Saturday, April 17, 2021

Herons and Caterpillars and Alligators oh my!

We've had some fun hikes this past week! The weather has been just right some days to a 'bit hot' other days. We will be planning a few early morning hikes in the near future if this keeps up.

But the trail at Blue Run Park is always shady and we see more birds there than anywhere else.

He's been fishin'! 

This week the herons have returned!

Black-crowned Night-Herons.

And Green Herons. 
We saw 2 of each!

And isn't this juvenile Little Blue Heron eye catching? 

He's still wearing 'white' but streaks of blue are showing up and his bill is bright blue!

But whatever you do, don't stand under these trees for very long!

I think it's a Tussock Moth caterpillar. When I searched online I came across a post done by a blog buddy a few years ago HERE. Another website said that if you touch one, you'll feel like you've handled fiberglass!

And isn't this Alligator kind of neat framed in vegetation....and a long ways away? heehee! I zooooomed!!!

Some sights in the parking lot at Blue Run Park.

 Enjoy your weekend!

Get outside with your camera and see what you can find!

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

and I’d Rather B Birdin’. 


Sandy said...

Your pictures at the end are always almost as interesting as the nature. A blue hubcap just doesn't fit a hiking park:) And who might Dr. Z be? Oh well, love the nature photos.

Jeanie said...

I only see Harry Heron here and I haven't seen him yet (though I'm told he has returned). So seeing this wonderful array really makes me smile! Happy weekend!

Martha said...

It's definitely starting to get a bit hot now, not looking forward to the summer heat. I'm not a fan of that Tussock Moth caterpillar but of course I love seeing all the herons. Enjoy the weekend! :)

eileeninmd said...


Your walk always look fun to me, I would love seeing all these birds and the gator.
The Tussock Moth is a strange one. My favorites are the Night Heron, Green Heron and the Little Blue! Your jeep is great too! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post! Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

Anu said...

Hello. Wonderful photos. The Green heron is beautiful.
Take care.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my fav today is that blue bill, wow, is he beautiful and loving the gator pic too.. our perfect weather will be gone soon, but the past 2 months have been awesome... looks like rain up your way today, headed our way soon... 4 days of possible rains and we are praying it rains every day.

Billie Jo said...

Good morning!
Such beautiful photos!
We saw one of those caterpillars a few years ago, and it was creepy!!!!!! UGH!
Love that JEEP!

Phil Slade said...

The blue bill on that heron is simply amazing. I think I might have been tempted to pick up that tussock moth to test out the bad write ups. I'm very inquisitive. It's a shame to see no one driving that Jeep. You had best send it to me to make full use of.

Debbie said...

gorgeous heron captures and what a great variety, i like the little guys!! the jeep is looking awesome but that purple rim stole my heart!!

thanks for letting me know about my link, i did do it again and asked eileen to fix it!! have a great weekend!!

Marcia said...

Those caterpillars look scary. I would not even be tempted to touch one.

Olde Dame Holly said...

It's finally my day off but it looks like it will be RAIN in the desert! Well, I don't care, I'm going to heed your exhortation to go out and about and see what I can see! Always happy to see rain here. You have such interesting pictures today (well, every time they are interesting!) -- those moth caterpillars are just so otherwordly! And big ol' Grandgator can just stay far, far away! The bird photos are wonderful and the juvenile Blue Heron is just so eye-catching with his blue bill!

Tom said...

...oh goodie, an alligator.

riitta k said...

You are lucky to have this magnificent hiking place! The young blue hereon arouses motherly instincts .) So tebnder & beautiful.

RedPat said...

I love seeing your herons! I've been keeping my eyes open for them here but haven't spotted one yet. They would be a bit cold if they were here today!

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

It's so nice that you can get out for those hikes each week Diane. I enjoyed looking at the photos and the caterpillar is so cool looking. Have a nice weekend Diane.

Bill said...

Interesting caterpillar, I've never seen one like that. The alligator is searching for something, I hope it's not a human. :)
Have a great weekend!

Terri D said...

Great photos, as always! Thanks for taking us along on your hikes and sharing the beauty! xo

Adam Jones said...

I love those herons, especially the Black Crowned Night Heron. Very smart indeed.

Teresa said...

Me encantó el paseo, con tanto para ver. Besos.

Lea said...

Lovely birds!
Have a wonderful weekend!

HappyK said...

Love all the shades of green in your first photo.
Glad to see your wheels on your Jeep are black!! :)

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Great photos, and yes, watch out for those caterpillars. They are dropping primarily from the oak trees I've noticed here. Love your heron pictures. So many different ones. Ours are staying away from the pond right now because the Geese are chasing them away while they are nesting. I do hope we will have some little goslings to enjoy soon. Glad we are getting some good rain, but I guess it puts a "damper" on your hiking! But we need the rain so much. I am very thankful to see it filling up our pond again. Have a blessed and wonderful rest of your weekend.

Linda said...

You never fail to entertain us with your great pictures and commentary!! Next best thing to BEING there!

magiceye said...

Beautiful captures all!

Unknown said...

Beautiful herons. I've seen Tussock Moth caterpillar in my garden.

Shiju Sugunan said...

Lovely pictures! Your hiking adventures are so productive in terms of sightings.

Lorrie said...

We mostly see Great Blue Herons here and I'm always interested in the other heron family members that you show. What fun to see one with a fish in its mouth. That's a good-looking red Jeep in the parking lot! lol

Linda said...

Great shots! Just don't paint your wheels purple. It won't look right with red.

NatureFootstep said...

tru, however cute you should not touch caterpillars :)
Glad to ee the herons are back at your place :)

Anni said...

Loved seeing all the herons (and that purple wheel!)
We all at IRBB send thanks to you for letting us view your blog post!!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

The pictures from the walk along the trail are delightful and far more appealing than those from the parking lot!

Bob Bushell said...

Oh yes, I love the Herons, they are wonderful.

Edna B said...

You always have such wonderful photos of the birds. They really are beautiful. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

Net - "It's a Wonderful Movie" said...

What fascinating creatures and amazing pictures! What kind of camera do you use? Your pics are always so crisp and clear - I feel like I could reach out and touch them!

I always love going on these walks with you! We are expecting snow, yes snow, soon. That's Spring in the Midwest heartland! :)

Blessings to you! Net

Happy@Home said...

Love all of your heron pictures, especially the one with the fish in it's mouth. That caterpillar is interesting to look at. As with the alligator, I'd definitely keep my distance.

Inger said...

I read your earlier post too and I do agree that the Jeep wave is pretty cool, but I've never been left a rubber ducky. Is that a Florida thing? Your photos are so great, that alligator is something else. What a great camera moment.

Sue said...

Your photos are stunning, we have a heron visit our pond each evening, such a beautiful sight to see.
Thanks for sharing.

Rhodesia said...

Great set of photos and I love the caterpillar, unique.

I hope that you are well. Keep well and stay safe, Diane

Ann said...

I love all the pictures of the birds and that shot of the alligator is pretty cool but that caterpillar is really fascinating. I've never seen one like that before. It sort of looks like it's glowing.

Nancy Chan said...

Very peaceful place in the 1st picture. Great sighting of birds. That alligator is quietly and patiently waiting for its meal.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Great photos! Love the Jeep photo banner. lol
Touching catepillar like creatures is the same to me as playing with spiders or snakes...Not going to happen. Good to know about standing under the trees. Thank you for that tip

Red Rose Alley said...

That caterpillar is so strange looking. It look like he's glowing on the screen. Be careful of them. That little blue heron is so cute. Love its bright blue beak. Yes, he looks like a young one. The days are getting warmer here in the mountains, but it's still cold in the mornings. I may go to the creek this weekend, and see what I discover. ; )
