Tuesday, January 21, 2025

My Special day and a 'deer' story!

I thought I would interrupt the regularly scheduled blogging to have a 'special day'!

Yes, it comes around every year and this year it's a good chance to catch up on the highlights of last year.

When we are at home, I hike some of the same trails over and over. And it's amazing how different each hike can be. 

There's a small herd of deer that I am seeing in the same area. 

The Mama Deer came out onto the trail and grazed on the side of the paved trail. 

This is the Marjorie Harris Carr Cross Florida Greenway. I don't walk on the paved part very much but use it to get to other forest trails.

I stood really still and it crossed in front of me.

But it didn't go away. It stayed put watching me.

And when I didn't leave, it crossed back over.

I looked into the forest and understood why. Several young deer were hiding in the forest.

And they were waiting for Mama to give them the go ahead to cross.

It was a neat sighting and when I decided to quit taking photos of them, they bounded away.

White tailed deer

I get such enjoyment getting out in nature and I always feel refreshed and rejuvenated after a hike. I really prefer hiking deep into the forest. And I'm very thankful for the good health and trails nearby.

Last year was a challenge. But I managed 142 hikes for the year and got to hike a lot of different trails with our camping trips. I want to give my sweet hubby a big thank you for hauling me all over the place to camp at state parks and hike new trails. 

Hopefully for my birthday this year, I'll be out and about doing what I love best! 


My sister, my cousin...

and I'm the tall blonde! 

Happy 'special day' to all my blog buddies, family and friends!

I'll save you a chocolate birthday brownie!


Tom said...

...may I join your friends in wishing you a Happy 29th Birthday!

NanaDiana said...

Happy Happy Birthday, Diane. I am so glad you enjoy hiking and have such unlimited access to areas to hike.

We have a herd of deer that live on our property and it is so wonderful to see all the babies. Even though we are considered 'town' our condo complex is on 12+ wooded acres so it is like living in the country. xi Diana

Irma said...

Beautiful photos of the deer you saw while walking.
Greetings Irma

Katerinas Blog said...

Happy birthday!
I really like the photo you posted, happy old days!
Deer are great, I love to write stories about them!!

Happy@Home said...

Great photos of that sweet deer family.
Have a wonderful birthday. You are entitled to an extra big brownie after your impressive devotion to hiking.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Thanks Tom! You always make me feel special! Have a brownie with me! Hugs!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Deer are extra special...and so are you! It's a little chilly and drizzly for a hike today but it will still be a good day with friends like you stopping by! Sweet hugs!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Thank you Irma and I appreciate you always stopping by with a sweet comment all year long! Hugs!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Oh how wonderful to have you visit today Katerina! I love your blog and your stories! Hugs!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

We've been blogging friends for a long time! I think I should share a brownie with you! Thanks for all of your sweet comments all year long! Hugs!

Cathy said...

Happy Birthday. Love all the deer photos...they are such beautiful creatures.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Happy Special Day!
I hope y'all have good food and lots of laughs.

eileeninmd said...

Happy Birthday to you! I love all your deer photos, they are always a treat to see. I am glad they were not scared. Cute photo of you, your sister and cousin. Take care, have a wonderful week!

Timelesslady said...

Happy Birthday. I'm with you, I love nature. Seeing those deer would seem to be a gift to me too. They are lovely. Now and then we will see one on a hike or biking through a woodland trail. It always gives me a thrill to see one, especially when they gaze back at me as yours did. Great photos.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Thanks Cathy for the birthday wishes and sweet visit this morning.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm baking brownies this afternoon and we are having BBQ brisket for dinner. Wish you were here with some of your happiness!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Thanks Eileen, that photo was taken 'awhile back'! heehee!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It's so wonderful to have a blog friend that loves nature as much as I do. Thanks for your birthday wishes and sweet comments all year long!

BeachGypsy said...

Happy happy birthday my friend!! For some reason I thought your birthday was in February!? Love the deer pictures! Hope your birthday is wonderful! Hugs! ❤ 🎂 🥮 🕯 💐 🌹 🎊 🎉 🎊

roentare said...

The deers look so gorgeous! Just love it

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes and your friendship for all of these years. It's going to get COLD tonight! Stay warm! I'm putting my flannel pjs on early! lol Hugs!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Thank you so much for always leaving me such nice comments!

HappyK said...

Love the very first deer picture though all are amazing.
A very Happy Birthday!!!

Terri D said...

Happy birthday!! The deer photos are brilliant!

Ann said...

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday. As usual I enjoyed seeing all your photos.

Jeanie said...

I'm enjoying your special day post and your wonderful photos, including that childhood one. Sending big happy birthday wishes for you as you begin your next trip around the sun!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Thanks so much Karen! I hope the weather improves soon so you can get outside! Me too!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Thank you very much for visiting on my birthday!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Thanks Ann! You are very sweet to stop by with birthday wishes!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Oh, Jeannie, your comments always make me smile! Thanks for being such a sweet friend all year long!

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

Happy birthday Diane! I hope you had a nice time celebrating your birthday and I hope you were spoiled. Wow, you have done a lot of hiking last year and happy hiking this year. I love those photos of the deer. Take care and enjoy the rest of the week.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Happy Special Day and I love that photo.. I enjoy vintage photos a lot. that last shot of the fleeing deer is special. what a sight to see, all those deer

EricaSta said...

Lovely deers ... and lovely photos too as child.

Barbara said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! 142 hikes in one year -- that will keep you going for many more years to come!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Thanks Julie! I did get lots of surprises on my birthday that made it extra special. My best girlfriend gave me a package of bath supplies so that will spoil me for a long time to come. Thanks for stopping by!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Those vintage photos are getting older and older! haha! Thanks for the sweet comment!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Thank you very much and also for the fun Mosaic Monday parties we have every week!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Thanks Barb! I hope I can keep going for years to come.

Annie said...

Lovely photos. Love the deer especially. I enjoy your walk adventures

Lowcarb team member said...

Many happy birthday wishes are winging there away across the miles to you. Enjoy your chocolate birthday brownie :)

Lovely to see the deer in your photographs.

All the best Jan

Veronica Lee said...

Happy Birthday, Diane!
It’s so lovely to see all your beautiful deer photos and hear about your hiking adventures.
Here’s to another year of amazing hikes and unforgettable moments. 💐🎂 Enjoy every minute of it! Hugs!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It sure will be nice when it warms up a little more to get outside. Thanks for the sweet comment.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You know I found a good KETO recipe and I appreciate the ones you share with us all year long. Thanks for the birthday wishes. You are always so sweet!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How sweet Veronica! It's cold here this week but hopefully I'll be back on the trails soon! I sure love all of your nice comments! Thanks for being a sweet friend!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

What a special treat to see the deer family so up close and almost interact with them. Your hikes are special and you get some amazing photos. Thanks for sharing them with us and Happy Birthday.

Teresa said...

Muchísimas felicidades, feliz cumpleaños. La fotografía me encantó. Abrazos.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You always saw the sweetest things my friend! Thanks for the birthday visit!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Love your visits all year round but this one is extra special! Hugs my friend!

Jenn Jilks said...

Happy birthday!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Thanks for stopping by Jenn with your birthday greeting! It means a lot to me! Hugs!

Chatty Crone said...

Happy belated birthday. Love how the deer looked back at you and went back to get her kids!