Thursday, June 22, 2017

Fun at Home...going WILD!!!

We play with dolls....there I've said it! 
Are you happy now? hahaha!

Our favorite 'play' doll is Wendy of course. The other dolls may have to sit on shelves but Wendy is usually on the sofa or in her very own little red rocking chair.

Well...unless someone is playing with her! When I got home from shopping she had the headphones on and was listening to Josh Groban! 

I thought that seemed very nice but since I had shopped at the thrift store, I had other ideas.

I bought this Ricky Martin tape for 10 cents so Wendy was ready to plug it in and liven things up!

She was 'livin la vida loca'!!!

Rockin' to the beat!

 Having FUN and going WILD! hahaha!

A little late for Wednesday Wee Ones 

but right on time for Thankful Thursdays.


Anonymous said...

Hard not to rock out while listening to Ricky Martin! lol

Jeanie said...

Wendy has fun taste in music! Good for her! Very adorable.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Wendy is so darn cute!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Cute post and photos. Wendy does liven up the place with the Ricky Martin music. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

ann said...

You are lucky that Wendy loves great music. She could be into Def Leopard.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Wendy is a great little one to have around. She would liven things up I'm sure. So cute, Diane. Enjoy. ♥

podso said...

Cute! You are so creative!

Vee said...

She's far too serious to be living it up. Definitely more of a Josh Groban girl. πŸ€“

carol l mckenna said...

Fun post and great photos ~ glad she is having fun ~ ^_^

Michelle said...

I love it! So cute! Thanks for linking up today!

Lowcarb team member said...

A fun and cute post, I really enjoyed it.
Great music too!

All the best Jan

Red Rose Alley said...

That is too funny, and she looks so real, like she's dancing to 'la vida loca.' She's so sweet, Diane. I can see why you play with her. I still haven't heard Josh Groban yet. I'll have to check out a song or two of his.

Have a good rest of the week. It's getting hotter here, like a heat wave.

love, ~Sheri

Rose said...

Oh, this made me smile...

Cherdecor said...

Good times!!!! What a cute post!
I love all the fun I have when I visit your blog.
You and your hubby are never dull or boring.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a life like doll! Thanks for coming by:)

Judy Biggerstaff said...


Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Oh, so sweet! She looks like she is having lots of fun! xx K

Janey and Co. said...

You are halarious.....and always so cheerful. Your doll by the way has a very sweet face.

Curtains in My Tree said...

How Fun also so cute

Anonymous said...

A D O R A B L E!!! I laughed out loud at livin la vida loca! ♥

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

fun fun fun! We play with dolls - and teddy bears - too. It always tickles me to see what Don has thought up. I have a little green frog that lives in a lamp beside my bed and he is always up to some mischief - guess I need to get pix of him and his shenanigans. He even has his own blog - but it has been neglected for a long time. Happy days to you my dear friend - I hope to catch up on blogs soon - very soon.

Simply Shelley said...

It's been such a long while since I have seen your Wendy. Looks like she is keeping you both on your toes. I am still playing dolls to. πŸ˜‰πŸΌπŸ‘ΆπŸŒΈ❤

Prunella Pepperpot said...

Wendy certainly is rockin!
Prunella loves Ricki Martin too especially Livin La Vida Loca.
Hugs from Prunella xxx