Monday, February 6, 2017

I Fell in Love with Gnomes!

I never loved them before, but oh how I love them now!


When we visited Kanapaha Botanical Gardens, I saw gnomes EVERYWHERE!

They were all over the park! Right side, sideways and upside down!


And filled with FUN!

They were even under this gorgeous Chinese Lantern tree!




Showing you the way around the alligators in the grass! lol


I couldn’t help but fall in love!

There were fairies too…


like the one at the Jelly Bean Plant!


But I already KNEW I loved fairies! 


Do you have any gnomes or fairies in your garden?

I’m joining Mosaic Monday HERE.


The French Hutch said...

Such a delightful place. Sign me up to visit anywhere you'll find gnomes and fairies! Have a wonderful week......

eileeninmd said...

Hello, the gnomes and fairies are cute. I love the pretty Chinese lantern tree and blooms. Looks like a fun garden to visit. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week ahead!

Linda H said...

These gnomes would add a touch of whimsy to any garden! Such fun! A neighbour of ours has a gnome collection. It's a joke between her and her husband- she can't stand them but he loves them and keeps adding more... That chinese lantern bloom is beautiful! My plants have just solid orange lanterns...

Maggie said...

You really enjoyed your visit to these gardens I can tell, you make us all want to go there! I prefer gnomes to fairies but don't have any in the garden as the Senior Partner thinks they're naff!.
Happy MM.

Ricki Treleaven said...

It's funny you posted this today because I just finished reading a book, and the mom and her Kindergartener son pass by a house with several gnomes in the front yard, and they always stop and say hello to one of them they nicknamed "Dopester." I've had garden gnomes on the brain lately, and I might draw one or two in my art journal this week!

What a fun Mosaic Monday post!


Red Rose Alley said...

hehehehe, I saw the gnome, and had to come right over and see! I've always wanted a gnome, and I bought a little one about a year ago cause it was so cute, but I'd love to have a BIG ONE sometime. Oh, I bet these gardens were so pretty with the gnomes and fairies. And that Chinese Lantern Tree is amazing! That little gnome pointing the direction is too cute. :)

Have a wonderful week, Diane.


Linda said...

No gnomes or fairies here but I would love that alligator walk in my back yard!

Linda Walker said...

Hi Diane!
Love these little gnomes and fairies. I chuckled while reading as it reminded me that my husband always calls them ganomes. (on purpose!) I would love a garden full of them! Hope all is well with you in sunny Florida. It's been a bit cold here but not a hard winter as far as snow accumulations. We have bare ground is some places....little snow coming tomorrow I think. Have a nice week. Think of you often!

PatC - All is Bright said...

Hi Diane - yes I have one gnome in my garden. In fact I just bought him about 2 months ago. I particularly liked this one cause he carries a watering can. He stands about 2 foot tall and is adorable.

Pamela Gordon said...

How fun! I do have a garden gnome that I sit out every summer. He needs a paint job though. Have a great week Diane.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

Don't forget about flutterbys


I have a small gnome in my Betta fish tank!!
does that count???
enjoy the moments,di

Snap said...

Fun fun fun. I don't have any gnomes. I'm afraid I wouldn't know when to stop collecting! I love fairies, too. Happy Monday!

Daniela said...

I think that we're so many loving gnomes, don't you, darling Diane, we've such a lot of figurines inside our gardens, they add a little touch of magic !!!

Wishing you the best of weeks

XO Dany

Anonymous said...

We do have a couple gnomes in our planters and another special Seattle Sounders gnome, too. I will have to be on the lookout for a little faerie to add somewhere. That Chinese Lantern tree is really quite something! Hope your week is starting well.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

That's just like me - I never really care for them, one way or another but the last few years I have been falling in love. Is it because of Travelocity????

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Diane, this is a darling post. So many gnomes to guide you around the garden. I don't have gnomes in my garden, but I do have small bunnies and angels and other statuary. I love seeing whimsy in the garden and I've thought it would be fun to make a small fairy garden. Have a great week. ♥

Betsy Banks Adams said...

NO---but those you share are so gorgeous and so colorful.... All we have in our gardens are LIVE critters (bugs, chipmunks, squirrels, deer, rabbits, groundhogs, etc.).... ha ha (Think I would rather have gnomes and fairies... ha ha


Jeanie said...

Years ago I had a wonderful book about gnomes with the most beautiful illustrations and I fell in love with them then. (I wonder what happened to that book?) Oh, these are so enchanting!

Linda said...

I love gnomes and have lots in the garden.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

How whimsical and fun to have elves and fairies in a garden! I have a few statues of animals in my gardens--a fox, a few rabbits, a squirrel, and a large turtle. I'd love to add a elf or fairy. I'll ahve to find a special one this summer at the garden store.

September Violets said...

You were probably having more fun at the gardens than most people! Ha ha! I don't have any gnomes or fairies in my gardens (unless they only come out when I'm not looking). My husband absolutely DESPISES all the hype about fairy gardens, so I've never added them to my garden. The little gnomes you saw are so cute. Love those glass mushrooms!!

Anonymous said...

So cute, Diane! I have fairies but no gnomes as of now. :-)

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Back in the late 70s when everyone was making gnomes at ceramics I had a whole family for our garden and also made them for other people. My MIL made snow white and the seven dwarves. lol
They've all moved on to gnome pastures but fairies - whey they're everywhere inside and outside. I like them better, prettier, often smaller and well behaved.

Vee said...

I like fairies best, but have neither in my garden.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

I'll bet it was fun looking for the gnomes as you walked along! Love the Chinese lantern tree - wow, that is amazing! I don't have any gnomes, but my local dept. store just got some in. Maybe I might need a couple :) Every year I make a fairy garden. A garden has to have fairies! That alligator is great! Hugs xo Karen

Pam~ Virginia Retro said...

No but I made a fairy garden last spring. Does that count? :)
Love those adorable gnomes myself.

BeachGypsy said...

we are so much alike......LOL! With the books and the dolls and all..and now I find out you like fairies too. I've been making little fairy gardens since about 2009 or so now....our little granddaughter arrives on summer days to find little "surprises" hidden for her in tiny teensy hideaways...tiny presents--flowers, pretty bits and bobs, pretty rocks and seashells,peices of bright sparkly jewelry, colorful beads, little dolls and tiny long necked dinosuars and friendly alligators etc. In the colder months, she finds fairy gifts left for her in a glittery mirrored "magic fairy treasure chest". I'm a Ma-Maw who thinks using their imaginations is so so fun and important! Everytime we have mushrooms spring up...I show her and tell her that is where the fairies danced last night. ha ha Anyway, loved the pretty pictures and I bought a new fairy door for my little collection yesterday. I will post it on my instagram so you can see it okay? I haven't done anything with gnomes yet, but they sure do go with fairies dont they?

Danice G said...

No garden, lol. 'Love gnomes though. When sister and I were really young, the family went to some tourist attraction in Florida and gnomes were there! We loved them. My sis got her photo made beside one. 'Guess we thought they were real, lol. Beautiful photos. Happy week to you :)

Arlene G said...

No gnomes or fairies in the garden( even though we are Grimms.) but I have a precious one that a cousin carved for me. I am taking him to the little house the next time we go there.


Me encantan los enanitos de jardín,besos

ann said...

I don't have any gnomes here. A fairy or two, yes. I love the garden whimsy. You have such a great collection of dolls and I love seeing them when you write about them. They do brighten our day, don't they?

carol l mckenna said...

Adorable gnomes ~ and lovely photos ~ love the fairies too ~ thanks,

Wishing you a Happy and Peaceful Week ~ ^_^

Poppy said...

The Kanapaha Botanical Gardens gnomes are TOO cute! No, we don't have gnomes in our gardens, and I've never seen them sold here. Hmm...wonder if they'll appear on their own one day!

I love the Chinese Lantern flowers; they almost look fake, they're so unique!

Great pics of your fun day at the gardens, Diane!


Dewena said...

Some things are just classic and gnomes are. They have evolved from a garden cliche to beloved garden creatures. Maybe that big book years ago started it? I'm glad you're on their PR team!

Musings from Kim K. said...

You know I love gnomes. My back yard gnome house gets frequent holiday makeovers. Such a fun and whimsical thing to collect and enjoy. Hugs!

Lowcarb team member said...

Every garden needs at least one fairy and friendly gnome ... just ask my grand-daughter!

All the best Jan

Janey and Co. said...

No...but my friend Gwenn's brother was the director of Gnomeo and Juliet. A group of girl friends were invited to the opening and I made Gnome hats for all of us to wear. Does that count..or is that just name dropping :) Janey

Stephanie said...

Everything looks so beautiful and whimsical, my friend. I agree with Jan, every garden needs at least one fairy and gnome :)

Hugs to you!

Cherdecor said...

I don't have any gnomes or fairies in my yard, but we do have a metal heron that stands on one leg. The gnomes and fairies are cute!

riitta k said...

Your banner is absolutely stunning! I love it. Happy week.

Sam I Am...... said...

That is the "awesomest"...(is that a word?)garden ever and I love their sense of humor!

joyh82 said...

I don't have gnomes but I do have a cute little couple reading and a few angels and fairies! Great idea for a post :)

Anonymous said...

I do not have any but I sure enjoyed these happy and colorful photos!

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

I love gnomes - one of mine is sitting on a little swing in the tree behind the boys' "fort" - and his name is Chompsky. He sits next to a wind chime so that we know when he is moving about - because we can here the wind chimes. Two gnomes sit on the table on the deck -they are all white and need a good scrubbing in the spring to keep them from turning a mossy green, like most of Washington. Maybe I need a good scrubbing in the spring to get the moss off too. Love love love your header - it really catches my eye - I can sit and look at it forever. Happy end of the weed dear friend.