Friday, February 23, 2024

February brings signs of Spring!

 We definitely see signs of Spring in the month of February here in Florida.

I'm sure that's why so many people visit the state during this month.

I've seen more birds, wildflowers, colorful leaves and an abundance of butterflies already.

And I want to give an update on the honey bee hive at Halpata Tastanaki Preserve.

The bees are busy making honeycomb and it changes from week to week.

I thought in the beginning that it was a swarm and they would leave after a couple of weeks.

But they have been there for over 4 months now!

Here's the same photo taken a week apart and put together for comparison. You can see the same stick in each photo.

While I was on this particular hike, I got to watch 2 American Kestrels in all their glory!

This one was particularly cute!

Kestrel in flight

And even saw a few Eastern Meadowlarks!

They always show up in the Spring!

The weather has been beautiful allowing me to hike just about every other day for the month, which makes me very happy!

Are you seeing any signs of Spring where you live? Don't worry, it will be here before you know it! 

AHHHH Chooooo!!! lol

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

  and Mosaic Monday HERE !  


Jeanie said...

That butterfly is a beauty and I find the honeycomb just fascinating! Lovely photos, all of them!

Tom said...

...spring is in the air today, but the big question is, will it last? Enjoy those butterflies, but send some our way.

Marcia said...

Spring? Not any time soon here though snow has been a disappointment this winter.
Strange those honey bees have the comb in the open. Didn't think that would work with animals that like to eat honey.

tz_garden said...

What a beautiful kestrel, nice shot!

Wally Jones said...

Yep, we continue to enjoy being spoiled by our almost-Spring-like weather.

You have offered up a wonderful collection of images today. Those bees have really been busy.

Enjoy the weekend.

Breathtaking said...

Hi Diane :=)
You saw some beautiful birds, flowers, and that butterfly is gorgeous but the Honey Bee hive is so spectacular, I have never seen anything like it. It's huge, and almost looks as though it may fall with all the weight. Signs of Spring are everywhere here, here in the garden, it's ablaze with colour.


It's wonderful to hear that you've been able to enjoy hiking in such beautiful weather! Spring is indeed on its way, bringing its own delightful signs of renewal. And bless you for that well-timed sneeze! 😄 By the way, I just posted a new blog entry, and I'd love for you to check it out!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, I loved your photos!! So much beauty around us right now here in Florida. We are so blessed to live here...even if today is quite windy where we are. We've had a few little showers too, but the wind is really something else! That Kestrel is so cute!! Yes, I love to see what is "out there" this time of year! We are really blessed to live here, amen?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that kestrel is a beauty. love the closeup of the honey comb and am wondering if a bear might find that delish.. we are below Tampa and in the sub tropics so don't have much change, all this blooms year round. we can tell its spring because all the live oaks are putting out the dangling ahhh choo pollen, pushing off the leaves and new ones coming out. there are 8 million leaves in our yard. we just mulch them up.

roentare said...

The Krestels look fabulous. So are the bee hives

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Love the yellow flower, delicate and classy.
Your photos lift my spirits to feel cheery.
Spring here? Aside from temperatures and rain feeling like spring, nothing much else does.

Lorrie said...

That's a HUGE honey stash! Good for the bees. Such hard workers. The Meadowlark is beautiful, I've never seen one, so I'm glad you posted this photo. Spring is slowly, slowly making an appearance here. Have a good weekend, Diane.


if sneezing is sign of spring in Florida--then --yes I have seen lots of spring changes--in how many Kleenex I have went though the last couple of weeks!!!!!
hugs, di

HappyK said...

So interesting seeing the bees!!

Terri D said...

Wow! That hive is amazing! I always love your photos!

Latane Barton said...

Ah Spring. You give me hope that it will soon be coming my way.

Linda said...

That bee hive is amazing!!! There was one in Waco last year and we tried to get it but it was too high in the tree.
I am waking up to the songs of the mockingbirds here! That's the state bird of Texas and my favorite. We used to have one at the ranch that would perch on a tall pole and sing its heart out. Six years he did that.

Ann said...

Seeing signs of spring always makes me happy. We've got a bit more of a wait here for it. That honeycomb is amazing.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful nature photos. My favorites are the butterfly, the Meadowlark and the kestrel. That bee hive look huge. Great post Diane! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

Aunt Helen said...

Hello Diane, What a wonderful array of wildlife . I love the cute Kestral, and all the beautiful Butterflies. The Bee Hive was very interesting! Busy Bees! I wish you and Ron a very Happy Anniversary on March 1st. Love, Aunt Helen

Phil Slade said...

It's good to hear that spring is in the air for you Diane. Not so good to hear that even in Florida too you have the problems of brown envelopes changing hands and ever-expanding areas of concrete. In the meantime we must enjoy what we have until hopefully someone or something comes along to slam us into reverse. I do love you little American Kestrel, so many good things in a small package. Looks like honey time for you soon. A wonderful natural product, made by wildlife,.

RedPat said...

It is very cold here today but sunny so when you look out the window it looks like spring but when you go outside, it is winter. All the birds are hunkered down to stay warm today. Love the Kestrel shots.
Have a great week.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Not much signs of spring here except for the purple henbit making an appearance. Daffodils will be up any time.

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! Awesome signs of Spring and wonderful photos ~ favortes are the birds ~ thanks,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Lowcarb team member said...

We've actually had spring-like weather today, which has been wonderful, only trouble is I don't think it's going to last.

I enjoyed seeing your photographs, the butterfly is beautiful and so interesting to see the honeycomb.

Keep enjoying your hikes and sharing your lovely photographs.

All the best Jan

Lea said...

Honeybees in the wild - wonderful!
Great photos of the birds and butterflies, too!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Spring arrives early there in Florida. Love your close-ups of the bee hive! You were brave to get so close. My Dad used to but fresh honeycomb as we would eat the honey out of the wax--it was so good!

Red Rose Alley said...

The bee hive is incredible. So interesting to look at and see it up close.
That little Kestrel is so cute and has a sweet face. And great pictures of the butterflies. I like that heart-shaped leaf too!

No Spring yet. It was sunny for a couple days, but I hear we may get more snow in March. Spring will come in its time. : )

Have a relaxing weekend, dear friend.


magiceye said...

Wonderful critters! Beautiful birds a butterflies, and busy bees,

Irma said...

What beautiful photos.
It's not really spring here yet, although there is already some green on the trees, but we don't see any butterflies here yet.
The American kestrels and the Eastern meadowlarks are really beautiful, these species are also not found in the Netherlands.
I wish you a beautiful Sunday.
Greetings Irma

Marit said...

Beautiful photos! I love to see the butterfly. It must be wonderful to have spring already!

Caroline said...

Beautiful photos. Beautiful butterflies, spring is coming. Have a nice day.

Penelope Notes said...

The symmetry is amazing!

Bob Bushell said...

I love the Eastern Meadowlark, precious.

Shiju Sugunan said...

Loving the beautiful photos! Spring seems delightful in Florida.

Rainbow Evening said...

Eastern Meadowlarks look colorful.....
great captures.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Such good pictures of the soaring (and resting) kestrels and the information about the bees was interesting. We've been on a cleaning/organizing tear here; since both of us are in the same mood it would be wrong not to take advantage of it. So we haven't really taken any interesting day-trips since we got here. Hoping it doesn't get too hot too soon -- we'll stay after most of the snowbirds have gone back and hopefully our places to go won't be as crowded. You are right about so many people coming here in February.

Teresa said...

Precioso tu reportaje. Me gusta todo, especialmente la mariposa y abejas. Besos.

Lowcarb team member said...

I know I commented here because I can remember the beautiful butterfly and the honeycomb.
I wonder if it went in spam folder?
Blogger is still causing glitches from time to time.

Fingers crossed this comment comes through okay.

All the best Jan

BeachGypsy said...

hi there Diane, I love all these beautiful pictures, especially the butterflies and the bees and the honeycombo. it's looking like spring here too, but we sure are having chilly nights and mornings yet. lots of pretty sunshine though, that helps. We got our onions planted about 2 weeks ago and today mr. front porch put in seeds in the tiny starter containers, beans, and "maters", and peppers, etc. Busy building new gardens too. have a happy week!

NatureFootstep said...

loved to see the honey bee hive

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

We may have an early spring here - although certainly not as early as yours! I loved seeing the beautiful birds and the bees too! That is so wonderful to be able to watch the bees in action! Enjoy all your beautiful spring hikes and weather - truly spring is a glorious season to enjoy!

Carla from The River said...

Oh I just love the photos of the honeycomb. I have never seen that in the wild.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

That bee hive is so cool, it is amazing what bees can do in such a short period of time.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

The bee hive is fascinating!

Linda said...

Delightful post! I'm seeing very early signs of spring.

italiafinlandia said...

Love that beautiful butterfly!
No signs of spring, here in Finland yet, only longer daytime.