I’ve had a few friends ask if I have boys.....of course we have boys! The girls outnumber them by quite a lot but the boys I have....oh my...they are the cutest!

I posed them on the driveway to watch the Golf Cart Parade!

Several people in our community decorate their golf carts and

drive them through the neighborhoods. HERE THEY COME!

It is so cute and something not to be missed! lol
I dressed some boys up and let them stay up late to watch. Meet Johnny, Robbie and Joey. They are all Lee Middleton kids (dolls)!

Wendy stayed inside! lol
That gives the golf cart people something to look at and talk about later! heehee!

Merry Christmas everyone!!!
This poinsettia is actually growing and blooming in our flower bed! That amazes me!

Some of them grow as big as shrubs! (ours is small!)

We’re having fun! Hope you are taking time to watch parades, play with dolls or just sit in the sun or a cozy chair by the fire and relax!

Special birthday wishes to my sweet hubby today! We’ve got a fun day planned...hope you do, too!
Merry Christmas from the Florida dollies!