Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Wintry “Fall” Morning!

We woke up to a beautiful mountain scene.


I stood on the balcony in the blustery COLD


and took photos of the mountains…..


snow covered on this October morning!


Very picturesque….and Very COLD!


And if you would like a glimpse of Christmas

visit Michela’s new blog HERE !


It is just fabulous!

I just wish I could be there for the holiday season!

Some day…I hope!

Enjoy your Sunday!


Unknown said...

It's that time of year that we don't know if we should still be kissing scarecrows, getting ready to visit Plymouth Rock or start helping Mrs. Claus decorate cookies...but whatever the season, it's a beautiful time, all over the world. We had a thunderstorm last night that made the hilltops shake!

Michela said...

Hi Diane! Thank you so much for your lovely wishes and for mentioning my blog, that's very kind of you!
It's very cold here too, I've just worn my winter jacket for having a breath of fresh air. The view from your house is fantastic!
Happy Sunday to you and your hubby!:)

Freckled Hen said...

You have the most beautiful view. Those mountains dusted with snow would make me want Christmas, too. Happy Sunday to you...

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Thank you so much for your birthday wishes. They are much appreciated.

Your pictures are lovely. Cold looks pretty good to me about now. Yesterday it was 100 degrees, and in the high nineties today.

Have a wonderful evening.


Lila Rostenberg said...

Beautiful! Great mountains!

I am not ready for snow yet!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

It was beautiful this morning wasn't it? It seems a little early for snow. I wonder if we are in for a snowy winter? You will head south to Florida for the winter, won't you? We need to get together before you go. I have two sisters coming in the next two weeks, but after that I a, kind of free...if you don't count unpacking and painting and etc...

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Diane,

What a beautiful outlook you have.
I loved seeing the mountains with a dusting of snow.
Stay warm and enjoy your week.

Many thanks for visiting me and your kind words.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Diane! Love the snowy mountain pictures. It was FrEEZING this morning in Greensboro! I can't believe it!

Stay warm!!!


OldeAnniePrimitives said...

Are those North Carolina mountains!! Shouldn't this be about "peak" weekend for colors? My hubby is from Buncombe County and when we were still in NC (Raleigh) we always spent his birthday (which is today) visiting his grandmother in Hendersonville. Colors were always at their brightest. The snow looks out of place for October! LOL! We have land in H'sonville and hope to retire there one of these days.

BTW...thank you...I've added your wonderful blog to my blog roll, as well, and look forward to visiting! ~~Annie

Lisa Lectura Creations said...

Hi Diane! Beautiful photos! I could feel the chill and smell the fresh mountain air from here. Thanks so much for coming to my party! I'm so happy you had a great time. I can surely see why your friends call you Diana Barry! Great Kindred Friends are everywhere! Have a great week!

Lisa :)

Q said...

Snow on the mountains!

Rhonda said...

Hi Diane, WOW!!!! What a gorgeous view of the mountains!!!!! They speak of God's amazing majesty and creativity!!!!

Thank you for visiting my blog and for your nice comments. I am finally finishing up most of the dolls I had stuffed just in time to start a new batch. Stay tuned for finished pictures....God Bless, Rhonda

Veronica said...

Thanks for popping over to my blog. What a fabulous view you have! V x

Veronica said...

Thanks for popping over to my blog. What a fabulous view you have! V x

Elizabeth and Gary said...

Hi Diane,
Absolutely beautiful! I can just feel the cool air on my face. I love the mountains they are so pretty ever changing.
My computer was unplugged for at home for over a week due to new office cabinets being installed.I have some catching up to do.
Enjoy your day and keep creating,

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Your pictures of the mountains are just beautiful. Thank you for introducing me to Michela's beautiful new blog! Have a nice day! Twyla

Rooster Inn Primitives said...

what beautiful mountains..Going over to check out Michela's blog

Stay warm


Celestina Marie said...

Hi Diane, What a beautiful scene. So serene and peaceful. Gorgeous sight to wake too. The pics do look cold too. But oh so beautiful.
Thank you for sharing.
hugs, Celestina Marie

Beedeebabee said...

Hi Diane! Those photo's are just breathtaking! How lucky you are to have such a view from your balcony! Hugs, Paulette ;)

Alice Regan said...

What a beautiful view that you have. How wonderful to be able to wake up to those gorgeous mountains. Our mountains here have already been coated with snow ...I'm just waiting for it to hit the valley!

Stacey said...

What a beautiful sight to see. :)