Saturday, March 10, 2018

Eagles at the pond!

I went to the Farmer’s market on Thursday morning and for us Floridians….it was COLD! The wind was blowing and it was in the 50s! lol So I bought my organic veggies and fresh bagels from the bakery and headed straight home! Well….I may need a bumper sticker that says, “I brake for birds!” lol


Because when I drove by the library pond, I saw a HUGE bird swooping down to the pond. I parked and got out and didn’t even notice how cold and windy it was! WHY you ask?


There were 6 large birds. I know 2 were Eagles and 1 was an Osprey. Not sure about what the others were.


They were flying at each other.


Soaring high overhead.


Well, except for the one fishing at the pond! lol


I got the best pics of him.


I think he’s a Juvenile…maybe a third year.


It was EXCITING! Oh and it warmed up into the 60s during the day which is still cooler than it has been lately but very very nice!


I’ll end with a beautiful American Kestrel that I saw on my last hike on the Florida trails. (hike #16)


Isn’t he a beauty?!!!

Have you seen anything exciting this week?

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

and I’d Rather B Birdin’.


eileeninmd said...

Hello, it is always a treat to see the eagles. Great sightings of the eagle, osprey and the Kestrel. Wonderful collection of photos. March has started off very windy! Thank you so much for linking up your post. Thanks also for the comment and visit. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

Lea said...

How exciting to see all those birds in the air, and the Kestrel photo is beautiful!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Jenn Jilks said...

Aren't they wonderful? We don't brake so much as turn around!!!!

acorn hollow said...

great pictures! I would love 50s or 60's

Boopnut said...

Beautiful photos! Love seeing the eagles soar!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is truly exciting. they are all beautiful. we woke up to 56 yesterday went to 72, today we woke up to 52 and going to 75.. we are praying for rain. our yard is like a beach, nothing but sand

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

It's so thrilling to see eagles, Diane. The sweetest birds I've seen this week are a pair of blue birds that are hanging around our suet feeder. I do hope they are looking for property to nest! ♥

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I love it when I see birds soaring in the sky. Eagles just made my day for sure. Good pics Sis!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

It is indeed tough living here, but someone has to do it.

Great opportunity with those beauties.

Breathtaking said...

Hello Diane!:) I would have been in my element watching those soaring Eagles, how wonderful! Worth getting cold windswept for to get images like these.

SImple and Serene Living said...

Birds sure can make you forget about the weather. xo Laura

Debbie said...

oh how exciting!! i have only seen them a few times, from afar and it was a thrill!! have a wonderful weekend!!!

Latane Barton said...

The kestrel is beautiful. I've never seen one in the wild. You have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

aren't hey beautiful,, amazing shots!

HappyK said...

Beautiful birds. Always special to spot an eagle.

Patsy said...

How wonderful to see them, I would break too!

Terri D said...

Amazing photos of the birds in flight! WOW!! Just Beautiful. I love that you know what the birds are called! Me... a bird is a bird. Ha.

NanaDiana said...

You get THE BEST bird pictures, Diane, and see so many birds there that we don't have here. Glad you got your shopping done in that COLD (hahahaha) weather. We got all the way up into the 30s here today. xo Diana

Angie said...

It's never too cold to stop for a precious photo! We saw the usual deer this week, but by far our 'precious' photos were photos on a blue sky day in Glacier National Park while snow-shoeing - see third to last photo in my post from yesterday. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Phil Slade said...

Fifty degrees sounds very warm to me Diane. Here it's been close to zero but warming up a little to 10 degrees this coming week. Good to see those eagles enjoying their time careering through the sky. That's a good idea about a bumper sticker. Think I need one too.

Hootin Anni said...

Anything below 60° is getting COLD! That, I understand. Loved all your birds in flight! I'd say you shiuld go to the market daily with sights like these!

For all the beauty & photos shared, I thank you for adding your link this week at I R B B.

Sandy said...

They are beautiful. I would have stopped as well. Yep, not liking the cold. It got into the 40's again here last week. Hoping that is over.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning! Beautiful photos. The colder air really hurts after a warm spell! That last photo is so pretty. We watched a hawk sitting in a tree in the rain yesterday evening, but no photo.
Have a blessed day.

Arlene G said...

Oh Diane, I think if I were there I could watch those eagles for hours. They are such magnificent creatures.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful series of birds photos ~ amazing eagles!

Happy Week beginning,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Vee said...

How wonderful! 🦅

A Colorful World said...

SOOOO exciting! I would love to happen upon such a scene! Love your new header, by the way. Have a great weekend!

Stacey said...

We brake for birds too! Thanks for sharing these national beauties. They aren't something we see very often. :)

Jeanie said...

Another fun birding day -- I'd love to see the eagle! Your weather looks divine.

Danice G said...

What magnificent eagles. 'Don't think I have ever seen one in person before. Great photos.

Carla from The River said...

Great photos. I did see a robin the other day. I was in shock!! We still have snow flying. The old tale is .. it has to snow three times on a robins back before it is Spring in Wisconsin.
xx oo

Anonymous said...

Well judging from the photos, I would definitely say you had a mix of ages, that's for sure!!...:)JP

Buttercup said...

As usual, fabulous photos! I'd love weather in the fifties, but right now I'm glad it's not snowing. At least today was sunny. Take care!

Cherdecor said...

The only exciting things I saw this week were three puppy pit bulls running across my patio. They had gotten out of their yard while their owners were at work. Needless to say, I am not looking forward to when they grow up, get out, and run across my patio. Stay warm!

Betty J. Crow said...

Enjoyable shots of the birds in flight. My excitement for the week was seeing a double crested cormorant. Have a wonderful week.

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Fabulous photos -wow!

NatureFootstep said...

the kestrel is one of my top 20 birds. Rarely see it as they never visits my area. Flying birds are hard to get good shots at. You did great.

Red Rose Alley said...

I love the fact that you "brake for birds," Diane. And the Eagle is definitely one to stop and gaze at. The fresh bagels at the Farmer's Market sound Yummy.


JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Wow - I'm speechless - and you know that is rare~

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

What a super sighting that was -- wow!! It IS cold here too the mid 40s last night and will be again tonight. OK, yes, only cold for Florida, but still cold!!!

Small City Scenes said...

Wow oh wow! Excellent shots!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

YIKES!!! You got juvenile, first year Bald Eagles. What a great opportunity you had and you did a great job with the captures. Don't you just love surprises like that and especially when it works out so well. One morning I took several photos of a large bird flying over our home. Later that afternoon I put my memory card into the computer and whoosh...a first year Bald Eagle was what had been flying right over our home and I almost missed it. Hugs

Anonymous said...

Diane, the birds are huge and magnificent though I wouldn't want to be a little mouse or rabbit in their eyesight. Yikes!