Monday, December 6, 2021

Oh, the Places You'll Go!

 “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...”  Dr. Seuss

I had no idea where I would go and what I would see when we hiked at Ross Prairie State Forest, Nov 10th 2013! But here we are 8 years later with (as of this Monday morning) 760 hikes to our credit! (these are hikes into the forest, I don't count neighborhood walks or community park strolls)

I don't usually pick these up when I see them, I leave them for someone else. But today I couldn't resist!

We've seen some amazing things over the years. 

I still marvel at the fact that we can see something 'we've never seen before'! But we do!

This was a funny sighting. We hiked Ross Prairie this week and when we finished we climbed in the Jeep to have a little snack of apple slices before we drove home. I looked in my side mirror and saw this...

I told my hubby, there's someone behind our vehicle juggling. He said, that's ok honey, we'll get you home and get your medication adjusted. (a little joke, meaning, you might be seeing things...I don't even TAKE any medication! hahahaha)

But I hopped back out and took photos so here's the proof! 

I was also pleased to see the hiking lady I met about a year ago. 

It's always fun to talk and catch up with someone who loves the woods as much as we do.

Have you had a chance to get out in the great outdoors this week?

Reindeer Moss (looks a little like snow, doesn't it?)

We took these photos on our very first Florida hike. We haven't changed a bit, have we? (that's a rhetorical question...don't you DARE answer it!)

A link to our first Florida hike 8 years ago is HERE!
Here's to another year of hiking adventures!

I'm joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE . 

I’m joining Thankful Thursdays and

I like Thursdays HERE too! 


Tom said... interesting to see your reindeer, we have it in the Adirondacks. Keep going places.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

As soon as I finish my yogurt this morning I am going for a walk on the beach! How fun to see a man juggling!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

those flowers do look like big pieces of snow and that water lily is stunning. its always a surprise to find new things in places we have been many times. i have to say i have never had a sighting of a juggler. he looks so happy for you to take photos. hike on, you may make it to 1000 soon

Buttercup said...

Always enjoy your hikes. I've been looking at really old pictures -- 1971 -- for a college project and I've been marveling that those are pictures of me. Were we ever really that young?
Have a great week!

Susie said...

Diane, You may think you have change but to me, you still are the same cute hiker I met thru blogging years ago. Gosh that moss looked so interesting. You do show us plenty of things we have never seen before. Oh and I love your husband sense of humor. LOL Blessing sweet friend, xoxo, Susie

Janey and Co. said...

I am amazed at the number of hikes, no wonder that you are on no medication! Yes we hiked on the beach in Florida this week.

DVArtist said...

Very nice memory.

Marcia said...

That's a lot of hikes. You must be keeping a journal of all the days and places you hike.

Gillena Cox said...

Reindeer moss is so interesting. I luv the name
Happy Monday


Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

You sure go places. Love the juggler and landscapes you shared - thank you. Wishing you a great holiday season!

SImple and Serene Living said...

Love the juggler. You are so lucky to have such wonderful places to hike and someone to hike with. Hugs, Laura

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Your husband's joke made laugh. It isn't everyone that can say they see a juggler in the rear view mirror. Sounds like a neat mystery book title.

Creations By Cindy said...

You always go on greatest hikes. I wish I had some of your energy! Love the reindeer moss! Never heard of that. How nice to meet up with another hiker friend. Laughing about the juggler remark! It's always interesting I am sure at what you might see while out hiking! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Lorrie said...

Walking in the same place year after year really allows you to get to know the flora and fauna of the place. And I'm so glad you share it with us! What fun to see a juggler in the parking lot.

Lowcarb team member said...

I enjoyed seeing your photographs, well done an all your hikes.
It's not every day you get to see a man juggling :)

All the best Jan

HappyK said...

Wonderful that you get out so often to go hiking. Thanks for sharing your hikes with us. :)

Terri D said...

Congrats on all those hikes! Certainly worth noting and celebrating. And you haven't changed a bit in eight years. Seriously! Love your photos and how fun to catch the juggler juggling!! Happy trails! xo

Jill Harrison said...

wow that is a lot of hikes. Well done you. And yes you look as young and fit as ever - must be all that fresh air and exercise. We do more strolls lately, especially this time of year where I am looking for shade out of the summer sun. Enjoy your hiking and stay safe.

Jeanie said...

That's a lot of hikes! Love the photos. How fun to run into people you've met on the path before. It looks like a wonderful place to hike -- I'm glad you found it!

stardust said...

Wow, 760 hikes into the forest, amazing! I understand you’ve found something new on each visit. Reindeer moss is unheard of. I always learn interesting flora and fauna of Florida from you. We homemakers are kind of jugglers for our multi-tasking at the same time. You haven’t changed as much as I have in 8 years, so young and lovely. Keep hiking, keep smiling!


Linda said...

I should not be surprised that you saw a juggler!! You see such interesting things!
And I am so HAPPY for you that you do not take medicine!!! That is such a blessing!

Ann said...

I'll trade you the reindeer moss for the real stuff we got last
How cool that you saw a juggler there.

eileeninmd said...


You do have some wonderful places for hiking. The juggler was a neat sight to see. I have never heard of reindeer moss. I think you look the same great collection of photos. Have a happy day!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I don't think you have changed a bit! All that hiking has certainly been good for you!! And that juggler! What fun! I guess you never DO know what you will find in the woods! So happy you met up with the other hiking lady again! You are both dressed similarly and both look healthy and happy! Hiking is a great stress reliever and helps you to stay fit physically and mentally! We still take our daily walks, but nothing compared to what you do. But I do love to walk through the woods and discover so many hidden treasures waiting to be found. Thank you for sharing yours with us. Please keep it up! It's good for all of us!

Edna B said...

I've never seen Reindeer Moss. It's very interesting. I enjoy sharing these walks with you. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

So is that how long you have lived in Florida? Or when you started hiking? After I typed that question, I realize that I can probably go to the link and find out. And I will!! ... loved the pictures and the reminders that there is always something new to see out there and "old" friends and familiar scenery are fun too!! All so true. I loved the juggler photos and I would have laughed and known it was a joke even if you hadn't explained, but I think it is probably a good thing you did because I have noticed that not everyone has the same sense of humor!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I have encountered many different people on my walks, but never a juggler. Maybe soon!

BeachGypsy said...

Diana my friend you always have something fun/pretty/neat/interesting to share with us! I love that second picture of the Lily (white flower?) peeking up out of the water, and it's reflection---very very pretty. Love seeing your post recent and ALSO FROM BACK in the past too. Once in awhile we see those jugglers around here too, ha ha LOL! Have y'all done any Christmas decorating yet? I'm trying but it sure is slow going LOL.

Carla from The River said...

Hello, what a fun post. :-)
Jeremy and I are off to hike in the woods in a wee bit, the big difference with our hike, is it is 16 degrees! Thankfully no wind. A light snow fall is falling. :-) We saw a lot of tracks in the snow the other day when we went out hiking, I hope to see who is making those tracks.
Love, Carla

Ricki Treleaven said...

You see some beautiful sights and meet interesting characters. I need to get out more, LOL! I love the softness of the reindeer moss, and it does remind me of snow, too!

Olde Dame Holly said...

You have NOT changed a bit, just maybe tanner! The fountain of youth IS in Florida -- it's evidently HIKING!

Angie said...

Diane - wow, that's a lot of hikes! Love the juggler! I haven't had much chance to get outside the last few days, but tomorrow we plan to go out and cut down our Christmas tree. I can't wait! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

It's so awesome that you and your husband can get out for the weekly hikes. The juggler is really cool. I enjoyed looking at the photos Diane. Have a nice day and weekend.

Wally Jones said...

What a great way to start my day! One of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite books by one of my favorite authors!

You have found the key to successful nature observation. Get out there, go slowly, enjoy. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Have a wonderful day!

Haddock said...

Like that Reindeer Moss

Debbie said...

you keep hiking because you have the attitude you do. you appreciate all that you see in nature, that is why you return to the trails and woods!!

i really like dr. seuss quotes, they are the best!! and i enjoyed seeing the shell, i think it is a shell, it reminded me of home!! you see beautiful things...and talking with other hikers is best. they share so much of what they have seen!! i have not been out this week, but it's not over yet and i sure hope to!!

Teresa said...

Tus caminatas siempre se ven preciosas y me encanta que estés bien, hay mucho para ver. Yo no puedo caminar mucho ( las rodillas ). El musgo se ve bonito, me gusta mucho. Besos.

Aunt Helen said...

Hello Diane, I love your "long ago" photo. You both still look the same!! It was very special meeting an old friend on your hike. I liked the pretty blue treasure you found! What a wonderful hike! love, Aunt Helen

Red Rose Alley said...

What a delight to see the juggler, and such a talent too. I wonder why they call it Reindeer Moss, hmmmmm. That is the prettiest lily pad flower in the water. And what a neat looking sea shell. That is definitely a keeper. Oh, Dr. Seuss quotes are so clever, aren't they?

Have a good December week, Diane.


LA Paylor said...

gorgeous lotus pic! and that juggler looked fun

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi, what a lovely hike. I also love your previous posts - those pictures of birds eating bugs are awesome!

Gillena Cox said...

Gorgeous pics. Luv that juggler. Adorable Dr Seuss quote.
Happy you dropped by my blog this morning
