Monday, November 5, 2018

Fall in Florida

We don’t get the brilliant colors in the trees at this time of year.


But we do see changes!


End of summer grasses, green and white


and seed pods that look red.


 You can see it’s prolific here at Halpata Tastanaki Preserve.

I think it’s a Partridge Pea that has yellow blooms on it during the summer.


I love the contrast of weeds, grasses, plants and trees in these views!


The beauty of Fall in Florida!


The white sand looks a little like snow, doesn’t it?


red sumac berries

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With cooler temps, it’s the perfect time to hike!

Joining Angie @ Letting Go of the Bay Leaf
as she hosts
Mosaic Monday
for the first time today.


Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

tis the season to get out there!

Jeanie said...

Don't you love sumac berries? I think they are so pretty!

Susie said...

Diane, I think your fall will be warmer than ours. Today will be 58 and going down to 38 on Saturday. Yikes, that is approaching winter temps. Hope you are enjoying many nice hikes in your favorite parks. We have sumac trees here in Indianan and they get a lovely red and have clusters of berries too. Take care of each other there. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Arlene G said...

Each part of our beautiful world has its own wonders. Your sand is snow, here in NoAla, the cotton is our snow.:)

eileeninmd said...

Hello, your fall colors are pretty. I would enjoy the winter hikes in Florida.
I prefer the warmer temps over the cold winters here in Maryland. Enjoy your day, have a great new week!

Small City Scenes said...

Nice mosaic. Fall colors are everywhere. It's just that some are more vibrant than others, but ya still gotta look

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we are not cool here, I just got back from my walk and was so hot I could hardly stand it, I looked at my phone to see what time it was and it was 9:30 and I thought it was never this hot at 9:30 and realized the SUN is at 10:30, we are in the 80's and really humid. we had one day of cool weather, Sat was gorgeous, 63 at wake up, low humidity and high of 76. perfect. then we went right back to summer.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

after my rant on heat I forgot to say all the photos are wonderful and I love the grasses and greens and oranges

Red Rose Alley said...

I do see the leaves changing to an orange color in that picture with the berries. That's a pretty one. Your hikes are so peaceful, Diane. I enjoy coming along with you.


Linda @ A La Carte said...

Here in North Georgia we do get a bit more color on our trees and it is stunning.

It's me said...

Happy fall ...lovely week love Ria x 💕

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely nature photos with some brilliant colors ~ great mosaic!

Happy Day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

You showcased the lovely different shades of green in your photos so nicely, Diane. I love seeing the changes of the seasons, even if they are not as drastic as our area. Have a lovely week. ♥

Silver in AZ said...

in Southern California, we have a very few trees that turn fall colors, and they are just now starting to turn a little. Nothing like everywhere else. But we are still wearing shorts, so I think I prefer that to fall color. :)

Anonymous said...

you brought beautiful seasonal changes to our attention, I think we all just think of Florida as summer all year round,,especially us Cannucks,your white tipped grasses do look a bit like snow,, I would gladly send you some of the real stuff, we have a good amount this morning, lol,,

podso said...

I'm sure being a Floridian you are more in tune with fall changes than a visitor is. When we were there recently it was still so very hot each day. I'm glad it has cooled down!

Out on the prairie said...

After you said partridge pea I went back and looked. here snow covers them pretty quick before we see much color change

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There, YEP---I remember Autumn when I lived in FLORIDA..... Since I grew up in Virginia/Tennessee ---I would look at pictures of our area when I lived in FL (and TX later) ---and just CRY because I missed the 'real' Fall colors so much. NOW---I get to enjoy FALL --and even though this year's colors came very late and aren't lasting very long, they were pretty for a few days... I am just glad I have pictures to share.... See my blog post today....


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That is the ONLY snow I want to see this winter, thank you!! That preserve is lovely.

ellen b. said...

Nice shots and a nice mosaic you created of them. Happy Monday to you!

Ann Thompson said...

Fall, Florida style is quite pretty

Terri D said...

I do love how the sand, especially on the side of the roads, looks a little like dirty snow. Fun to see with the AC on in the car!! LOL

HappyK said...

Pretty pictures of your area.

acorn hollow said...

you do make people aware that Florida is not just highways and shopping malls.

NanaDiana said...

I can remember when I lived in FL and people would ask how I could stand it to not have a change of seasons? I told them- there IS a change-it is just much more subtle there.

Great pictures- have a wonderful week. xo Diana

Gillena Cox said...

Happy mosaic Monday. Thanks for dropping by my blog today


Terra said...

Fall is pretty where you live in Florida. Our autumn here in California, like yours in Florida, is more subtle than in the northern states.

Angie said...

Diane - thank you so much for the shout out in your post, and for adding a bit of Florida sunshine to MM! I like the green that the palmetto adds to your photos - and you are right, there is a lot of depth there with a wide variety of plants and textures. God the gardener knows what he is about! LOL - sand = snow? NOT!

BeachGypsy said...

Very pretty scenery and isn't it so so so nice now that the awful heat and humidity has finally broken and we can get out and hike and walk more?? And enjoy it instead of suffering and sweating through it, ha ha LOL such a relief when this time of year gets here. The stores are full of Thanksgiving goodies and of course, Christmas lights and trees are out too, ready to buy. I'm holding off on decorating for awhile, will leave our Fall stuff out til Thanksgivng is over I think.

EricaSta said...

I enjoyed this Post. Happy MosaicMonday! It’s wonderful to view at the nature in Florida.

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Yes Diane. there are changes everywhere in nature, and you appreciate them! I love how you enjoy your surroundings and take delight in your walks. Have a beautiful day, my friend.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Yes, the leaves cling to the trees until spring. I'm looking forward to cooler weather.

Carla from The River said...

Lovely Florida in the Autumn. :-)

Carla from The River said...

Had to go back and check on the # of hikes .. 61!! Awesome.

Gina said...

The grasses are so pretty, Diane! Is that poison sumac?

Lorrie said...

Autumn looks very soft and mellow in Florida. Enjoy your hikes!

Stephanie said...

There is beauty all around us, isn't there, my friend? Your pictures were a joy to look at. We have lost all of our leaves and while everything is brown right now, I still love looking at the trees because there is fruit hanging from the branches and it looks ever so pretty. There is already snow up in the high country and the stunning white looks beautiful in the bright sunshine.

Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day. Love and hugs to you!

Lowcarb team member said...

I do like your mosaic.
It's so lovely to be outdoors …

All the best Jan

Linda Walker said...

Just beautiful Diane!