Saturday, November 4, 2017

Our Baby Hawk ‘all growed up’!

Do you remember the baby Red Shouldered Hawks we saw in the nest at Blue Run Park last Spring?


Well, this one was very near that nest.


So we think it is one of our ‘babies’!


He was so very beautiful.


And although we don’t really ‘like’ squirrels around here….


this one was especially pretty.


(look how ‘hairy’ his toes are!)

And as long as he stays at the Park and not at our bird feeders, we can get along!


Sometimes when I look at my pics, I think Florida looks like a jungle!

What gorgeous weather we’ve had for hiking.

Do you have plans to get outside this weekend?

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

and I’d Rather B Birdin’.


NanaDiana said...

What a gorgeous bird. I bet that might be one of your babies.
I, too, have a love/hate relationship with the squirrels but their cuteness usually wins out. lol

It is cold and rainy here this weekend and a few miles north of us it is snowing. Ugh- I am NOT ready for that AT ALL!!! xoDiana

Stacey said...

Your photos are beautiful! I love seeing the hawk and the squirrel - they are all little miracles to me. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that baby photo is so precious and he is a really beautiful hawk. we have several like this since we are 'flying' distance from Bray park... I love our squirrels, but I don't feed the birds. the hawks have decimated our birds, not one left. and only 2 squirrels. my hubby has a love/hate with the squirrels. the eat the avocados and grape fruit and make a mess of pine cone nuts on our pool deck. he often threatens them but would not harm one. your squirrel looks bigger than ours.. we both love JUNGLE and our back yard is a jungle of our own making

Susie said...

Diane, I love all the beautiful pictures. That hawk is so pretty. Glad you are getting your hikes into your days. We had a sweet day yesterday, it is chilly right now. Blessings, take care, xoxo, Susie

Latane Barton said...

terrific pictures

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Beautiful!! It's foggy here but I might try to get out tomorrow if the weather is better. Hugs!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

What a beautiful bird! It is raining here today, so we are staying in.

Mary in Peoria Handmade said...

Your photos are beautiful! I feel like I'm there!

Linda said...

Such beautiful photos! You are so gifted with that camera of yours. Tropical paradise sounds better than jungle! Hahaha!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Love the hawk and the cute baby. The squirrel is a cutie too. You have a great park there. Wonderful photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

A Colorful World said...

Florida IS a jungle! :-) You have a wonderful place to live. Your juvenile hawk is stunning! great photos. And cute baby squirrel. I wish our raptors would get after the California Ground Squirrels was tunneling under our house and they can be very destructive!

Inger said...

Your pictures are always so clear and beautiful. I never saw a squirrels paw up close like that. Its toes look like a small tarantula. Glad all is well in Florida again. I just finished my walk and am taking a break, reading blogs. Have a great weekend.

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

WOW! You have captured nature so perfectly, Diane! Those pics are amazing.

And yes - Florida looks quite jungle-like in your pic!!!!

Terri D said...

The hawk is gorgeous! Look at those colors!! Florida squirrels are so skinny compared to the plump northern squirrels. They can be so destructive but are fun to watch. Florida does have some jungle-like areas. Love it.

Crafty in the Med said...

I must agree.....the vegetation does look a little like a jungle...tropical!
Impressive photos. Beautiful hawk!

keep well

Amanda x

HappyK said...

Great shots!! Really nice!!
I'm not such a fan of squirrels either but they are cute.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Diane, your photo of the hawk is beautiful. I hope the little squirrel knows he is around! Yikes.
We did some leaf raking this morning before we had the lawn aerated. It's now raining, but I'm not complaining--it's quite dry here.
Have a nice weekend. ♥

DeniseinVA said...

Oh my gosh, such beautiful photos. I have never seen a hawk so young in your first one. Adorable! Very cute squirrel pics too.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

You got some AMAZING images of the baby hawk grown up and the squirrel too! Hairy toes, indeed! They are cute little critters, but certainly cause problems at the bird feeders. My dogs tend to keep them away. I am happy you were able to get such nice photos of your baby hawks all grown up :) Enjoy your nice hiking weather, it is snowing here lol!

Anni said...

If the squirrels and hawks are in close range of each other, I'm sure that's why the hawk is sticking around!

Great images Diane, both the hawk and the squirrel.

You participating in linking up this weekend at I'd Rather B Birdin' is appreciated...thanks!!

Sam I Am...... said...

What a beautiful hawk! And a cute squirrel too. I think I spotted a hawk nest in a tree across from my house. It is a huge nest!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

That baby absolutely is gorgeous.

But how can you not love squirrels? I don't get it.

Petite Plangonophile au chocolat said...

He sure is a lovely young hawk now.

Sandi said...


Rose said...

They are both beautiful to me!

Angie said...

Diane - the first shot looks like a baby - maybe because the rest of the body is hidden and his head seems oversized. But not so - as the rest of the shots show. What a gem! We did not get out much this weekend - snow, snow, snow! We plan some snowshoeing Tuesday and Wednesday - can't wait! Have a great week.

Tom said...

...what gorgeous shots, the hawks and the squirrel. They are wonderful.

Small Kucing said...

Dropping by from Mad Snapper blog.

Lovely snaps over there . So clear and beautiful

BeachGypsy said...

Love the picture of the hawk right above the squirrel photo...such a great close up shot and i like to see how their feathers lay and create such a neat pattern. That is so neat--he very well could be one of those babies you saw earlier. Yes, Florida DOES look like a jungle many amazing plants and flowers y'all have there, and animals too! Hope y'all had a real nice weekend. We did--a few house projects, small ones. Alot of laundry catching up to do---washed all our rugs and hung them out in the sun to dry. Cleared up some clutter. Spent some time with little granddaughter. And today--gardening!

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Again - more beautiful photos. Love your "baby" hawk, they sure do grow up fast. I think the squirrel's feet look like tarantulas. I plan to stay indoors this week - cold and rain and maybe more snow. We still have several inches that haven't melted. Brrrr r rr rrrrr r rr. Enjoy your warm sunshine my dear.

Phil Slade said...

Beautiful shots of the hawk. It really posed well for you Diane. I'm sure it's one of your babies as birds are known to return to their place of birth.

Red Rose Alley said...

What a beautiful hawk, indeed. I see the squirrels around here all the time cause we have lots of trees. And I love taking pictures of them, but don't like them getting too close to me hehehe.


Prunella Pepperpot said...

You must be so proud. So handsome! The squirrel is super cute!
Have a brilliant week :)

NatureFootstep said...

I agree with you, this hawk is very beautiful :)

Jeanie said...

Your hawk grew up into a stunner! And yes, we have a love-hate relationship with the squirrels. Cute and funny -- but pigs at the feeder!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Parts of it ARE jungly!! And that is why we fell in love with Florida! Well, why I did -- my husband was in love as soon as he saw the boating possibilities ;>)!! Wonderful hawk portraits -- and we love squirrels -- now. (now that we don't have bird feeders !!! )

A Casa Madeira said...

São muito lindos.
Continuação de boa semana.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

A Red-shouldered Hawk is relatively unusual here, so it's great to see this sequence of images.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Beautiful shots- I bet the hawk is one of those babies!

Lowcarb team member said...

A handsome hawk and a cute squirrel - love your photographs.

All the best Jan

Ida said...

Beautiful hawk and a darling squirrel.