Monday, January 4, 2021

We'll choose to 'Discover' this year!

 My sweet hubby and best hiking buddy and I spend a lot of time talking about what we see when we hike. We can plug the cameras or computer up to the TV and view our photos. It's part of the fun of a hike. We come home, fix a snack and get a cup of coffee to enjoy our photos. We get out the identification books to help with some of our sightings.

So we put our thinking caps on and decided 

'Discover' would be a good word for this year.

We'll hopefully discover some new animals, birds, wildflowers, insects, and mushrooms. We know we'll see something we've never seen before or haven't been able to identify in the past!

Oh, and there are always new trails to discover and people to meet along the way.

I hope your year brings happiness and some adventure!

"Just go.

Go see all the beauty in the world.

Learn. Grow. Discover."

Do you have something you are looking forward to in the new year?

Hike #1 Blue Run Park
Hike #2 Florida Trails West

I'm joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE . 

I'm linking with All Seasons at the Jesh Studio,

AND my Monday post HERE.


Miss Kim said...

That's a very positive word for the coming year considering how easy it would be for us to cower in a corner and avoid everything that's around us. It would be a good question to ask every morning- "What can I discover today?" In fact, I'm going to try it out :)

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

What a great word for the two of you! Have fun discovering!

Sandy said...

You and your hubby are inspiration for me. Jeff can retire this coming summer. He doesn't plan to yet, but just knowing you can helps. I know we are going to be just like y'all. A hiking we will go. Sounds like a song. I already have the books to come home too. Jeff has always loved taking picture and even has a snazzy cameral but just no time right now. But it's a coming.

MadSnapper said...

what a great way to view the photos, i would love to see mine on our big screen, but we do not have a smart tv..

Arlene G said...

You always have the most fun on your hikes Diane. And we get to go with you from the comfort of our homes. Happy New Year and more hiking time to log!!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Diane,

Hubby and I do the same, we talk about our walks and the photos.
I am sure you have nicer walking weather there. I enjoyed your photos and the pretty trails. It is time to discover some new sights.
Take care, I wish you a happy new week!

EricaSta said...

Very good thoughts, to explore, to dream and to discover, I agree with your opinion. And to look the photos after walking is like a second trip.

Wish you and your family a good and healthy, happy NEW YEAR.
Cheers, Heidrun

Creations By Cindy said...

Happy New Year to you and yours. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Rain said...

Nice photos! I'm glad this will be your year to Discover!!! Those bikers looks so happy. :) 2021 is going to be the year where I hope to start a career as an artist...mind you I said that last year lol...trying to find time is difficult! I also want to get out more in nature.

Jeanie said...

I think you "discover" every day! But onward to many more (which I hope and know you will share!) this year!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Discover is an amazing word for the year - wishing you a year filled with gorgeous discoveries and wonders!

Gillena Cox said...

Luv your 2021 word 'Discover'
Happy New Year
Thanks for dropping by and linking to my blog today


Martha said...

I love your word for the year and I look forward to seeing all the new things you discover! I chose the word Hope for this year. It pertains the obvious but it's also about my personal goals. Here's to a great year - cheers!

NatureFootstep said...

what a wonderful post. "Discover" is such a great word. When hiking there is always new things to dicover. And new things to learn.

So. I hope we will soon get somg less grey days so I wan get out on the trails again.

Thankd for this lovely post.
Monica /NatureFootstep

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Another take on that word, could be, notice. -smile-

I feel that blogging and taking photos, has helped me to notice more...


Edna B said...

I enjoy all of your hikes. I love seeing the birds and animals, and I love walking. I just can't do the walking. So I enjoy it through you. Discover is a great word. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Kit said...

A great word! Faith is my word. I am trying to have faith that everything will work out in the new year. :) Kit

Marcia said...

Covid and winter has halted our exploring our new state but I look forward to resuming that once both are done.

Terri D said...

I so enjoy your photos! We have some plans to get out and about more with our friends who are here through March. I am walking much better now so am ready to get out more!

Ella said...

Hello Diane,
We have a beautiful world, too bad we don't see it sometimes!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Happy and healthy New year! Discover is a great word to guide you through the year, Diane. It is fun to keep learning and discovering new things in nature

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

A great word for the year! And always. And really we *discovered* that we don’t necessarily have to travel far to discover new wonders.

Ann said...

I think that is the perfect word for you. Hoping you have lots of wonderful discoveries this year

Jenn Jilks said...

I just cannot hike these days. I'm glad you can share. Our kids just bought us a tool to let us see computer stuff on the TV!

HappyK said...

A good year for your hikes, this one may be even better. :)

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Discover is a great word, especially for you!! I am sure you will discover many new things this next year...when you keep your eyes open and your camera ready, there's a whole new world out there waiting to be discovered! We look forward to seeing what you will find! Thank you for sharing your discoveries with us!! Happy new Year!

Tom said...

...I'm looking forward to staying healthy!

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Discover and explore my creativity in all forms are what I've begun. No holding back. :-) Happy New Years, Diane!

Vee said...

Discover is great word for you! It's what you do every time you head out the door. A blessed New Year to you both.

Linda said...

Oh, I like this idea! I need to have more fun, and I suspect we'll be social distancing for quite a bit longer.

Linda said...

Discover is a perfect word for you! And I love how you share your discoveries with us! Thank you so much!

Angie said...

Diane - two hikes already! You go, girl! I love your new header, and I think your word "Discover" is an excellent choice. I look forward to going along for the ride! As for my expectations this year, I can't say that I have given it a lot of thought. I have lots of WISHES for 2021, but they are all post-pandemic wishes - who knows if that will actually be in 2021 ... For now, I am focusing on enjoying the day-to-day. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday, and Happy New Year to you.

Teresa said...

Me parece un bonito deseo, espero que tengas mucha salud en esté nuevo año para compartir tus descubrimientos. Yo también intentaré hacerlo. Besos.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Discovery should be a motto for all of us.

Inger said...

Having felt pretty uninspired lately, that word: Discover -- what a great word it is. The word Discover has the power to generate so much Inspiration! Thank you, I needed this.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Inspired by wonderful blogs like yours, I look forward to hiking this year.

Lorrie said...

Discover is a great word! We are often looking up birds or sea creatures in our guide books. It's fun to learn about them.
Enjoy your year of discovery!

Carla from The River said...

I love your word. I agree. Getting outside is the best way to forget the crazy going on in our country too.

How many hikes in 2020 .. I missed your total.
Happy New Year!

Sharon Wagner said...

I'm out exploring right now. My kind of mantras.

Lowcarb team member said...

I wish you fun discovering and look forward to seeing your photographs.
My good wishes.

All the best Jan

Dawn said...

I love the word discover, that is what we'll be doing once we are settled.
Love that you guys sit and enjoy your photos together.
Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

Susan Kane said...

Great word! I grabbed "hope" from another site. Now I will add "discover" to that. Thanks.

Pam said...

Great words ~ "Just go.

Go see all the beauty in the world.

Learn. Grow. Discover."!!!! I love that and I thank you for taking me a long on your hike. However, not being much of a hiker, I will at least you out and see the world, via a drive to some place.

Debbie said...

in the new year, i am hoping to get out get back to normal!! beautiful images today, i like the little bird plopped on the wilted flower. we are bikers, not hikers, so i enjoyed seeing the bikers!!

i think discover is a great word for you!!

Ricki Treleaven said...

I approve! Discover is a most excellent word of the year!

Jill Harrison said...

It is too hot to go hiking much now where we live, so we mostly go for a walk after dinner when it is a bit cooler. So interesting isn't it finding new species and coming home and trying to identify them. Stay safe, and I wish you and yours a safe happy and healthy 2021.

BeachGypsy said...

Discover is a great word for you! I love to discover new things through your hikes, you show us all kinds of new and interesting things! Happy weekend, and are y'all hiking this weekend?

Jeannie said...

I like the idea of a word for the new year. "Discover" is a great one. What is my word to be? This will require some thought for me.