Monday, May 13, 2019

Beautiful flowers!

'Someone' had some fun with me on Mother's Day! They sent me beautiful roses with a sweet note to have a wonderful Mother's day. And then they signed it, 'YOUR SON'! Tricky....with all the boys I have!

I've enjoyed them and every day they open wider and look more beautiful!

I also have bouquets from the knock out roses in my flower beds! 

 I haven't counted how many roses I have in vases but they are everywhere!

 I've never had so many at one time!!!

 I wanted to show a little of my 'art' today too. 

 I'm still painting and sketching some every day.

 I arranged them in little 'mosaics'!

I bought a sketchbook at the big store that starts with a W. And the paper is so much nicer to draw on.

I'm trying to branch out and do some scenes and quotes so I'll share them soon.

 (a sketch in progress)

Art is something I'm enjoying, more than I could have imagined. All the years I've 'created' things, this seems to come natural to me. And I keep everything ready on my desk so I can sit down at any time and draw or paint. Easy peasy! I've been inspired by so many of my blog friends. I won't try to mention them all here because I would be sure to forget someone. But I appreciate you ALL so much!

Hope you had a beautiful Mother's Day! I am blessed with sweet 'kids' and grandkids and love them all very much.

 Thanks to everyone that made my day special...including my sweet hubby! 💓

I’m joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE 

and Amaze me Monday HERE


Arlene G said...

Diane, your sketching is really amazing. And what funny boys you have!! Happy Mothers Day.

Tom said...

...lovely rose garden!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

all of your roses are wonderful, to me though your paintings out shine the roses. I am so jealous. I wish I could do that. I think they are amazing... ha ha on The Son that sent the flowers

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

boo ful

Sandy said...

You know I love roses! They are all so pretty. I also am loving your little painting. It is good to create..I think it makes us feel better to do something creative.

eileeninmd said...

Happy Belated Mother's Day! Your roses are all beautiful! I love your art, the flowers and bluebird are beautiful. You are talented. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

So it begs the question, what did the other sons do for Mother's Day? and did you find out which one sent the flowers?

Vee said...

Tricky yes! Beautiful, too! How nice to have roses all around the house.

Gillena Cox said...

Oh oh oh those roses are delightful. Thanks for sharing your art too. Happy you dropped by my blog today


Mia said...

I am sure you had a lovely Mother's Day, Diane. Enjoy your beautiful roses!!! Oh I llllllove roses sooooo much!!!!!!! And I did not know that you sketch and paint so well!!! Congrats, my dear friend. Kisses!!!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Beautiful roses! So happy you had a good Mother's Day. Your sketching is so good. You are a talented lady. Hugs.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful roses ..your own and the lovely gift ones (your son, whichever one, has a great sense of humor plus good taste!) . I think our part of the sunshine state is just enough hotter to not be good for roses. I almost never see them ... until we get home to Oregon, when they are at their peak.

Terri D said...

Beautiful roses!! How fun to sign the card "your son". Did you find out which one? Love that little blue bird!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is A LOT of roses! Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing your sketches. Being creative is such a wonderful part of life.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Your roses are so pretty. I am getting ready to pick up the paint brush again!

Anonymous said...

your son is a funny guy !!! The flowers are beautiful, all of them!!! Your painting and sketching is so beautiful and if you go to the craft store or even the Dollar Tree you can buy card blank sets, I buy them then when I paint a little painting I cut them out to fit the card, I think yours would be beautiful greeting cards plus if you put quotes on them, wow, that would be great. I make all my greeting cards this way, easy peasey!!!Just an idea, have a super day!!

gypsyrose said...

The roses are beautiful hope you had a lovely day
I love your art work too its so pretty

Jenn Jilks said...

How thoughtful!
Our tulips are barely out, now!

It's me said...

Beau5iful flowers looooove flowers my life !! Ria 💕🍀💕🍀💕

Ann said...

All the roses are beautiful. I bet it smells really good in there.
Your sketches are wonderful. I love the bird and the flowers are really pretty.

Small City Scenes said...

Oh my goodness! such beautiful roses. I have none--why? I don't know. I like to sketch but my good ideas don't seem to come out of my fingertips like I see in my head. Oh well---

Joyful said...

I love all the roses. You had a great Mother's Day.

Angie said...

Diane - I don't often buy flowers at the store, or ask for them, because they tend to wilt so quickly. But that makes it all the more delightful when we do have some in the house. The splash of color and the aroma is a treat. You are a talented artist - nice shading, and your bird is a cutie!!! Keep sharing your art; it is an inspiration to me and I am sure to others. Glad you linked up to Mosaic Monday again this week!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Most gardeners in Florida don't do well with roses - I'm one of them. I'm green with envy over your gorgeous blooms.

Lowcarb team member said...

A lovely post Diane, enjoyed seeing your lovely roses.
So pleased you are enjoying your art.

Have a lovely week

All the best Jan

Jeanie said...

Your flowers are gorgeous and your art makes me smile! Looks like a wonderful day from here!

Red Rose Alley said...

The roses are lovely and such a thoughtful gift from your son, Diane. And your red roses from the flower bed are so pretty, and a nice shade of red. So glad you're enjoying painting and sketching now. That blue bird is sweet. I think the red roses in the blue vase are beautiful. : )


Barbara said...

Your roses (ALL of them!!!) are so beautiful. I assume there is a delightful scent in your home with so many of them.

And your sketching -- you're talented. We all need a creative outlet. Mine is cross stitch.

Happy belated Mother's Day!

Little Wandering Wren said...

Haha, I bet all your sons are enjoying the benefits of pretending the roses are from them! You can never have enough roses, or sons who buy roses on Mother's Day! Love your cute little bird too!
Wren xx

Lorrie said...

Your roses are beautiful, Diane, and how cute of your son to not specify which one sent the bouquet! Love your sketching and painting. I would like to do more of that when I have more time (in a couple of years, I hope). Have a most wonderful week!

riitta k said...

So you had a rosy day - and still have! Your sketches are really beautiful & skilful!

LA Paylor said...

what beauty! Your paintings are charming!

Linda said...

I like your flower paintings even better than the real flowers. Love the bird drawing too.

BeachGypsy said...

Your flowers are so so pretty!! Wow, you have so many! I can ALMOST SMELL them...... LOL! I like the painting and sketching too, you are way way more talented at that than me....I can't draw anything. At all. Nope nope nope, ha ha LOL. Hope your week has started out great, can you believe it's May at all? The heat of summer is quickly approaching..........sigh. Maybe its already hit y'all by now?

Blondie's Journal said...

Your children truly appreciate your love--the flowers are beautiful! I really do think you have your own style in your paintings and I hope you continue to find pleasure in it!! And share!!! :)


Net - "It's a Wonderful Movie" said...

Oh, what beautiful roses you have!!! Sometimes... You've got to stop and smell the roses!!! I'm sure the fragrance is breathtaking.

And... Oh my goodness, you're artwork is lovely too! You are always so creative!

Have a wonderful, blessed day! Net

A Casa Madeira said...

Olá Daina, estão lindas essas rosas.
Adorei a postagem.


Preciosas flores, y que bonitos dibujos!!!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

The roses are lovely and your home must be floral scented with all the vases. I don’t know how many sons you have, Diane, but one of them is a jokester for sure. Nice to see your artwork too.

Connie said...

Hi Diana , I love your sketches and my favorite is the little blue bird he is precious . All those roses your home must smell magnificent . Thank you again for all your prayers they mean so very much . There's so much power in prayer and God loves it when his children get together and pray . Steve and I are very grateful . We have been blessed with the long and wonderful marriage and we have so many good memories , of course we'd like to have more time and we hope the Lord sees it in his will to give it to us but whatever comes we say amen . He will never let us walk Alone .

betty-NZ said...

How wonderful to have so many roses! They are truly beautiful.

Tomoko said...

Your roses are so beautiful!
You have lovely sons! I have two sons.
Enjoy your weekend!

Debbie said...

your art is so pretty and the roses are gorgeous!!! i like all of the different colors!!

Sam I Am...... said...

You are REALLY good at drawing! You are one talented lady!

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Ohhh the pretty roses! And I love your paintings, I keep thinking I'll get my paints out, but then it seems so overwhelming - maybe in a few more weeks. Happy week ahead my dear.