses!

Jenn Jilks said...

We've seen so much: blackbirds, grackles, vultures. Yay, SPRING!

Anni said...

I guess the only thing our neighbors would've seen is me...on my hands & knees crawling around the yard cleaning up after the winter kill. lol

I remember the first time I heard a catbird... I was speechless!Have a glorious week ahead & thanks so much for linking up at IRBB this week!

Edna B said...

I love the photos! I do hope that all the baby cows are allowed to live their lives there with their moms. They are so beautiful. That's a great shot of the catbird. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

Teresa said...

Siempre nos traes preciosas fotografías. Muchos besos.

Yvonne said...

What a fun person your are, and your hike is lovely. Baby cows look so sweet and curious. You photographed them well.

Carla from The River said...

That last photo makes me smile. The eyes on that sweet calf, oh they are just so sweet!
My aunt Sally has a horse. She loves to ride. She lives in Texas. I think it is neat you got to see a rider. :-)
Love, Carla

Jeanie said...

Those cows have the sweetest faces. They remind me of All Creatures Great and Small.

BeachGypsy said...

What cute little babies!!---just look at those sweet little faces and big eyes! So neat to see the fast fast horse too! I love the picture of you making pictures, that picture is "so YOU!!" lol. It was sure a nice weekend here too, loved hearing the birds sing and being outside. Mr Front Porch has the garden all in and flowers are springing up all over and birds are so busy nesting and chirping. I love spring. The azaleas are starting and the yellow jessamine FINALLY bloomed, yay!! I've been waiting for it. Hugs!

Lowcarb team member said...

Not seen anything unusual, but there are clear signs Spring is around.
The crocus and daffodils look so colourful, it's great to see.

Talking of great, I do like all of your photographs especially the cows, just so cute :)

Enjoy your week.

All the best Jan

NatureFootstep said...

sweet calves, beautiful horse and fine bird :) Brought back some memories from the past :)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Those are really pretty cows! Catbirds are fun. The first one I ever heard sure surprised me. Just like alligators and wild hogs, they don’t hang out up here in the Pacific Northwest. .

Red Rose Alley said...

That first cow is so sweet. He looks like a young one. And the last one is really cute too. I love the sight of cows and their call of mooooooo. I've never heard of a catbird before, that's interesting. Its eyes are are piercing. I wish I was riding that beautiful horse right now. ; ) It looks so carefree and fun.


PaintedThread said...

Love the cows!

Jeannie said...

Yes. I saw something VERY unusual before sunrise this morning. We had a very bad storm last night, stood on the porch, and watched something black and full of lightning bolts fly over the house. It didn't touch down close by so we are fine (yes I have a basement but where is the excitement in going down there?).
This morning I checked on the horses and instead of 5, there were 6 out there. The new one was quite miniature and interested in romance with the ladies. I thought I was cross-eyed. Anyway, perhaps a fence is down and that gentleman took advantage of the situation. Looks like someone will be working on my fences today.