Thursday, November 1, 2018

WHO is looking at YOU?

It’s always fun to get home with your photos and see what you have!


Doesn’t this look like an EYE peeking out at YOU?


It’s actually a spot on the side of this beautiful butterfly’s wing.

The wing has a little broken area and you are seeing through it.


Can you see the TWO in this photo?

I was even surprised to see that I had gotten TWO butterflies in several of my photos.


I think these are Common Buckeyes according to my ID book!


I also got ONE photo of this perfect Zebra Swallowtail!

All of these were taken at Halpata Tastanaki Preserve!

I’m joining Thankful Thursdays.


Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

Beautiful butterflies!

Sandy said...

It does indeed! I love your nature photos. I keep thinking I am going to take up that hobby. I need to take a class or start watching You Tube on that.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

I love flutterbys

They always make my day

eileeninmd said...


Both butterflies are beautiful. Lovely sightings and photos. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

Stacey said...

How fun! I have taken lots of flower pictures and later realized there was a bug in there that I didn't see. :)

Kathy said...

A lot of butterflies have those markings that look like eyes as protection against predators. I love butterflies and these are beautiful pictures. Thanks for posting them.

Connie said...

You have such a good eye for photographing wildlife.
I love your blog.
Happy November . . . can you believe how fast the year is flying?
Connie :)

Out on the prairie said...

Nice closeups of those "flying flowers".

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are beautiful, we have zebra wings here but have not seen a zebra swallowtale.

Silver in AZ said...

GREAT shots! :)

NanaDiana said...

I read somewhere that is nature's way of protecting them from predators---that it looks like an eye looking at the predator Amazing, isn't it, how Mother Nature takes care of her own? Love your pictures and I have never seen a Zebra Swallowtail! Amazing! xo Diana

Lea said...

I love butterflies and take a lot of photos.
Wonderful photos of the Common Buckeye! And the Zebra Swallowtail - Beautiful! I have seen only one Zebra Swallowtail in real life, and it was thrilling to see. I know you enjoyed taking these photos, and we enjoyed seeing them!

Vee said...

Beautiful captures... the “eyes” are quite confusing, which I am sure was the Master Designer’s plan.

Ann Thompson said...

These are awesome. That does look like an eye

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Really nice photos of the butterflies looking at you! Love your header photo--so pretty. Have a great evening. ♥

Cloudia said...

Wonderful to find such shots after, yes!

Susie said...

Diane, Beautiful shots of the butterflies. Now we here in Indiana will have to wait a long time to see butterflies again. So cold today and rainy too. Glad all the kids had their fun evening the last two nights. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Lowcarb team member said...

Lovely pictures, beautiful butterfly.

All the best Jan

Michelle said...

You captured great shots of these butterflies and that is not easy to do. Thanks for linking up today!

Arlene G said...

Beautiful photos!!

Gina said...

So beautiful, Diane! The butterflies are more vibrant in color and larger here in the South. We have some gorgeous blue ones!

Aunt Helen said...

Love these wonderful photos of your butterflies. I was wondering who had that big eye!!

BeachGypsy said...

Wow, those third and fourth pictures down, are so amazing! Love them. And yes that does look like an eye! LOL GREAT HKING weather is back, yay!! So glad to be getting a break from the heat and humidity, cooler temps are so so welcome, well you know how it is! ARe y'all doing alot more walking with the heat not so bad now?---we are. Just love this time of year and the beaches are's beautiful beach weather. Hope your trick or treat was good, did you get many trick or treaters there?

Lorrie said...

What beautiful photos, Diane. Yes, it does look like an eye staring out at the world (and at the photographer!). So glad it's cool enough for you to be out hiking again. You always show the most wonderful things from nature.

Snap said...

You "captured" some gorgeous butterflies at Halpata Tastanaki Preserve!

Terri D said...

Great captures!! Butterflies aren't easy to catch with your lense. Beautiful.

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! What a find! Beautiful butterfly photos!

Happy Day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Sandra said...

The butterflies are pretty beautiful!

Cheers, Sandra

Jeanie said...

The wings of moths and butterflies are so beautiful. These are wonderful captures.

Debbie said...

awwww, the joy of loading pictures, you sometimes don't know what you are going to get. yesterday i was photographing ducks, way out in the lake and i did not know what kind they were until i got home and loaded the pictures!!

nice to still have butterflies, and your pictures are really beautiful!! and the zebra swallowtail, wow, how lovely to see that in the wild!!

Red Rose Alley said...

What a beautiful butterfly, Diane. It's got so much detail in its wings. Yes, they look like eyes! And the Common Buckeye is pretty as well.

Happy November!


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Having the best time catching up here! Beautiful buckeye!