Saturday, March 3, 2018

Hiking the Florida Trails!

I love hiking this trail by myself. They were having the ribbon cutting ceremony at the other end of it the day I hiked. A young man talked to me about it…he was the ‘bike patrol’. I was the ONLY hiker that day. Everyone else was on a bike!


But it was so peaceful and beautiful! The woods are greening up now. And little birds and butterflies were flying by.


A dogwood blooming in the woods

I don’t stop a lot for picture taking on this trail because there aren’t as many photo ops. But I DID see a Pileated Woodpecker. And I’m going to show you EVERY photo I took of him. The first 6 are in this mosaic. Every time I clicked a pic….his head was IN the hole in the tree!


Finally I got TWO photos of his head!


This is the best one….


And I cropped it for you to see how beautiful he is!


So this was Hike #13 on the Florida Trails. It was 77 degrees when I finished my hike at 2 in the afternoon. PERFECT!

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

and I’d Rather B Birdin’.


Linda said...

Pileated woodpeckers are amazing to see and hear! Great photos.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

he is beautiful, and they are as loud as beautiful when pecking a new hole... beautiful spot to hike. and the weather is perfect. yet another perfect day today

Gayle said...

Oh my goodness you did capture his beauty. I didn't know they sometimes take down whole small trees almost like a beaver. We've seen a few at the state park.

Jeanie said...

I can be hard to hit a moving target but oh! This is really beautiful. I love the cropped version so we can see every detail!

Jeanie said...

Oh, this is beautiful! I especially love the cropped version so we could see every single detail!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

This weather ROCKS, doesn't it.

I love those Pileated. Don't see em very often around here.

Breathtaking said...

Hello Diane!:) What a handsome fellow! Glad your persistence paid off cos, you got great close up shots of him. Last year I had the same experience, ..nearly all my Woodpecker shots were headless, ( in the hole,) and I only got one quick shot of the whole body.:)

Linda said...

I’m glad there WERE others around while you were hiking alone. It’s sad but we have to think of safety these days at all times. We don’t have your gorgeous hiking trails so I walk around a college close to our house. It has a little lake and trails and then I lengthen it by walking around the buildings. I walked it during the holidays when there was not one soul around and the campus was closed and every door locked up tight. I was savoring the alone time until it dawned on me how deserted and isolated this was. I won’t do that again. Then earlier this year I walked a trail right in the center of town.....and I saw the crime scene tape fluttering over one of the bridges. So I am reminding you as I remind myself to be careful as we walk....

The woodpecker is beautiful! I’m glad you persisted to get that awesome photo of him! He was worthy of being photographed! We have a woodpecker living in what is now our big old DEAD elm tree beside the gazebo. I don’t get to see him often but I do hear him!

Judy Biggerstaff said...

Wow, great shots of the pileated woodpecker. I would love to get some shots like this. I've been looking for this woodpecker but no luck yet.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, your Florida weather is great now for walking. I love the Pileated, wonderful series of photos. We had a wind storm here, the trees are falling everywhere. Thankfully hubby got our generator working long enough for me to make a few comments. I will catch up on all links and blog comments asap. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

Terri D said...

That woodpecker is BEAUTIFUL! Oh my goodness! Great photos!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

What a lovely hike, Diane. Your photos of the pileated woodpecker are great. We have a pair that visits our suet every afternoon. They are so thrilling to see! Have a nice weekend. ♥

Cherdecor said...

He is a handsome fellow! I do love to see and hear them. We do not have any around here so we will watch them through your camera. Thank you for sharing.

Lea said...

That is a beautiful trail!
Wonderful photos of the Woodpecker - magnificent bird!

Christine said...

Oh how beautiful, both the trail & your header!
Great that you got the woodpecker out of the tree, having a break!
Enjoy your weekend!

Vee said...

These aRe the days! So glad that you are grabbing them. Are the parks mostly recovered from the hurricane damage now?

Susie said...

Diane, Those are great photos. I love seeing the trails you hike. Wish I could do that too. Blessings for a great weekend. xoxo, Susie

HappyK said...

Nice trail to walk on. It looks nice and level.
I go up and down hills where ever I walk around here.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Handsome bird! Glad you got another hike in!

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Oh my what a beautiful bird - and a gorgeous header - it is so lovely in your area. We are cold and mostly rainy - though today we had sunshine - and also on Thursday. Highs are around 45 - brr rr rrrr - and lows right at freezing - so no spring for us yet - though the lilacs are getting their leaf buds now. Your woodpecker is fabulous - isn't it amazing how often they can end up in the "wrong" position for a great photo - you'd think the law of averages would get them in better views. Love the close up. Happy rest of your weekend - and I'm off to catch up more on your blog my dear.

carol l mckenna said...

Marvelous nature shots ~ favorite is the beautiful woodpecker ~ ^_^

Happy Weekend to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Angie said...

Your new header is perfect for spring. Thanks for sharing your Pileated pictures - my favorite woodpecker!!! I never cease to be amazed at their size!

Maggie Ann said...

He's a beauty all right. You made me laugh though....with the pictures of his head in the hole....if that isn't just like real life. Murphy's Law and all. You know, there was something about his profile that reminded me of my Aunt Rick, .....really... lol.

Small City Scenes said...

I do love the Pileated. We have a few that hang around here. Great close up. The path looks like a nice one to hike on.
Always good to be outdoors.

Anni said...

I have yet to see one in real time...if I ever do, I will pee my pants!! Great photos Diane...I'm jealous.

Sharing this blog post with us at I R B B this weekend is much appreciated, thanks!

magnoliasntea said...

What a lovely place for your walk. Great photos of the woodpecker. I kinda like the ones with his head in the hole. ;)
Have a great week!

A Casa Madeira said...

There is still a problem here with illegal hunting.
of birds.
You can hardly see this bird here.
I loved the pictures.
Good week-end entry.

Jean said...

What a beautiful bird, so glad you stopped to take photos of him and share them with us. I'll take the 77 degree weather as well. Sounds wonderful! Hope you are having a great weekend!

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

That looks like you had a nice hike and I love the photo of that beautiful bird! Happy trails Diane and please be careful when do the hikes by yourself!
Hope you have a nice week.
Julie xo

Carla from The River said...

Oh my!! Your photos are amazing of the Pileated. We see them on our xc ski trail. They are so huge!
Have a blessed week ahead!

SImple and Serene Living said...

What a gorgeous bird. That last shot is great. xo Laura

Jacqueline said...

Hope that weather holds! We are coming to Florida to visit my dad's cousins next week. I actually looked it up because I never know what to say our relation is! It is first cousins, once removed!
What a spectacular woodpecker. You got an amazing photo of it.

Geraldine said...

Wow, look at him go!!! Great photos Diane. Joe was telling me about woodpeckers a while ago and how their brains, heads are specifically designed to withstand all that pecking. Isn't nature amazing!?🐝🌼🌷

I love your new header photo too.

Hope you have a good week! Hugs💟💟

Geraldine said...

Wow, look at him go!!! Great photos Diane. Joe was telling me about woodpeckers a while ago and how their brains, heads are specifically designed to withstand all that pecking. Isn't nature amazing!?🐝🌼🌷

I love your new header photo too.

Hope you have a good week! Hugs💟💟

NatureFootstep said...

nice to see a green world. And I love that pecker :)

Anonymous said...

Great photos. We haven’t had any woodpeckers around our house for many years.
Your photography of all the nature is a just a delight. I look forward to your walks and

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Love those pileated woodpeckers -- we see them right here in our RV Park or next door in the nature park, but usually not until April or May -- I think it is because it is so crowded during the season. But when the first snowbirds leave they come back out. Good for you for walking alone. I have two parks where I'm comfortable doing that... and I hope to expand that because Bill isn't able to hike as much as I would like to.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Any day you see a Pileated Woodpecker is a great day!

Red Rose Alley said...

That Woodpecker is such a cutie. I can't believe he made that big hole in the tree! That is such an interesting picture. : )


Debbie said...

oh i so wish we were having hiking weather, although cold, yesterday was a beautiful day!! it's nice when a walking path allows both peeps and peeps on bikes. we have a beautiful path that does not allow bikes!!

the woodpecker captures are awesome, you must be thrilled with them!!!

Sam I Am...... said...

Beautiful picture of the woodpecker!

Lowcarb team member said...

Such lovely photographs ...
Good wishes for March!

All the best Jan