Monday, November 15, 2021

Monarch Butterflies make their appearance!

 It's been a great year for butterflies here in North Central Florida. 

We've seen so many different butterflies and a great number too!

But we haven't seen any Monarchs until this week. 

And we saw THREE!

Two were doing a mating dance....

and we couldn't believe our eyes.

They were gorgeous and the light was just right for some good photos.

They danced quite a bit but also stopped long enough to pose for a few photos.

Later on the Florida Trails we saw another one.

And then when we turned to go back to the trailhead, the original two were still flying around together.


And now sit back and relax while I tell a tale....

The photos just about tell the story I think but here goes!

You'll be happy to know I didn't get arrested this week. We were way back on the Halpata Tastanaki Preserve trail in the middle of nowhere and my honey picked me a Swamp Sunflower and put it in a buttonhole on my hiking shirt. I was smiling and feeling very special when in the distance we saw a vehicle approaching. It was a law enforcement vehicle with the Fish and Wildlife Commission. But there was a wet area and he had to turn around. He waved real big...but did he see the bright yellow sunflower in my lapel? Would he be waiting at the trailhead to arrest me? Could I plead that we NEVER pick the wildflowers but there were so many and it was just this once? The happy ending of this story is that he never found me. But my RED Jeep is pretty distinctive so I decided the best idea was to paint my Jeep.

What do you think? Do you like it?

Just kidding.....just kidding!!! 

I did NOT paint my Jeep...some of the other parts of the story are true! hahahahahaha!!!

I'm joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE . 

I’m joining Thankful Thursdays and

I like Thursdays HERE too! 


Lea said...

A fun post to start the week off with a smile!
Beautiful butterflies!
Have a wonderful day!

Tom said...

..enjoy them and take good care of the Monarchs. I want a tie dye Jeep!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

The butterfly photos are beautiful!

Vee said... aren't allowed to pick the wildflowers. Got it. I'd have thrown hubby under the bus, I mean, he's the guilty one, right? Glad it all worked out and that you got to keep your posie and your freedom. 🌼

Edna B said...

I'm sure glad you did not paint your jeep. Although, it could have led to some interesting things, no? Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

DVArtist said...

It's so pretty there. Glad you didn't get arrested. LOL We have a huge shortage of butterflies here especially Monarchs due to all the fires in C. and OR. for the last few years.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

So now, you don't know what you were doing that was *illegal*! LOL

But beautiful butterflies!

🍂 🔥 🍂

kathyinozarks said...

beautiful butterflies, conservation is pretty strict here in Missouri fun story though

Gillena Cox said...

Nice design on your jeep. Luv the butterflies.
Thanks for dropping by and linking up at Monday WRites


Lorrie said...

Haha. So glad you weren't arrested! The Monarch Butterflies are so very beautiful, and your photos just wonderful!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Your photos are gorgeous - I just love Monarchs

Suzy said...

HaHaHa...good one! We had fewer butterflies this year in Southwestern PA.this year, but I love your photos!

Marcia said...

Was the guy waving to say hi or to get you to stop picking the flowers? I thought there may have been a hunter in those weeds too.
Love those monarchs. Looks like the ones that were here have flown south.

Happy@Home said...

Whew, that was a close one. Glad to know you weren't arrested.
You sure did get some gorgeous photos of the monarchs. I was sad to see them go, but glad to know they are migrating nicely.

NanaDiana said...

Hahahaha. Well, I could have come and bailed you out. I came right through Ocala and thought to myself that if I had your number I would have texted you to see if you wanted to meet for a cup of coffee somewhere. Maybe one day! Have a great week...and I DO think you should paint your jeep like it was tie-dyed. xo Diana

Susan said...

Those are great pictures of Monarch butterflies!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

our two preserves here have signs every where stating 500 dollar fines and might be arrested for picking anything or taking driftwood. a long list of things. so glad you did not get arrested... they have them at the beaches too. people pick the sea oats and the flowers in the sand, that causes erosian. once me met a woman with a whole arm full of sea oats and I pointed to a sign and said did you see that sign? she was terrified. i love the painted truck as long as it is not mine. my son would love it and has painted his cars all kinds of things including a blazer like a zebra...

Jeannie said...

If you were arrested, would that make you a jailbird? People would be hiking along behind you with cameras trying to take pictures to identify which species you are from! Ha Ha!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I sadly did not see many monarch butterflies this summer. I'm glad you took such great photos of the ones you saw and hope they survive migration!

I'm also glad you did not get a ticket for picking a wildflower! I think they have to catch you in the act as you might have worn it from your home garden...or at least that would have been a good excuse ;)

Cloudia said...

This was really exciting and beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing it you lawbreaker 😅

Creations By Cindy said...

Those butterflies are beautiful! I've had quiet a few dancing around my sunflowers. Girl....You are going back to the days of any color goes with the jeep huh? LOL! I do love your red jeep though. So glad you did not get arrested!!! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Breathtaking said...

Hello Diane, :=) The Monarch Butterflies are beautifully photographed, how wonderful to see three in one day. You can be such a big tease, I knew that you would never paint your red Jeep, you love it just the way it is.

Debbie said...

oooooh my, the monarchs are gorgeous!! take good care of them while they are there, i know you will!! i LOVE your tale, it will be fun to share in future stories!!

i'm not sure what to think about the tie-dyed jeep. kinda' cool...a little over the top!!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

It's wonderful to see the Monarchs doing well! And your photos are amazing. And not easy to get. ..... and what a great post -- I got happy chills reading about the butterflies and then laughed out loud (several times) reading about your "narrow escape" from the law. LOL. This was fun.

Lowcarb team member said...

Ha ha ... so pleased you were not arrested.
I think your butterfly photographs are fabulous.

All the best Jan

Terri D said...

Oh my... FL FWCC is probably not going to arrest anyone for picking a flower but I'm sure it would make one wonder!! Glad you didn't have to find out! Love all the butterfly photos!! Have a blessed week! xo

Carla from The River said...

The story is so cute. The monarchs did so well in our garden this season, it makes my heart so happy.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Such a good tale you spin! The monarchs are so beautiful. So happy you were able to see them on their way to Mexico. Have a happy week.

Olde Dame Holly said...

Oh gosh, you MUST get a "wrap" for your Jeep, a wrap that features a lot of your photos! I am so glad you did not get arrested for Flower Rustling!

BeachGypsy said...

Well girlfriend I was just getting ready to tell you how much I liked your new header picture.......of the deer!!----and now you go and change it up again to the butterflies.....ha ha ha LOL! I like those too tho, so pretty. I'm not sure if they've even made their way through here yet or not.....and I missed them? Because if they are there, I think they've already been through here??!!---heck I don't know, I need to read up on their migration I guess. Ha ha LOL. anyway---you got some pretty pictures. Now y'all better BEHAVE ON THEM TRAILS......don't make me have to come bail y'all out of the jailhouse you hear? LOL LOL LOL Hugs!!

Ann said...

The butterflies are beautiful.
I'm very happy to hear that you did not get arrested. That tie dye jeep is kind of cool looking.

eileeninmd said...

Cute story, I love the Monarchs. Beautiful photos.

Take care, have a happy day!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Whew! Glad y'all are safe. :)

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Great to see the Monarchs. Ours are all gone for the year, but judging from the large gatherings I saw from time to time, many are on their way to Mexico. There are movements afoot to plant avocados in their wintering grounds, and one environmentalist has already been killed. How civilized we are!

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Fantastic butterfly photos. About two months ago, I saw a bunch of them at a park here in CT, making a stopover on their migration journey.

Ricki Treleaven said...

Monarch butterflies are so pretty, and they are a lot of fun to watch. I love your photo mosaics! Have a great week!

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

You and your hubby are so lucky to see all this beauty, Diane. The butterflies from this post, and the birds, the deer, and all the outdoors from your posts. Thank you for sharing with us.

Barbara said...

You're walking on the edge, girl! (Just kidding!!) Glad the flower story turned out okay. Yeah, I KNOW you didn't paint your vehicle!

Your butterfly photos are some of the very best I've ever seen on your blog, and you're already one fantastic photographer! The detail, the colors, and the contrast of the colors in their wings are exquisite!

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Beautiful butterfly photos.
Glad the law didn't catch up with you!:)
Have a lovely week...

Angie said...

Diane - this story really made me laugh - when we feel guilty about something, we think the police can see it!!! Fabulous photos of the monarchs, and I am glad that you have had a bumper crop of butterflies this year! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

Linda said...

A tie-dyed jeep would be great fun!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Hi Diane, I enjoyed your photos of the scrub jays and was interested in how they differed from our bluejays.
Great story, is it really against the law to pick wildflowers? I know some are protected here in certain areas. In particular, ladyslippers.
Your photo montage of the monarchs is just beautiful. I had a few around in the summer which I'm always so happy to see.

Ed Rosack said...

Great post and awesome photos. We've seen a few Monarchs close to us too.

I really like your story about the flower and I'm glad you didn't get into trouble.

Michelle said...

Gorgeous photos of the Monarchs. I miss seeing butterflies. They enjoyed my Zinnias this summer. Cute story about the Jeep. That sure is a colorful one! lol Thanks for linking up.

PaintedThread said...

Great butterfly photos!

Red Rose Alley said...

The butterfly photos are so lovely. There is so much detail in their wings. I like the flowering bush they are hovering over too!

Have a terrific weekend, Diane.


Sandy said...

Wonderful pictures of the Monarchs. We saw more this summer then we typically do, which makes me smile. I hope that means fewer people are spraying and maybe planting to attract them. Sounds like you had quite the adventure, glad you didn't get arrested.

Sandy's Space

Swing by for a visit.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Such pretty butterflies! Wow that is a bright colored jeep...nice flower!

Aunt Helen said...

Beautiful display of Monarchs! I love them. What a great hike with Hubby! Have a nice weekend. My niece from Mn. is coming tomorrow for the day. So happy! Love, Aunt Helen

Kirsten Steen said...

These are gorgeous! When I visited Florida a couple of years ago (just before covid hit) we went to a Butterfly Garden which I'd never been to before. It was amazing! Thx for sharing your butterfly pics!

stardust said...

Hello! The Monarch butterflies are fascinating with the nicely blurred background. I’ve seen many Chestnut Tigers, also long-migrating butterfly, in my part of the world, too. The yellow flower really goes well the blue shirt. Good for you - the flower might have looked like a lovely yellow broach to the man on the jeep.


a spirit of simplicity said...

The butterflies are just beautiful. I like the jeep! I don't think I'd want it to be mine though.

italiafinlandia said...

You took splendid photos of the Monarch butterflies. The light and angle were perfect. 🦋

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Such exquisite photos of all these beautiful butterflies. I'm in South Florida and I very rarely see butterflies on Collins Ave.