Thursday, February 20, 2020

Do we have time for Story Hour at the Library?

I stopped at the local library to donate a few books and the story lady was getting ready for story hour at the Freedom Public Library.

I donated my books, picked up a magazine and got all the way back to my car when I thought....why not! 

I have time for Story Hour!

So back in I went! I talked to the sweet lady and asked if I could come and take a few pics. I also asked if I left early, would it be a distraction... she said I was welcome and I could leave whenever I wanted!

I'm so glad I went!

I got to sing the Welcome Song and the 'getting settled down' song!

And listen to some of a bunny book!

It was delightful! I love libraries! I have fond memories of going to my local library in Arkansas as a little girl and I've always searched out the library wherever I live! There's so many things to enjoy at the library!

And don't you love that it's a Safe Place for children!

Do you still visit the library where you live?

I’m joining Thankful Thursdays. 


Edna B said...

I also love being at the library. Ever since I could pick up a book, I've always enjoyed my time at a library. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

What a great idea you had in going back into the library for story time, Diane! I used to love taking my kids to the library, and I loved going myself. Sadly, I don't go anymore. Maybe I need to change that??

Arlene G said...

How fun!! Our library has a story hour in the childrens section on Tuesdays. It seems it is always very popular.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I used to go every 2 weeks, but then I got the kindle and have not been since then... I started with a library card at age five and some of the years we used it on a book mobile that came to our rural address. books have been a big part of my life for all of it. I am so glad my mother was a reader, daddy did not read except for his sermon studies. cute song and a good idea to visit with the children. our library has in the past few years added much more than books. like classes in computers, cell phones, even line dancing for seniors. they teach all kinds of classes now..

MadSnapper n Beau said...

PS I forgot they now have computers that can be used or bring your own laptop and use their free wi-fi. no wifi needed at home, can even bring kindle and get books. I get a lot of my books for kindle from them.

Vee said...

Yes. Have never thought to join the story hour, though. About twenty years ago, I attended one weekly and it was great. A story, a snack, a craft...can’t go wrong! My little students loved it.

Tom said... important hour in the lives of children of all ages.

Latane Barton said...

Good for you... going back in and enjoying something new/old maybe but don't done in a long while. I am glad you posted it.. I hope others will take a hint and do it, too.

SImple and Serene Living said...

The library is always one of the first places I find when I move. I will never lose my love of going there. xo Laura

eileeninmd said...


I have been to my local library, but I have never noticed the story time. I guess my timing was off. Reading is one of my favorite things. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great weekend ahead.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It is these kinds of activities that make a library so relevant even in this high tech world. Among other things it teaches children how to be together and how to enjoy the socialization of learning. In our local library system there has been a programme running for about four years now, called "Nature in the City." This is aimed at adults in the evening, but it is extremely popular and well-attended. It has been my good fortune to give a presentation in each of the series and the audience is always very enthusiastic. I think that most people never lose the urge to learn and being in the company of like-minded people encourages them to participate. I am glad that you went back inside in order to share this activity with us.

Kathy said...

I'm so glad you got to go to Story Hour. I so miss working at the library and all the fun things that went on there. I hardly ever get to the library anymore. Those 16 marble steps out front are not kind to my knees. Neither is the parking situation. But I so love my library and encourage everyone to go. There really is something for everyone these days.

Petite Plangonophile au chocolat said...

Such a lovely moment!

Michelle said...

I love libraries and my small town one hosts many story hours and community events. Thanks for linking up today.

photowannabe said...

I do love a good library too.
Ours has less and less actual books in it now.
there ae mostly videos, computer stations and everything digital.
Makes me sad. I love the feel of a book in my hands.

Terri D said...

I have never been a library going person, except for those times I had to do research for homework (long before computers!). We have a wonderful library system here in Polk County and the main library shared the parking lot with the museum where I worked. I have been in the library maybe 6 times in 30 years. Sad. I know.

Lowcarb team member said...

Yes, I love libraries too and we have a wonderful one locally.
They too have story time and other events for all ages, the staff are wonderful and welcoming.

Happy Thursday Wishes.

All the best Jan

Terra said...

As a child I loved spending time in libraries and leaving with stacks of books to read, and guess what career I chose? Librarian. That is a neat idea you had, to attend story hour.

HappyK said...

A delightful way to spend part of your day.
We are always going to the library, AT LEAST once a week. We where there again today. We live in a small town and the 3 librarians know most all of us by name. They've even been over the house to see Ken's trains.
I'd be lost without the library!

Inger said...

You never let go of the child within you and that is so magical and lovely.

Ann Thompson said...

How fun. Glad you went back

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Yes, I love to go to the Library, as a matter of fact I am going tomorrow to check in some books, and hopefully some of the books I have ordered online will be there waiting for me to pick up! I haven't participated in any of the other activities yet, but I may in the future. Still getting acquainted with what all this library has to offer since we recently moved to this neighborhood. So neat that you got to enjoy "Story Hour". That was great! Thank you for sharing it with us!

BeachGypsy said...

Love that banner picture up there....very pretty scene!! Your LAST POST....creepy scary, aliens and black holes ha ha ha ha LOL!! I did LOVE the picture of the trees though, the one you said it looked dreamy. You're 100 percent right, it DID LOOK dreamy, loved it--so pretty. Enjoyed today's know me--I spend alot of time in libraries, we have quite a few great ones here in Charleston, so we get a good pick. We took our kids to story times when they were little, and they had other great kid activities as well. I have loved libraries all my life, put me in a library---and I'm happy! LOL I think you are much the same way. I adore books and just love browsing the shelves, sometimes just looking and sometimes checking out STACKS of books, ha ha LOL!! Happy Friday my friend!!

Susie said...

Diane, You really are a little girl at heart. :) I love the library. It was one of the most wonderful places for my girls while growing up. They would join the book club thru summer. Ride their bikes there. I have not been for almost a year. We have shelves of discounted , used books in the lobby. Blessings to you, enjoy your books. xoxo, Susie

Ella said...

I love the small libraries in my small town! They are also doing a great deal of organizing and many story hours and they also have toys in a corner that you can borrow ... they call this play library!

Jeanie said...

That's wonderful! I loved story hour when I was a kid and I'm so glad libraries and schools still do it! And happy you could take photos, too!

NanaDiana said...

I love libraries, too, Diane. When my kids were little I would pile them all in my car and we would go to the local library closest to our house---a little brick storybook cottage. They had story hour and activities for the kids 3 times a week. It was cheap entertainment and so lovely.
Great pictures and story, Diane! xo Diana

Jeanna said...

That is such a good idea, I was just talking about how although I practically lived at the library as a kid, have not been to the newly renovated one downtown. Was there a concern about not getting any kids faces in the shots? Some public places are weird about any photos being taken.

Red Rose Alley said...

Yes, the one safe place for us all seems to be the library. I'm so glad you got to spend time for Story Hour! And that was nice that the lady let you come and go as you please. Such sweet memories of you going to the library when you were a little girl in Arkansas. Look at all those bunny books on display for Easter! : )


Anne said...

I love the library. I often take books out of the library and I belong to a book club that meets monthly at the library. Story hours are wonderful. I remember taking my son to weekly story hours. What a fun time for both of us!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Me too! Libraries are great places to hang out and I just love that you went to story hour! I volunteered as a story lady for a while years and years ago in our home town (“Podunkville” in Washington State ... before we moved to Oregon). Some of us mothers of preschoolers got together to do it because the Library didn’t or couldn’t , I don’t remember why. (Those preschoolers are in their late 50s or 60s it was a looooong time ago! )