Saturday, July 6, 2019

Sing me a little Song!

All day long!

This Rufous-sided Towhee was singing his little heart out when I saw him on my last hike on the Florida Trails. 

This bird usually stays on the ground, under the thick brush which makes it impossible to get any photos!

But on this particular morning, he was on a branch singing for all he was worth! 

I have 2 short videos to share.

I hope you have a chance to listen to them. It might help you identify one when you take a walk!

And I'm joining the Dreaming Zebra Foundation this month to celebrate World Watercolor Month.

This is one of the first bird watercolors I did.

Tufted-titmouse (April '19)

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE  

  and I’d Rather B Birdin’.


Susie said...

Diane , I loved hearing the birds. I also really like the painting. You are talented. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Vee said...

You and Penny are going to town with the watercolors! I enjoy listening to birdsong, but I am horrible with connecting the bird to the song.

Sandy said...

I love love love your painting of the bird!!!

Tom said... sure would be boring with the songs of the birds!

eileeninmd said...


I love the Towhee singing. Great photos and video. The Towhee is a beautiful bird. Your watercolor and Titmouse are wonderful, well done! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

Kate said...

How wonderful to hear him sing!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love that titmouse painting. I have not seen one of these birds but have heard them.. we see and hear LOUD birds every morning when we walk at 6:40 am. sun is coming up and they are all in the tops of trees singing. there is a mocking bird that sits on a light pole every morning. he has quite the list of songs

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Towhees do seem to skulk on the ground most of the time but I have several times seen makes singing from lofty perches.

Gayle said...

The videos were a great added feature. We had a mama titmouse and her little ones at the feeder today. Usually only see them in winter atMuldoon.

Gayle said...

The symmetry of your cover photo is wonderful.

Ann Thompson said...

Wonderful photos and such a pretty little song

Helma said...

Really a beautiful bird that is fully singing. Great that you could make a few movies of it :-)
Enjoy your Sunday.
Greetings, Helma

Debbie said...

i enjoyed both videos, it is fun to listen to and watch them sing!!! i have only seen one in my yard and i have never seen one anywhere else. it is a beautiful bird with such a pretty song!!

your art is beautiful, very nicely done. i see titmouse every day!!

Terri D said...

I love your watercolor! The bird sings a lovely song!

Bill said...

So wonderful seeing the bird sing. Your watercolour bird painting is a beauty. Have a wonderful weekend!

Christine said...

The videos were awesome.
Two chirps and a yodel, very distinctive!

Conniecrafter said...

Oh how wonderful to have captured their singing as well as your beautiful pictures, always exciting when you can get pictures of something that you can't normally.
Your water colored bird is just beautiful too!

Red Rose Alley said...

I'm glad you shared the videos with us cause I got to see the song of this pretty bird. It's so unique and peaceful. That is wonderful that you got two photos where his beak is open and singing. Your watercolor is sweet and made me smile. : )

Happy July days Diane.


Lea said...

What great photos of the Towhee!

carol l mckenna said...

Love the little singing Towhee! And what a lovely feathered friend sketch!

Happy Day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

NanaDiana said...

Those are amazing pictures and videos, Diane. I don't think we get those birds in the section of the country but it is fun to see you feature them here. Hope you had a great 4th of July- xo Diana

Kathy said...

I have never heard of a Towhee let alone seen one. How cool is it that you were able to film him! I love his sweet little song. I could listen to him for hours.

Lorrie said...

Your Towhee is different than the ones we have here - ours is the Spotted Towhee, similar, but different (ha). I'd love to learn to identify the different birds by their calls. Thank you for including the videos.

Hootin Anni said...

EXCEPTIONAL art Diane. And the towhee is one bird that is not in my area, so a very special treat today!
As always, I say thanks for linking in with us at IRBB!

Inger said...

Love that watercolor, hard to believe it was one of your fist. I never heard of the other bird and now I have heard it sing. Blogging isn't only fun, it can be educational too. Thanks and have a great Sunday.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Your towhee has bright yellow eyes as do most in Florida. I grew up calling them "red-eyed towhees" as a kid in New Jersey. Sadly, they have become much less numerous in our wetlands and general area in recent years. I blame their local disappearance on the degradation of their habitat, but there may be more ominous reasons.

Aunt Helen said...

Hi Diane, I love your little titmouse; and your bird videos with the lovely, sweet birds singing is wonderful! Nice to see Wendy again. I hope she is being a good girl. Stay cool! Love, Aunt Helen

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

That towhee had things to say!

handmade by amalia said...

Birdsong - the perfect way to start the day.


Que bonitas instantáneas de los pájaros!!

LA Paylor said...

wow look at all the comments!
Your bird is so well done! clap clap! woohoo. You're very talented, with great pics. Love the little mantis in the flower. That deserves painting! Leeanna

Jeanie said...

You definitely caught the bird in your painting. And thanks for the videos!

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Great photos.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I just ventured over to your Art work and realized that you have been drawing some lovely birds, you still do that? I haven't seen this until now, and I see these are all from last year. I've been wanting to do some artwork again. I used to when I was MUCH younger, and just haven't tried in years. You are doing great. I was thinking of doing the same thing, birds, especially here on our pond. I was excited to see you doing that...another thing in common. Also the Rufus sided towhee...I saw one this past week and wrote about him too. Love to hear them sing! Hope you are surviving the pandemic. Bye for now. This is Pam from Closed Doors Open Windows.