Monday, July 13, 2020

An Earthstar Sighting!

Have you sighted an Earthstar this week? 

I sighted more than one! 

Astraeus hygrometricus commonly known as the Earthstar. 
I found a good article about them HERE.

I spotted these little jewels along the Florida Trails right after they had mowed along the sides of the trails. I don't know if that uncovered them but they caught my eye.

I went back the very next day to hike and take a few more pics.

I needed enough for a mosaic! lol

I was pulling away some blades of grass for a better photo so you can see how small they are by the size of my finger. 

And I picked this one up. A blade of grass was growing through it so I was able to pick it up without handling it. I don't touch things in the forest but I have learned now these mushrooms are not harmful. The info said they are inedible because they are bitter. 

It was fun to see something so unusual on my hikes this week.

They are very beautiful and unique.

Have you ever seen an Earthstar before?

I'm joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE . 

I'm linking with All Seasons at the Jesh Studio too!


eileeninmd said...


They are pretty and unique. Great find and I love the photos and mosaics! Take care! Enjoy your day, have a great new week!

Tom said...

...a first for me.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

This is my first time ever of you in the north star or even hearing your name. I did not know they existed and they are truly amazing. Your photos are just gorgeous and I didn't realize how small they were until I can see your finger. I'm like you I don't pick up anything that's growing because you never know if it's poison or not

Sandy said...

Very cool. I have never heard of these. Learn something new everyday.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

You have introduced me to an organism I had never even heard of. Fascinating. Now I have to learn more about it.

Arlene G said...

I always learn so much from your blog, Diane. I have never seen an Earth Star but they are amazing. God created so many wonderful things for us to enjoy.

Suzy said...

I've never seen these before...mushrooms?

Beside a babbling brook... said...



They almost don't look real. -smile-

That center becomes dry, and goes "poof" I guess. And seeds are dispersed. I guess.

⛄ 😀 ⛄

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Oh my, aren't those earth stars lovely. No, I have never seen these in person or otherwise. What a delightful thing to find on your recent walkabout.

Hope you have a wonderful week, Diane.

Vee said...

They are really darling for mushrooms. I have never seen one before.

Vee said...

And I found out why I have never seen one...they are uncommon here. Rats!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

I've never heard of them. If I've passed them walking in a Florida woods, I never noticed. Fascinating little things. Thanks for sharing!

carol l mckenna said...

Oh I so love these Earth Stars ~ they are unique to me and so precious ~ ~ Great photos ^_^

Be Safe, Be Well,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Jenn Jilks said...

They are quite intriguing!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Those are beautiful! Wonderful! No, I have never in my life seen an earth star although we’ve seen lots of fungi in different states where we’ve hiked. I would love to see these wonders...your pictures are the next best thing!

Gillena Cox said...

Wow, this is amazing and thsnks for the hyperlink to read more
Happy you dropped by my blog today


Sandi Magle said...

Oh, my, how interesting. I have never seen one of those...but perhaps they don't grow up here. Always fun to see what you discover on your walks! Sandi

Ann Thompson said...

What a wonderful find. I've never seen anyone them. They are quite beautiful

Susie said...

Diane, That is so odd and interesting. I have never seen nor heard of such a thing. You have surely shown us unusual things. :) Blessings, stay cool, xoxo,love, Susie

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Those are amazing! I've never seen anything like that. They almost don't look real. Thanks for sharing. I will look them up.

HappyK said...

How interesting and unique. I've never seen or even heard of them before!

Lorrie said...

I have never seen an Earthstar, but I wish I could. They are just lovely- like little bits of the sky fallen to the forest floor.

Terri D said...

I have never seen an earthstar before. They are beautiful!! I learned something new today! Thanks for that!!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I've never seen such an unusual mushroom, Diane. I love its shape and its name!

The Feminine Energy said...

No, I have never seen one of these before but how beautiful! Thank you for sharing your find with us. Love, Andrea xoxo

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Thank you for sharing these with us. Yes, I have been seeing them where we walk, and I didn't know what they were called, so I am so happy you shared this information. I will pay closer attention to them next time! I think I did take a picture of one, but never got around to sharing it and looking it up. Thank you! Earthstar! What a neat name!!!

Himawan Sant said...

Amazing flowers!.
In my whole life, this time I saw this flower.
Greetings from Indonesia.

Laurel Wood said...

Oh how fun! I've never even heard of these before. Thanks so much for the mosaics and the link to info. Have a great day!

Debbie said...

i have never seen one of these, i wonder if they are native to florida?? or even the southern area?? i never touch anything when i am out exploring things, you just never know. they certainly have a very cool name, and once you know they are a mushroom, they look like a mushroom!!

Teresa said...

He visto alguno parecido, pero más grande. Buen día.

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

What a pretty and unique looking mushroom. I've never seen one like that before. Happy hiking Diane.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

This is the first time I've seen an Earthstar. It is sooooooooo cool. I'd love to see one in person. Wikipedia says that it has been found everywhere but Antartica. and live in temperate and tropical, so maybe I might see a real one. :-)

Carla from The River said...

I have never seen an Earthstar. I am going to see if they grow in Wisconsin.
Thank you for sharing with us!!

NatureFootstep said...

Hi, I checked my fungi book and we seem to have some of them. Not sure if it is the same as yours. But ours like gardens too. So far this year I have not seen any.

Take care!

stardust said...

Your post made me want to see the unique, pretty Earthstar in person. I hear they are seen in autumn forest in my corner of the world. You have good eye to spot them up, maybe due to the young white color? It is called “tuchi-guri / earth-chestnut” or “tsuchi-gaki / earth-persimmon” because its center looks like a chestnut or its brim like calyx of persimmon fruit respectively. I love the soothing color combination of your photos.


Penelope Notes said...

So lovely! I've never seen these in my neck of the woods, however, I imagine they are not that easy to spot amid the foliage.

Martha said...

What great photos and they are so cool! I don't ever remember seeing them before. Have a great day! :)

Lea said...

Very interesting!
Have a great day!

Aunt Helen said...

I have never seen these beautiful creations before. They are so delicate and sweet. I love their name too; Earthstar--the earth is in the center and the stars surround it. A very suitable name for an unusual flower. Thank you for sharing. Love, Aunt Helen

Buttercup said...

I've never seen one of these. I think I need to be in a different environment, but so glad to "travel" to Florida with you today. Take good care!

Angie said...

Diane - I have never heard of an earthstar before, and since you can be a bit of a jokester (!), I was waiting for the punchline. Then I went to the link and saw that it they are a real phenomenon! Sorry for doubting you ... Very cool and I am so tickled that you were able to share this new find with everyone at Mosaic Monday!

Lee@A Guide to Northeastern Gardening said...

These are amazing little plants. I have never seen them before and so interesting!

Happy@Home said...

I have never heard of them, but they sure are pretty. How fun to find them on your hike.

Anonymous said...

Diane, those mushrooms are adorable! I've never seen them. I think I'd be afraid to eat them though... xo

Jeannie said...

I have never seen nor heard of an earthstar. I always learn something new on your blog.
Jeannie@GetMeToThe Country

Edna B said...

I just love all your photo edits! I use Photoshop CC, but I downloaded Photoscape X so that I can try some of the fun things that you do. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

Crafty in the Med said...

Incredible Diane!! I have never seen a mushroom like that before!! I used to do a lot of mushroom picking with my Dad years ago, at home in the UK! Going out really early in the morning carrying my mushroom basket and coming back with it full. Dad was very knowledgeable about the woods (being a country lad and having lived on a farm) what you can touch and what you shouldn't touch and he always said if you are unsure don't touch. So you are very wise to do the same.
Earthstar! It seems a very apt name.

Stay safe now.....Amanda x

Red Rose Alley said...

That is the most unusual looking mushroom that I've ever seen! Have never seen that one before. It is amazing how things grow in nature. Your photos gave us a visual on what this mushroom is, and the details are incredible.


Dawn said...

How cool and very tiny! Oh my I thought they were good size until I saw it next to your finger tip and nail. My...good eye sight. I wonder how many walk right by them and never notice.
Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

Lowcarb team member said...

"Have you sighted an Earthstar this week?"

I'd not heard of them before ...
Lovely post.

All the best Jan