Friday, June 14, 2024

Walking out the front door to hike!

 It's hot....what can I say! 

Black-bellied Whistling-duck

This is not in focus and I usually like crisp and clear photos but for some reason I love this duck in flight!

I've walked over to the neighborhood pond a few times in the late evenings to get some exercise and see some birds.

Oh, and watch the sunset!

I watched a Canada Goose leading a flock of ducks in a late evening round of golf.

So what's the hold up?  Can you try to keep up!

Oh my, are all geese this bossy?

This is a female Boat-tailed Grackle. Thanks for help with the ID Wally! And thanks Eileen for mentioning with Whistling Duck. I'm still learning!

And this is White Ibis with some of the sunset colors giving him a golden streak.

There were several ducks on the pond with young ones in tow.

One more photo of how pretty the homes look here in the summer months with flowers blooming and flags flying!

Standing in my front door!

I hope you are enjoying some summer time walks!

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

  and Mosaic Monday HERE !


Tom said...

...nice front door. From the title I thought that you were glamping.

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

I love looking at the birds, ducks, pretty homes and flowers. I hope you are enjoying the your walks and have a nice weekend.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Lovely photos of your ducks and geese and sunsets and beauty all around you! That is a blessing to be able to enjoy such loveliness from your own front door! We are thankful for our back door views of our pond and the wildlife out there. It has been way too hot to go on very long walks these days. And we need RAIN! Too bad the folks in south Florida are so flooded and we are still dry! Thank you for sharing your lovely views with us. Have a wonderful weekend.

MadSnapper said...

wildlife and ponds and trees and flowers. and wow on the view from your front door. love that corner window across from you.. beautiful place to hike and close to AC if you have need of it..

Katerinas Blog said...

Very beautiful sunset!
The birds are wonderful!
Thanks for the afternoon walk!

Lorrie said...

Nice view from your front door. What a gorgeous sunset with the glowing clouds. Beautiful!

Ann said...

Your neighborhood looks really nice. I always like seeing flags out

Barbara said...

Here in Florida, we don't have to go far to see amazing beauty! You captured it well with your camera and fun comments.

HappyK said...

What pretty ducks!!
Oh yes, I'm enjoying my walks. :)

Marcia said...

I've been hearing about the flooding. Doesn't look like you're affected by your photos. Nice evening walk. I must douse myself with bug spray to right now - black fly season and boy do they bite. I have several hard knots from bites on my neck and shoulder from eating outside at a friend's house.

roentare said...

Your geese look so different!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I just returned from Sunny Isles (Near Miami) to Pennsylvania. Everything is green and beautiful here too with flowers blooming, birds chirping, and squirrels, rabbits,l and dear visiting daily. I enjoyed all your photos! I I hope you didn't get any flooding! 'm my way to the farmers market.

eileeninmd said...

The flowers and neighborhood look beautiful. I love the Whistling Ducks, they are so darn cute! Pretty sky and a lovely series of photos.
Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

Rostrose said...

Dear Diane, I think you like the first photo because it is so full of motion... <3
It's not very hot in Austria right now, we have had autumn weather all through June, mainly cool and partly rainy and in some regions there were severe storms with flooding and fallen trees. Fortunately not where I live.
Your photos of your walks to the neighborhood pond look beautiful and peaceful. It seems to me that the goose would like to be the ducks' teacher. Maybe she thinks they are children because they are smaller? In any case, you captured interesting scenes - and the sunset cloud looks fascinating!
Hugs, all the best and happy weekend, Traude

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

What a view from your front door. And I enjoyed the photos of your walk. Gorgeous sunset colours on that cloud - oh my! And I had a chuckle about the bossy Canada Goose. Wishing you a beautiful day, Diane!

EricaSta said...

Thank you for sharing, dear Diane. Have a wonderful week.

Hugs by Heidrun

Wally Jones said...

Hot and humid. We might be in Florida!
We're getting out early, so that helps.

I'm with you - I like your image of the Black-bellied Whistling-Duck in speedy flight!

The last couple of images of ducks may be a mix of Mallard and Mottled Ducks. Pretty common.

Great-looking neighborhood!

Be careful out there as temp and humidity will continue to rise.

Have a wonderful weekend!

(Your blackbird looks like a female Boat-tailed Grackle.)

Bill said...

Great shots of the birds and ducks. Your words made me laugh. :) Enjoy the weekend.

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely photos from your evening walks ~ stay cool ~ hugs,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Mae Travels said...

Your photos taken near sunset have a beautiful color and mood. I enjoyed your post. Ihope your weather improves soon.
best, mae at

mvmaithai said...

I could not fine the comment link at your About Me page, so I'll do it here. We love hiking in the mountains of TN; in FL, we usually stroll in the state parks in S. Fl and Pinellas County parks. If you're out this way, give us a shout. We'll show you around :-)

I've been blogging a while too, and have read and commented on your blog before.

Have a great weekend!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Nice to be able to walk to a park to see some wildlife. Our greenbelt in our neighborhood provides opportunities to see bunnies, squirrels, various birds including ducks, geese, robins and a hawk every now and then.

Terri D said...

You always share such beautiful photos with us. I LOVE the duck in flight. Great capture!! The view from your front door is beautiful.

RedPat said...

I like the shot of the duck in flight too. It looks as if it is moving really quickly. It is nice to see the Whistling Ducks. There used to be a blogger who showed them all the time.
Have a good week and I hope it cools down a bit for you.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

The duck shot really conveys the essence of rapid flight. This is perhaps an instance where blurred is good. Just claim it was intentional!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Lovely photos, beautiful neighborhood

magiceye said...

Beautiful photos accompanied by lovely captions!

Yvonne said...

Sometimes a blurred photo is magical. I use them sometimes with insect or bird wings. Your part of the world is always so beautiful when I take a hike with you on your blog. Happy Sunday!

Teresa said...

Todo se ve tan bonito y tu casa es preciosa con tantas flores. Besos.

Hena Tayeb said...

You got some great shots!

Villrose said...

Beautiful at your front door.
I wonder why the Canada geese seems to thrive very well both in our cold climate, and in your warmth.

Lowcarb team member said...

A nice view from your front door.
I enjoyed seeing the photographs you've shared.
Keep enjoying your summer time walks.

All the best Jan

Linda said...

Lovely shots! Have a good week.

Jeanie said...

I've never seen geese with those markings before. they're fabulous!

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

I knew that first duck at first sight! Up until last winter I would not have known what it was, but saw my first on in Savannah last winter.

21 Wits said...

Hello, what a pleasant viewing of nature and critters and great moments in your world. Your photos are beautiful! Thank you for sharing them.

Veronica Lee said...

What a delightful post, Diane!
The shot of the duck in flight is fantastic, capturing such motion.
The sunset and White Ibis are breathtaking.
Your neighborhood pond sounds perfect for evening walks and birdwatching.
Thanks for sharing these lovely moments.

Happy hiking and stay cool!

Ricki Treleaven said...

You live in a beautiful neighborhood! I do love the unfocused photo of the whistling duck. All of your photos are so pretty! :D

Carla from The River said...

Hello, I am glad the geese and ducks like to play golf together. Ha ha!! That was cute... great photos my friend.

Debbie said...

oooooh those whistling ducks, they are so beautiful. we had just one here once, and it was such a joy to photograph. i also like the first picture, something about knowing it was in flight, intentional movement!! i have friends who walk at their local malls to get exercise when it is too hot or too cold outdoors. i don't know if that would interest you!! awesome images today!! i am late...enjoy the rest of your week!!

Natasha said...

A wondrous post, Diane.
And each one of the shots are lovely. Nature is so incredible and gives unconditionally.

Back from the rainforests and it was beyond lovely.

Red Rose Alley said...

You saw many nice things on the outskirts of your neighborhood. The Canadian Geese are always delightful to see, and I love that photo of the goose and ducks. The yards are green and groomed. And those red roses! Thanks for sharing. Sometimes the most unique things to see are close to our home. I like that Ibis in flight too! Have a blessed weekend, Diane. Can't believe June is almost over. : )


Red Rose Alley said...

ps.....your butterfly Header is gorgeous!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

The Whistling Ducks are so cute, they have such a lot of personality. Here in my little corner of Florida it is either too hot or too rainy to go hiking much. Or (to be perfectly honest) I am too lazy and/or tired. (This week we are getting ready to close up shop for the season though. )