Friday, June 23, 2023

bob WHITE, bob WHITE

As most of you know I was 'born and raised' in Arkansas and then lived many years in Texas. So I grew up knowing what a bobwhite was but it still thrills me to hear and see them along the Florida Trails.

I was walking very quietly on a trail at Halpata Tastanaki Preserve (from the Pruitt trailhead).

It is a road that is used by forest rangers and park personnel but it has a locked gate. You enter the trail through a small opening next to the gate. So it's an easy walk and you can see up ahead. 

And so begins my bobwhite story.

I looked up ahead and a beautiful female was walking across in front of me.

She took her time and kept her eyes on me at all times.

I was surprised that she didn't fly away.

But she took her time while I stood still and took photos.

When she got across, she hid in the tall grass and watched me.

So I walked on by. After a few steps, I stopped to look back.

And that's when baby boy bobwhite came across headed for mama! (a male has white above the eyes and on the side of the face)

But then he saw me and froze.

And then he started walking towards me! 

Mama bobwhite started crying...CHIRP CHIRP...over and over again.

And then she finally got concerned enough to intervene! She flew over him into the grass where they had started from and he flew off after her. WHEW! I guess he had never seen a hiker in a pink hat before! But I think he'll remember me from now on!

What a tale I had to tell when I got home. I saw lots of other neat sightings, a Checkered butterfly and beautiful wildflowers.

Have you seen a bobwhite or heard the bob WHITE call? 

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

and I’d Rather B Birdin’.  

  Mosaic Monday HERE and I like Thursdays HERE !  


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

What a lovely tale, Diane, I loved hearing it. Such a treat! Beautiful birds.

Cathy said...

I don't think I have seen a bobwhite before or heard it's call. I just googled it and it's very distinctive. Beautiful photos.

Tom said...

...I've never met Bob or Bobette! Have a wonderful weekend.

Teresa said...

Preciosa codorniz y su hijo, me encantó verlos, por aquí son más pequeñas. Un abrazo y encantada de pasear contigo.

Barbara said...

While I am not familiar with bob whites, I suppose I could have been around them at one time or another. This was a good story!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Last Bobwhites I saw/heard were in Oklahoma many years ago.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are beauitufl and it has been since my childhood that I heard one. how thrilling to see the baby.

Jeanie said...

She is so beautiful! I'm so glad you were able to spend time with this lovely bird -- and her song.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

A bobwhite melt the heart story! You are blessed to see such an event.

Ricki Treleaven said...

What a cute Bob WHITE story! :D We saw a green heron on our walkies yesterday. We see blue herons all the time, just not green ones.

Ann said...

Around these parts a Bob White is the guy who used to own the garage down the street.

Lowcarb team member said...

Great post.
Lovely to see your photographs of the Bobwhite.
Your flowers and butterfly mosaic is very nice too.

Enjoy your weekend.

All the best Jan

roentare said...

Bobwhite is such a unique name. She looks very proud taking its stride too

HappyK said...

I enjoyed your tale of the bobwhite.
Fantastic photos.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, I love Bobwhites, and haven't heard one in years. There aren't too many left anymore. I understand that feral cats often get them in the woods. That is so sad, but because they make their nests in the grass on the ground, they are an easy prey for other animals. I love your story and also that you got such great pictures of both the Mama and the Baby! I had a feeling there was either a nest nearby or babies by the way she was acting. You were blessed to get to see them up close like that. And your other photos are wonderful. I don't think I've ever seen a checkered butterfly before! That's a treat! This was delightful! Thank you for sharing it with us!!

Cloudia said...

The birds are fond of the human in the pink hat!

Terri D said...

What fun!! I have good memories of Bobwhites having grown up in Ohio. My BFF Elaine and I had a "club" called The Bobwhites and we whistled the call!! Thanks for this fun memory!! You got some great photos!!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Such a fun encounter - great photos! I've seen quail - don't know if they are the same thing, and I've heard the call, but it's been a while. They are such sweet little birds.

Irma said...

Beautiful series of photos of the Bobwhite.
This species does not occur in the Netherlands.
The other photos are also very nice.
Greetings Irma

eileeninmd said...

What a cute story and Bobwhite experience and sighting. I have seen one male Bobwhite years ago. Love the flowers and butterfly. Great collection of photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

Marcia said...

It has been too many years since I've heard a Bob White call. Lucky you.

Phil Slade said...

Great work Diane. You did the right thing by letting the Bobwhite carry on with what it wanted to do and you didn't disturb the bird at all. Have a Happy Sunday.

Debbie said...

oooooh the stories we tell, with both our words and your awesome pictures!! this is such an exciting tale, i could feel your joy!! i have never seen a certainly i have not heard it's call. i think i will google it!!

i am starting to see a lot of wildflowers here, and the butterflies are starting to appear!! enjoy your weekend!!

RedPat said...

I have never seen one. What a lovely story. I guess the little guy has no fear of humans yet. Have a good week.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Quail are very cool. I love your story. I see in our backyard how the mamas of various species look out for their offspring.

Lea said...

What a fun experience!

Bill said...

What a wonderful observation and story.

italiafinlandia said...

This is a story with a happy ending, luckily.
Thanks for sharing.
Have a nice weekend!

Janey and Co. said...

Precious story! It always amazes me the amount of wildlife you come across on your hikes.
Hope you are well. I miss blogging so I am visiting some of my favorite blogs. Janey from Thick and thin

Sandy said...

I remember seeing and hearing them in my younger days, but I haven't seen or heard one in ages. That was a special sight on your hike.

Shiju Sugunan said...

What a great story! I love that you were able to capture the moment with your photos.

NanaDiana said...

Wonderful story, Diane. I love Bobwhites and now that I think about it-I don't think we have them here. I grew up with a lot of them in PA. I was telling my son the other day about the Pipers we had there and how they would drag a wing and pretend they were injured to distract you from the area their babies were in. xo Diana

Jenn Jilks said...

That is a fun adventure!! How nice of her to tolerate your photos. I enjoyed them.

carol l mckenna said...

Delightful 'Bob White' story of mama and baby~ wonderful photos and beautiful floral shots too Xo

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Gillena Cox said...

Beautiful critters all. Happy Sunday.
My Sunday Smiles linky is HERE


Red Rose Alley said...

That's a cute story. She's quite an attractive bird.....and BIG. Mamas always protect their young, even in nature. The white butterfly is so pretty. I really like that first photo with the clouds. Wishing you many more happy trails this Summer, Diane.


handmade by amalia said...

I enjoyed your bobwhite story, Diane, she is a very pretty bird, not heard of her before. Now, of course, I want a pink hat as well.

Wally Jones said...

We grew up in central Florida and took the calls of the Bob White for granted. As we spent many years away from the state, once we returned, hearing that call seemed to say "Welcome Home"!

What a great hike! The flowers and butterflies are abundant everywhere we roam lately.

Hope your new week is a good one.

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

Diane, I love that story of the bob white. what a nice walk and I enjoyed looking at the photos. I hope you have a nice week.

Gillena Cox said...

Beautiful photos and story.
My Monday post is HERE


Rainbow Evening said...

so beautiful bird.... wish to see in nature...
thank you for sharing story and beautiful photos

Carla from The River said...

WOW, what a lovely bird. I enjoyed your story and your photos.

BeachGypsy said...

Loved this post. The bob white brings me memories. Memories of hearing the pretty call of the bob whites as dusk fell and I fought sleep....snuggled safely in my Ma-Maw's big ole porch swing. Rocking gently....creak, creak, rock rock.....a hot summer night and the bob whites sing me to sleep.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Wonderful encounter with the curious baby-Bob!

Sharon Wagner said...

I'm in the black and have not seen a bobwhite! Sweet story and photos.

Tanza Erlambang said...

bobwhite is a fantastic bird... beautiful

Aunt Helen said...

Lovely story from a road less traveled. The birds are so nice. I remember hearing the Bob White's call in Minnesota, but do not remember seeing one. They are quite a nice looking bird and her babies. Happy hiking!! Love, Aunt Helen P.S. Happy Fourth of July to you and Ron!

GreenComotion said...

Beautiful photos and story!

EricaSta said...

Lovely captures. You give me a smile for this bird, which run away...

Thank you so much being part again at

Greetings by Heidrun