Monday, January 18, 2021

It's a SIGN!

 This doesn't really have a double meaning....

I saw some neat signs this week!

But if it DOES have a double meaning, it might mean that I need to get busy with something besides playing with photos.

I love to make mosaics and it is addictive.

I took this photo of an airplane during a hike at Halpata Tastanaki Preserve. There's a small airport nearby so it's a great place to see these beautiful small airplanes. So this one is 'straight out of the camera'.

And then I did a stained glass effect for Mosaic Monday.

And the next thing I know, I've made a Kaleidoscope out of it! lol I use a free version of Photoscape to edit my pics.

A few of the dogs we've seen lately. And no, they are not all rascals! The one really is named Rascal though! He's an older dog and a real sweetheart.

And the mosaic I showed last week....

is a survey marker that was in the ground next to the trail at Johnson Pond.

Our temps are in the 70s this week so it's perfect for hitting the trails.

Have a wonderful week!

I'm joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE . 

I'm linking with All Seasons at the Jesh Studio,

AND my Monday post HERE.


eileeninmd said...


I wish we had warm weather here for walking, it is cold and windy. I love your sky and the doggie mosaics. The dogs are all cuties! Cool images of the airplane. Take care, enjoy your day! Wishing you a happy new week!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Wonderful collection - my favorite mosiac is the sky star! fun- happy Maonday!

Nancy Chan said...

You have found some neat signs. Nice mosaics. I love those adorable dogs. Have a great week.

Arlene G said...

Happy is supposed to be more seasonable here this week as well. I will take the 50s.

Martha said...

Beautiful photos and great mosaics!

Tom said... skies, what a treat!

Gillena Cox said...

Stunning variety of mosiacs
Happy you linked in at my blog today.


Jeanie said...

You are having a good time! And on the walk, too!

Rain said...

I love the Kaleidoscope plane!! Very inventive! :) The dogs are so cute...I really have such a soft spot for dogs! Strong as an ox...I'm working on it. Since we moved last May I have been letting my strength training lag, but I'm slowly getting back on track!

Aunt Helen said...

Diane, I love your Mosaics! The furry friends are adorable--I love them all. So glad the weather is nice for hiking now. Have a great time in this wonderful, beautiful state finding new places in Nature. Love, Aunt Helen

Inger said...

I bet that little dog was a Rascal in his younger days. I saw the small bird in your last picture. I'm glad you are having so much fun with Photoscape and the mosaics. I don't think I can do it with my Chromebook. I'm discovering why it's less expensive than a regular laptop, but it's simple and effective for most of my needs.Have a great rest of the day, my friend.

Terri D said...

Beautiful photos, as always, but I LOVE the star/sky mosaic!! So pretty! Thanks for sharing!!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Your photo mosaics are very creative, Diane, especially the kaleidoscope airplane. I have to tell you when I first looked at the car stickers I read "old as an ox" think I've been feeling my age lately.

Lorrie said...

I've just started using the free version of Photoscape, too, and just found the collage feature last night! It can be addicting! Love your edits. Happy hiking this week!

Kathy said...

You have so much fun with your photos. I can only dream of temperatures in the 70s Ours are 40s during the day and 30s at night with some 20s thrown in. Have fun with your pictures!

Small City Scenes said...

I love playing around with my photos and being weird--LOL. &0 degrees-- I wish.
Although it is sunny here and in the 40s so outside work today. As long as the sun shines.

Edna B said...

You do a lovely job making your mosaics. I love your photos. I'd love to be sharing those warm temps. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I want to play with photoscape and learn more but spend so much time on line searcing and reseaching computer and laptop and now my tablet has gone belly up... also trying to find a plumber to fix leaking faucets and a fence to repair the fence. not much play time but when this is all over i will.. got a new list of on line playtime to try out

Creations By Cindy said...

Great pictures and the weather though chilly has been great hasn't it? I have loved the sunshine for sure. Happy week to you. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Su-sieee! Mac said...

I like your mosaics, Diane. They're so cool and fun. We've been having Spring like days lately, too, but I haven't been motivated to go do outdoor stuff. Maybe today. I'm sure a lot of the plants are wondering when I'm going to rake the leaves. Cheers!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Very nice photos, Diane. You have a talent with your mosaics. Enjoy the week ahead.

Lowcarb team member said...

You are having fun, both with walking and photography :)

All the best Jan

Ann Thompson said...

Loving the photos and the mosaics. You met some cute 4 legged hikers

Debbie said...

Very cool mosaics, it is good to allow ourselves to play, and just have fun!! Adorable dogs, they seem friendly!!!

Janey and Co. said...

How fun to play with photos. I need to experiment more! I have been walking again....wouldn’t call it a hike just walking around the neighborhood. You are lucky to have some many trails around. I have to go alone since hubby’s hip is ailing.
Stay safe...and I hope you have gotten your vaccine..

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I’m going to look at that photoscape program. (My comment was going to be a question, but you answered it by telling us what you use for your fun and creative mosaics. Thank you. ). Playing with my photos already is addictive for me ... and rainy weather is going to make it even more so!

HappyK said...

Great picture of the plane in the bright blue sky!!

Connie said...

It is always enjoyable tagging along on your walks. Also, it's fun to see what you're doing with your photos. I'm delighted your weather is pretty and you can get out and walk, such a nice thing to be able to do during this time of quarantine. Happy trails!

NatureFootstep said...

lol, you have fun with the Mosaics today. Love them, but most of all I love the star/sky mosaic. A great idea that turned out beautifully.

I used to have photo scape but kind of lost it.

Take care!

Carla from The River said...

My favorite is the kaleidoscope.
Happy Hiking my friend!

Angie said...

Diane - I love the cloud star, and the "puppies" are adorable! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

Teresa said...

Bonitas fotografías. Feliz día.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Wow, you do have some fun photos and I love how you do the mosaics. I guess I need to check out that program...but then I'd be playing all the time too and not get anything done! (I barely get anything done now as it is!) We are having some lovely afternoons, but it is 36 degrees right now as I write, so we will wait for the sunshine to go outside for a walk! (it's only 7 am anyway...too early for walking!)
Have a wonderful day and week! Can't wait to see where you will go next!

Sandy said...

Fun times. I am looking forward to warmer temps this week. About to head out for a walk myself in just a bit.

Jenn Jilks said...

Wow. What a delightful post!

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

It looks like you had fun playing around with your photos Diane. I hope you have a nice week.

Anonymous said...

Diane, your mosaics are so unique! I love the dogs one best!

Ricki Treleaven said...

I always enjoy your mosaics. You had some cool effects for today's post!

DeniseinVA said...

A fun post and enjoyed all the effects.

The Feminine Energy said...

I do believe I could have picked out "Rascal" without you labeling him. He looks like his name should be Rascal! *haha* ~Andrea xoxo

Red Rose Alley said...

I saw your post title, "it's a sign" and came right over, as I believe in signs. : ) So glad you confirmed what that marker was. It looks interesting. Your photo of the kaleidoscope is very cool. Wouldn't that be something to see them in the sky? And those doggies are cute, especially that little white rascal.

Have a good rest of the week, Diane.


BeachGypsy said...

Hi there girlfriend, I read signs too!--some are so interesting. I also love to read bumper stickers, to me those are even MORE INTERESTING as they are from all over. I like to see stuff like that and Mr. Front Porch, he always reads license plates which is also interesting because it's fun to see where all people come from, and people come FROM ALL OVER to visit Charleston. He sees plates way before I do and will point them out if they are from far far away or somewhere interesting or maybe from somewhere we have lived before. I like the dog pictures too, I am a dog and cat magnet and nearly always speak to them, they run right up to me like they know me, ha ha LOL. Happy Thursday my friend!

Jeannie said...

Glad you said they were mosaics because for a second I thought my eyes were crossed!