This is something we all want to do whether we shop for a big family or for only one or two!
(I love my canisters!)
One thing we’ve found as a retired couple living in a smaller house, there are many items that we don’t buy in bulk any longer. That was a good option for our family when we had a house full of kids but it is not practical now. We have limited storage and we live only 10 minutes from Walmart and our grocery store, Publix. I bought groceries yesterday and here’s an example of my purchases….3 potatoes, 1 onion, 1 pepper, 1 tomato, 1 avocado, a small bunch of broccoli, a handful of green beans, 4 bananas, 3 apples, a head of Romaine lettuce…etc. Just enough for the week…or less! We can always stop at the store in a few days for more fresh veggies and fruit. If we buy too much, it spoils before we can eat it and that is wasteful!
So we don’t buy bags of potatoes or onions….or even apples or oranges. We buy fresh and eat it while it has the most vitamins and flavor.
One thing nice about Publix, is the online weekly ads and coupons that you can print out. You might check your own grocery store and see if it has this available. Walmart has the best prices overall but the sales at Publix are better. And we only buy our meat at Publix or Fresh Market.
I used coupons a lot more when my 4 sons were all at home. Now I don’t find as many that we can use. But it’s worth looking online for products like coffee and paper products.
Another thing we do that works for us is to cook our favorite big meals and freeze portions. We always freeze spaghetti sauce and chili and these packages sure come in handy when you need a quick meal. Even when you’re cooking for only 1 or 2….always make your favorite recipes. I love to bake and I might freeze some but I also like to share with my friends and neighbors. Baking 2 loaves of fresh bread is just as easy as one….and what a nice gift it makes for someone!
Now the BIG TIP I have for saving on groceries involves what to do with that fresh produce when you get home with it! I rinse everything off and put it in a colander or lay it out on paper towels. When it is dry I put it in Green bags! I’m a BIG believer in Green bags! I could be their spokesperson!
I’ve been using them for years and have bought boxes for family members! They WORK! (I put a paper towel around the item and it keeps the moisture at a minimum and that’s what causes things to spoil in the fridge.)
They really do keep fruit and veggies fresh longer! You can buy them from Amazon or even many retail stores.
It’s worth it to eat well! The food we eat is what gives us the energy to work and play and nutritious food keeps us healthy! In the long run that is the most important thing to keep in mind when you shop!
Please join all of the other Thrifty living ladies…or “Frugal Five” for their posts on this subject!
Brenda of Cozy Little House
Claudia of Mockingbird Hill Cottage
Elaine of Sunny, Simple Life
Jen of Muddy Boot Dreams
What are some of your money saving ideas for groceries? I would love to do a whole post on all of the great ideas you give me each week! Thanks so much for participating!
UPDATE…I had an anonymous comment come through that asked if we have some canned goods and staples stocked up. I guess I take it for granted that everyone knows to have a well stocked pantry. We have a large pantry in our kitchen so we have plenty of space for non perishables…canned goods such as soup, tomato sauces, beans, etc. And we keep a few extra 5 gallon bottles of Spring water in reserve, too.
Eat right…to stay healthy!