I hiked in the heat! I just couldn't help myself! I'm in withdrawal! lol
I drove over to Halpata Tastanaki and took a one hour hike to see what was new.
This was pretty easy to identify when I got home.
It's very unique, don't you think?
It's a buttonbush, Cephalanthus occidentalis.
It was a big healthy bush and even though some of the info says it grows in wet or damp soil, this one was high and dry.
I'm still learning to make mosaics with Photoscape and trying to do some different techniques.
There were lots of deer tracks in the sandy part of the trail (and other tracks...maybe even a bobcat track).
Have you had good weather this week? Did you have a fun weekend? Ours was quiet. We can stand in our driveway and see fireworks in every direction but this year there weren't as many. I guess we're all still trying to stay safe and take it a day at a time. It's a blessing to live here.
I'm linking with All Seasons at the Jesh Studio too!
The Bottonbush is pretty. Love the blooms. It is neat seeing all the animal tracks. We had a quiet 4th of July, stayed home. Your images and mosaics are pretty, well done with the Photoscape! Take care!
Enjoy your day, have a great new week!!
This is a new plant to me and I love your photos, especially the mosaic. I just returned from a walk and it's already HOT at 8 a.m. Have a nice Monday.
Beautiful buttonbush I've seen them many times but did not know what it was called. I don't know how you walked for an hour I can barely do my 30 minutes in the morning in our neighborhood the humidity feels like it's so thick you could lick it
There were actually lots of fireworks in and around the neighborhood. I guess without the city fireworks and the fact that they sell the good kind just across the Alabama line, many went all out. We sat on our deck and watched. IT has been warm, but I am like you I simply must get outside to feel my best.
...buttonbush is one of those often overlooked native gems! Thanks for sharing.
Never heard of a button bush but how unique is that bloom. How great you got out for such an invigorating hike. Wish I could have joined you!
Diane, the picture of that flower reminds me of the Corona Virus picture.lol
I've never heard of that. But it looks like the Coronavirus with all the color removed...
WOW, Diane, what unusual and pretty flowers! They are so unique. I give you credit for being able to hike so long in the heat and humidity...you have great determination. We see bobcats here sometimes--they are very reclusive and fast on their feet. We did not have many fireworks as our area is in a stage one fire restriction. It has been hot and very dry so fire risk is high. We celebrated with blueberry pie! :)
We have plants like that one here in our park, but I never knew what it was called. It's beautiful. Pogo and I had a nice quiet weekend. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.
What an interesting plant, I always learn something when reading your posts...thanks, so much!
Button bush is new to me. Normally I would think of it as a unique and pretty flower, but I must admit my first thought was the coronavirus too. Glad to see I'm not the only one thinking that way.
It's so nice that you are able to get out for those wonderful hikes and see such pretty nature. Have a nice week Diane.
Cool plant!
But too much heat, to get to it! Too much for me, that is.
Quiet 4th of July here too, but that's nothing unusual. We don't dooo biggg things, on holidays. -smile- Son's family next door, swam in our pool. That was fun. And usual.
We are hot but not humid at the moment! Thankfully.
Wonder if we can make a mosaic, with *New* Blogger? Thought I read that somewhere. Not really necessary, but if it is offered, I will try it. -smile-
Diane, I saw all my daughters. Did my heart and soul so much good. :):) I like
seeing the buttonbush. Interesting. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
Oh how pretty.... I have never seen a "buttonbush" before. The one you saw looks very healthy indeed. We saw lots of fireworks in the distance, from our driveway on Saturday night, but they were all put on by private families as our city & county fireworks displays were cancelled for this year. But we can't see those from our homestead anyway so... it didn't matter to us. We just had sparklers & little ground-dweller-type fireworks, as we don't personally get into the big boomers. Besides, they cost too much money anyway!! *haha* Have a good week! Love, Andrea xoxo
I'm not familiar with the bush but love your mosaic. I don't know how you hike in this heat!
That bloom reminds me of the C-19 cell they keep showing us! All spikey! Glad you got out for a hike. I am listening to thunder right now and it has been raining hard off and on for the last hour (currently 2:30 pm). Enjoy the week!
What a beautiful flower! I've never seen that before.
Your button bush looks like a corona crown with all those spikes
Happy Monday and thank you for dropping by my blog today
You certainly came across some beauties!
I just love that button bush! I don't think I've ever seen one. All of your photos and collages are fantastic. Have a great day! :)
Hi Friend,
A firework flower! :-)
Hope all is well your way. Sending hugs, Carla
i am certain i could not walk in the heat. i can only tolerate the heat if i am in the pool!! we did get out, for a few very small, very familiar little trips and one very early morning bike ride. we can usually see all of the shore town fireworks from back by the pool but they were all cancelled this year. much to our surprise, our new neighbor on the corner let off some really big, beautiful fireworks that were commercial grade. so we got to see them!!
i am not familiar with the buttonbush, but it sure is pretty!!!
5those photos were worth hiking in the heat. Very unique and beautiful.
This week is supposed to be very hot and so far today it's following the forecast
of course you had to hike. People like us can´t stay indoors :)
This flower was special, button bush. and a cool name too. The mosaik loks great for this flower. Interesting tracks :)
Have fun with Photoscape :)
Buttonbush - never heard of or seen one before. It is beautiful and unique. Great pictures!!
We've had great weather. Sunny with cool breezes and temps in the 70's. Today it reached 80.
We have buttonbush here as well. It's really unique and I like it a lot.
Diane - what a fascinating shrub. Beautiful. We have had a lovely stretch of sunny weather with typical low humidity - gorgeous. We gathered with some friends for a brief campfire (complete with S'Mores) on Friday night. Saturday, we did some hiking and then enjoyed margaritas on the deck. Sheer bliss! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday, and enjoy the rest of your week!
You do love a good hike!! I like going with you. Much easier on me than it is on you. Or I should say - you are getting all the health benefits while I get to enjoy what you've seen!
The buttonbush seems quite exotic compared to plants found in the U.K, glad you’re still able to get out and about for your hikes despite the pandemic. Stay well, stay safe.
It's really an adventure, Diane, what you find. The bloom is wonderful. Interesting to read about. Never seen before a Buttonbush.
To your question. We have summertime here... and I have a special Song in my head: Summer wine... of Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazelwood.
Happy MosaicMonday, dear Blogfriend
La flor se ve muy bonita. Por aquí hace mucho calor 40 grados y no apetece mucho salir. Un beso.
That Photoscape collage is wonderful! I really like it a lot.
Yes, you are addicted, but I know that you felt great for getting out and taking that hike.
Buttonbush is an interesting plant! I have seen only one or two over the last ten years or so. Great mosaic!
I wish we lived in an area like yours, Diane. People around us seemed to be foaming at the mouth exploding their illegal fireworks. Shudder.
Your buttonbush mosaic reminds me of a kaleidoscope. I'm going to check out Photoscape. I've been doing my collages in an old version of Photoshop and lately I've been wanting to go crazy with the collages. Take care. :-)
That is quite a unique looking bush. Fun to discover new things as we walk along. I saw a Baltimore oriole in our backyard the other day which is very unusual. Such a pretty bird. You did well to hike; I barely got around watering my plants and getting the mail. The heat index is 99 here today in Michigan! We didn't see any fireworks but we heard a lot! xo Deborah
Diane, Your hike proved to be so picturesque, with all those interesting flowers. I loved the Bottlebrush bush! It was so different. I hope you will be able to hike this week with all the predictions of rain every day. Take care. Love, Aunt Helen
Beautiful post and nature photos and great job with the mosaics ~
Also thank you for your support during my losing Zoe ~ still crying.
Be Safe, Be Well,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Wow! That buttonbush is amazing! I've never seen one of those! Thank you for sharing it. Very unique. I love "tracking" the tracks. Looks like you did see a bobcat track. I miss looking for the bear tracks at our old home. That was always exciting to see that they had been in our own front yard. We do see deer tracks where we like to walk these days, and raccoon and turkey, but that's about it. Thanks for sharing this. It has been hot for hiking, but I understand the need to get out!!
The button bush looks so unique. And what a pretty area!
I've never seen a button bush before. So unusual... it reminds me of the coronavirus virus though. Yikes!
I've never seen a Buttonbush, but it's a striking plant! You are a hardcore hiker! Good for you. Wonderful collage!
Buttonbush? Very unique and the first photo really caught my attention with the textures. Great shot. I get 'having to get out' but this heat, whew it is rough.
Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade
Beautiful photos. The buttonbush and the Photoscape are very beautiful. Here it is not hot at the moment, 21 degrees. Greetings Caroline
I love that button bush! It's beautiful! I go out early for my walk trying to avoid the heat but it's still very humid.
I absolutely love the photos you take on your hikes, but aren't you afraid you'll run into an alligator along those trails? What would you do if you did?
This is very unusual and pretty, Diane. Have never seen it before. I'd love to see one of those precious deer on your trail. Wouldn't that be something?
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