Friday, January 20, 2023

An afternoon drive to the Preserve!

We drove past Halpata Tastanaki Preserve while running an errand. 

When we finished and made the turn around, the Jeep drove right into the gate at the Preserve.

It was impossible to drive past it twice in one day without stopping!

Great Blue Heron at a distance

We didn't even get out of the vehicle but we saw so much.


I always encourage everyone that reads my blog to get out in nature and sometimes that means taking a drive to a park or preserve. And if you can't do that, maybe you can sit outside when the weather is nice or look out the window at bird feeders when it's not. Letting your mind relax and enjoy the outdoors is what's good for you!

Great Crested Flycatcher

American Kestrel (on the drive in)

All photos taken from inside the car!

Red Shouldered Hawk

He sees US now! 

And another Kestrel on the drive out!

Time to FLY! 

And guess what? Another year has flown by and it's my birthday this weekend!

And guess what my sweet hubby gave me for my birthday! 

A Victrola record player! 

I've been playing records and dancing and he's been singing! So don't peek in the windows and get skeeeered! We both still have a few of our old 45s! 

I'm sure I'll be out on one of the Florida trails enjoying nature or at least taking a ride some place interesting.

Have a wonderful weekend!

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

and I’d Rather B Birdin’.   


Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Happy Birthday! 🎂
Dance & Sing Away!

Great photos!
Your encouragement to get outdoors works for me. Each week I have exercised outdoors at least once. I am counting cleaning snow off vehicles this morning. :)

Tom said...

...Happy 29th!

Sandy said...

Happy Birthday! I have gotten a record player in the lasy year and have enjoyed my old records so much. I should have done that ages ago. I love your bird pictures. I am always looking on my walks.

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Jenn Jilks said...

Firstly, have a great birthday.
You write wise words. It is tricky walking here, but I do my best. Everything is frozen and it is difficult walking at our age, when branches are hidden by snow.
We are having another snowstorm today!

Vee said...

Happy Birthday! 🎈🎁🎉🎂

I wouldn't get skeered, but I'd love to see the show.

Good thing you're an honest gal; otherwise, you could have us thinking
you actually take hikes. Great from the jeep shots!

Cloudia said...

Bless you dear friend! I am sincerely wishing you a beautiful happy birthday weekend. You are so right about the healing of nature. It's funny, I posted an old picture of myself from 1992 today but did not mention that it is me. Now you and I are in on the secret! Aloha

Debbie said...

happy birthday diane, you should always dance as if no one is watching!!

i can't believe how many great sightings you had from the car, it's just amazing!! i don't get out of the car too often at lake of the lilies, i like to use the car door to steady my arm. plus, there is not much ground before the lake starts anyway!!

it's always wonderful to have a birthday on a weekend!!

Carla from The River said...

Happy Birthday!!! Wow, what a wonderful gift. I love that you still have your 45's. What is one of your very favorite songs?

The photos are amazing!! Thank you for sharing Florida with us.
xx oo

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Have a happy birthday weekend! That's a nice preserve you found and no need to get out of the car would be good for some people who can't walk

Rosemary Dickinson said...

What a beautiful area! I love seeing your photos. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your records!!

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

You both saw so much on your way to do errands. I loved looking at those photos of the birds. I love your record player and the records. Have a wonderful birthday Diane.

Ricki Treleaven said...

Happy Birthday, Sweet Friend! I hope you have had a lovely celebration. Your photos are so cute! :D

roentare said...

Krestels and hawks are so magnificent to look at. Just on your way to get an errand done? How special!

NanaDiana said...

What a wonderful post. It's true -you can still see nature up close and personal even if you aren't hiking.
My 9 year old granddaughter wanted a record player for Christmas and Walmart had them on sale so that is what I got her. You would have thought I handed her the moon.
Happy Birthday to you, Diane. xo Diana

HappyK said...

Happy Birthday!!
Happy walking!!!
Beautiful photos as always.

HappyK said...

Happy Birthday.
Happy walking.
Beautiful photos as always.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Happy Happy birthday, Diane! I love the pictures of you as a child...and what a sweet and thoughtful gift from your hubby! I wish we could sneak a peak of you both dancing away to your old 45's. "Those were the days my friend...we thought they'd never end...we'd sing and dance forever and a day..." I hope you will enjoy your birthday weekend every moment...and take lots of pictures. Love the pictures you got today. Happy Birthday to you!!

Terri D said...

Happy birthday!! How fun to be able to play your vinyl and enjoy the tunes!! Loved the pictures of all the birds you saw from the jeep. Happy birthday (again) and happy weekend!! xo

Lorrie said...

Happiest of Birthdays to you, Diane! Enjoy the music and the dancing! Oh, that Jeep of yours has a mind of its own, I see. Or else it's just well-trained! Hope your birthday weekend is full of great moments.

Irma said...

First of all congratulations on your birthday.
The photos you have made are beautiful, from a car you can really photograph birds very well, it is then a kind of shelter, birds are not afraid of cars.
I go outside every day and walk about 8 kilometers.
Sometimes I take my camera with me to take pictures, I also take pictures with my phone of landscapes, but when I go for birds I do have my camera with me, it takes better pictures than the phone.
Greetings Irma

Ann said...

Happy Birthday. Fun present. Keep on dancing.

Jeevan said...

My Best wishes for a fantastic birthday! That's a cute gift from your husband, and I hope you guys have nostalgic memories to cherish related to the records. Excellent shot of birds from the drive; I agree with you on the importance of being outdoors or enjoying the nature of the bit around us.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Your photos from the car are amazing. Happy birthday- and we have a victrola too and love playing our old records!

Jeanie said...

Happiest of birthdays, Diane. I hope you get to do everything you want to do and if you are out shooting photos have a most amazing discovery!

eileeninmd said...

Hello and Happy Birthday to you! You saw a lot during your visit to the preserve. The Kestrel and Hawk photos are my favorite. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

BeachGypsy said...

Happy happy birthday my sweet friend!!-- may your year be full of joy and happiness! Love the little girl photo! Mr Front Porch gave me one of those reproduction old fashioned record players for Christmas several years back and it's one of my all time favorites and gets used pretty much every day-- I know you'll enjoy yours too! I had saved dozens of my old record albums from the old days and now play them all the time--- they are SO OLD and work great! Birthday hugs!!

John's Island said...

I love the way your Jeep turns into Photo Opportunity Lane. 😊 Neat photos … thanks for sharing. By the way, did you know vinyl is making a big comeback? I’ve got a bunch of 45s too and I’m thinking about something like your birthday present. I hope you are OK with links … I’ll put one below to an article about the vinyl comeback and why vinyl records are better than digital recordings. Best regards to you from Seattle! John

Marit said...

Happy birthday!
Beautiful photos taken from your car! The Hawk and the Kestrel are so pretty.
Take care, and have a great weekend!

Breathtaking said...

Hello Diane :=) Happy Birthday, have a good one. You are a lucky girl, what a n absolutely smashing gift from hubby. I loved your post and the birds you saw. The Flycatcher, Kestrel, and Hawk are wonderful sightings and you took lovey photos..
All the best Hugs from Portugal.

carol l mckenna said...

Happy Birthday to you sweet one ~ glad you are dancing with your new victrola ~ What a great gift ~ Glad you stopped and got such great nature photos ~ Xo

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Bill said...

Great photos from your car. I love your new header, it's a beauty. Happy birthday, hope you twist the night away.

Red Rose Alley said...

Happy Birthday! What a nice gift the record player is. Reminds me of my friend and I listening to the 45s when I was growing up. I love this picture of you when you were a little girl, and it's such a special photo. That mourning dove is precious. Have a wonderful birthday weekend, Diane.


Rhodesia said...

Happy Birthday. Sadly we left all our records in South Africa when we moved to Europe 22 years ago :-((
Love post I do love the birds of prey.
Cheers, t'other Diane

Wally Jones said...

It has been ages since we have explored around your area. We are overdue to return!

Thank you for sharing some of the beauty of Halpata Tastanaki. It's a terrific place!

How typical of you to give US all presents of beauty on YOUR birthday!

Enjoy your special day.

RedPat said...

That was a successful drive. The Kestrel would be the big thrill for me.
Have a Happy Birthday and Keep on Dancing.

Lowcarb team member said...

Love the photographs here.
Wishing you the happiest of birthdays.
Keep dancing :)

All the best Jan

Miaismine said...

What a beautiful header photo! Just lovely!
You are absolutely right about enjoying nature! I’ve put up some birdfeeders and am so enjoying the sparrows and robins. The doves have their own feeder and are also a joy to watch.
Walking outdoors is such great therapy!
Happy birthday! What a thoughtful gift!

Shiju Sugunan said...

Lovely photos. Happy birthday! You got a wonderful gift. Old records are gold!

Phil Slade said...

Happy Birthday Diane. From that photo you are a lot younger than I imagined you to be! I agree about getting outdoors as much as possible and also about using a vehicle as a hide (blind). I have your birthday present here for when you call by. Enjoy your party weekend.

Anni said...

Well now...happy birthday!! We still have 45s/ 33 1/3s /cassettes and CDs. What a great gift.

I loved seeing the kestrels! They fly away too soon here!

Enjoy your week ahead and thank you for linking in at IRBB.

Mae Travels said...

What great photos, and such wonderful sightings from a car. Seeing kestrels and hawks would be a real treat for me. Florida is so much more bird-friendly!

best... mae at

Lea said...

A Kestrel - wonderful!
I enjoyed your other photos, too!
Happy Birthday!
Have a blessed day!

Aunt Helen said...

I wish you a wonderful day on your 39th (again) Birthday!! You really were (Birdin)!!! So many lovely Birds in your post today. What gorgeous weather for hiking. Wish I could go along on your adventures, but I love seeing them on your posts! Thank you. Love, Aunt Helen

LA Paylor said...

I LOVE the younger you photos! I remember so fondly my little red tricycle and how sturdy and secure it was, I was a little speedster with my chubby legs pumping away. Your last photo reminds me of the cotton socks I had to squeeze on after they shrunk! Did you grow up in Florida? I have pics of me wearing those annoying socks with sandals about age 4.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Whooot! Whooot! Happy Birthday, Diane! Cheers to your new adventure around the Sun! I like your birthday gift.

Hena Tayeb said...

Happy Birthday. Wonderful to hear about all your joyful singing and dancing.
So many great bird pictures.

Tanza Erlambang said...

very beautiful Red Shouldered Hawk....

# Happy birthday to you...

Adam Jones said...

The Great Crested Flycatcher is a new bird for me, so it is great to be able to see it. Thanks for sharing.

Kim@Snug Harbor said...

Happy birthday Dianne!! I love your present. I have a record player and a nice vinyl collection. I play something on it almost every day. Yesterday was "Wayne Newton." He's one of my favorites. Yard sales are great places to find albums cheap. Have fun and keep on dancing my friend - Forever young!

Jeannie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You go, girl! Party all you want.

Jeannie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You go, girl! Party all you want.