Thursday, February 27, 2020

February Spring Fever!

Yes, I know it's February! But for some reason, I've had the kind of Spring fever that causes Spring cleaning! I started a couple of weeks ago and haven't found a stopping point! I'll spare you the photos of the contents of my trunk! It's felt great to donate things I don't want and hopefully give them 'new life' at someone else's home! 

Life is full of challenges and we've had our share lately. 

Hike #26 Florida Trails, Pruitt Trailhead

So it feels good to give to others and spread some happiness.

And of course it feels great to get out on the trails here in Florida to enjoy the nice weather and soak up the sun!

Do you get in the moods to 'clean out'? Do you have to make yourself take a break from it? I need some time off for good behavior. lol I keep looking around and thinking....what else can I live without! Hubby is starting to get worried! He doesn't want me to work on 'his' prized possessions! I should probably stick to getting rid of my own junk! 

I’m joining Thankful Thursdays. 


Susie said...

Diane, I sure don't clean like I used too. But I would dearly love to wash all our walls down this year. It feels good just to clear out a junk drawer for me. LOL Glad you are still hiking and enjoying nature's beauty. For sharing with all of us too. Your second picture looks like a jungle shot. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
p.s. oh honey, I have had spring fever since Christmas.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Diane

I enjoyed all the quotes and your pretty photos. The trail looks nice, love the birds and butterfly. I have often gone through the our house, collecting things to donate. Wishing you a happy day and a great weekend!

Jenn Jilks said...

I've not got the spirit of spring cleaning!
We're in the middle of a snowstorm!!!

LA Paylor said...

yes, and when the urge strikes, I drop everything and go through stuff. Normally I'm a slight hoarder so those times balance me out! And keep the paths in the house open!! lol

Ellen D. said...

I know what you mean! I have so much to go through but don't know where to start! One drawer, one closet, one room at a time - just have to begin!! Thanks for the inspiration today!

Sandy said...

I definitely get in those moods. I try to make the most of them when they happen. I have plenty of my stuff to take care of. For some reason January was a good month and I was very productive. Now, I am ready for outdoor weather.

Inger said...

I find there's freedom in getting rid of stuff. I think guys may have a harder time understanding this.

Edna B said...

I wish I had your energy. These quotes and photos are lovely. I agree, it might be best to leave Hubby's things to Hubby to sort out. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Inger said...

There's freedom in getting rid of stuff. And, again, Florida trees are just gorgeous, imposing, amazing!

Tom said...

...spring fever is the only illness that I'm interested in getting!

Michelle said...

I have a terrible case of spring fever but mine is more about having time off from work! Lol! Thanks for linking up.

Vee said...

True. We should never get rid of other people’s stuff. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Yes, I am in major decluttering trunk full of stuff to go. Many more loads to go. I am sorry that life has been challenging. It certainly gets that way from time to time. Here’s to brighter days ahead with flowers and hikes!

Jeanie said...

I will set a timer and force myself to do it to the time. Usually I end up hearing the beep in the middle of something and finish that, so it ends up a little longer. I really need to be more in the mood!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Beautiful photos and wonderful quotes, Diane. We still have snow on the ground but it's been warmer and sunny all week, so I can feel that spring is right around the corner.

Terri D said...

No, I don't get the urge to clean out but I do have to reorganize every now and then. I probably should do it more often. It is not hard to stop. LOL I'm a lazy so-and-so these days.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Love your photos, and the fact that you are doing some spring cleaning! That bug hasn't bitten me yet, but we did a lot of that when we moved last summer, so I may take a pass on the spring cleaning fever for this year, esp. since I am having surgery next week and will be taking spring off for recuperation! When you run out of things to clean, come on over! I am sure I can find something for you to get rid of for me!!

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

I get in the mood to do a deep clean right after the holidays in January. I like to also donate thing to our salvation army. It's wonderful that you can get our for those nice nature walks. Have a nice weekend Diane.

Ann said...

I sure wish I had your ambition. I need to do some spring cleaning but I can't get myself motivated to do it. Maybe because it still looks too much like winter around

Kit said...

Yes, I go on purges. I am clearing out items that I just do not need anymore. Working on my attic soon. 😊 Kit

BeachGypsy said...

I love that second picture.........that truly looks like a magical trail into an enchanted forest, so pretty, so dreamy!!

Anonymous said...

Diane, I should start spring cleaning. I'll think about it tomorrow as Scarlett O'Hara would say! :-)

Lorrie said...

I'm sorry that life has been challenging lately. It does happen to all of us from time to time. I did a big clean up of my sewing room and a storage room during the week after New Year's when I was still off school so I feel like I got a head start on spring cleaning. Next I want to move on to tidying up the kitchen drawers and cupboards - but that might have to wait until March when I'm on spring break!

Arlene G said...

I think spring brings out the nesting season in all of us. We want to declutter, fluff and clean! Which is a good thing in my case. I have gotten rid of a lot of things but the problem is trying not to bring in new things.:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it has been about year since I last went on a binge like you are in right now. I decided it was time to do something with bob's side of the walk in closet. I made him sit in the bedroom and held up every item and had him say toss/keep, I got rid of nothing that he did not say toss, some shirts were to tight, they were tossed. and I did go through the whole house.
just yesterday, he saw a show on tv with the an wearing a western shirt that he had cut the sleeves and collar off, like western vest. he said to me, I went to the closet to get a western shirt to cut off and you threw them all away. I reminded him he chose what went and stayed. he says that is not true that I got rid of ALL his western shirts. so be careful what you toss. ha ha

Maggie Ann said...

I've done some purging lately and am pleased with the results. More to do though =). Today its just too cold to be busy....(so I'm telling myself)

Ricki Treleaven said...

Diane, I am definitely in the mood to purge! I have been working on it a little this winter, and now that the wedding is behind us, I might complete a few projects before summer.

HappyK said...

Yes, I get the urge to clean. I feel good when my house is sparkly clean.
Beautiful pictures!!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I kind of enjoy sorting and straightening and giving things things to Goodwill .... it’s the actual house *cleaning* part that I’m not so keen on! But I’m always glad to have it done. Bill keeps urging me to hire someone to come to clean like I used to ...but then I worked full time and our house was about ten times bigger than ours are now!

Red Rose Alley said...

It's so good that you are cleaning and giving away things to others that you don't want any more. It certainly is a good feeling when we do that. These trees are so old and pretty. The quote "one must have sunshine" is one of my favorites. I'm so glad I got to hear it again today. The nature quote is perfect for you, Diane.
