Saturday, June 11, 2022

From the smallest bird to the LARGEST critter!

 You can see it all in one hike at Blue Run Park in Dunnellon! 

Wood ducks in the pond. There are a few small ones on one end of that 'turtle log'! And the male is preening at the other end.

And for those kind enough to ask, we live within 15 miles of Cannon Farms, Halpata Tastanaki Preserve and Blue Run Park so it's easy peasy to drive over there. 

We've been so fortunate to watch a Red Shouldered Hawk nest at Blue Run Park this year. We watched babies in the nest there a few years ago so I think these may be the next generation.

And they are both hopping out of the nest now and  perching on nearby limbs. 

AND LOUD? They cry all the time for their parents to come feed them!

But please don't eat the baby ducks!

We saw these near the end of our hike.

Mama is taking them to safety.

And doesn't this little one looked tucked in and safe!

This one too!

Now for the LARGEST critter!

Tom, you keep saying you want to see an alligator!

How about this one? We won't get any closer, thank you very much!

But he is HUGE! Look from behind!!!

Withlacoochee River

I hope your weekend is filled with adventure!

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

and I’d Rather B Birdin’.  


ann said...

Fantastic photos of the wood duck. If we like ducks, the wood duck is my favorite. We do have them here in Colorado, but not in our area. I think we have to travel further east to see them. Nor do we have alligators. Thankfully. You had quite an adventure.

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful photos from your hike. The Wood Ducks are beautiful and their babies are adorable. I hope the ducklings stay safe. Love the cute turtles, even the alligator. Awesome captures of the Red shouldered Hawk. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend.

Tom said...

...size isn't everything.

Rostrose said...

Whoo! Dearest Diane, the alligator is really huge!
I prefer the birds by far - especially the baby ducks ;-)) I didn't know wood ducks till now...
All the best and happy weekend!
Hugs, Traude

Jeanie said...

The turtle log is perfect! Love that and what a wonderful capture. And darling baby hawk!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

did you see on the news this week, the gator killed the man looking for discs in the pond? it was St Pete. they only found the body, no legs, one arm. it was marked stay out because of gators. this one you saw could easily eat a leg. long lens I hope. LOL.
all those babies are so cute, hope they survived gators and hawks, that is one beautiful hawk. his feathers are gorgeous

Wally Jones said...

More superb Phlorida Photos!

Blue Run Park is a wonderful place. And you certainly proved it has plenty to offer!

We love Nature's "baby season"! Not sure there is much of anything more adorable than baby ducks. Nice work on following the development of the young hawks.

Playing "tag" lately with morning rains. Fun in the Sunshine State!

Debbie said...

Great captures! You sure got some great photos of the alligator! How fascinating is hiking when you decide to go on a journey? You always seem to see the most wonderful sights!! Thank you for sharing all of the terrific photos with us! Have a super weekend!! xxoo

italiafinlandia said...

Hello, among the critters you published today I will pick the hawk as my favourite.
I like raptors.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Happy weekend! 🌈

Phil Slade said...

Those Red-shouldered Hawk youngsters are so well camouflaged aren't they. Mom and Dad definitely know how to pick the best tree for a growing family. That alligator is HUGE and I don't blame you for just zooming in. Enjoy ☺️ your Sunday Diane.

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! lovely series of photos from your hike ~ favorite are the baby ducks ~ Xo

Wishing you good health, laughter, and love in your days,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

RedPat said...

Baby Wood Ducks are so sweet. Love the pic with the turtles.

Bill said...

Nice variety of photos. I wonder how the ducks feel sharing the water with the alligators but that's nature. Have nice weekend!

Bob Bushell said...

Glorious images of the Red shouldered Hawk, he/she is beautiful. And, the Wood Ducks, fantastic.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

OH my goodness! Those sweet baby wood ducks!! We have adult wood ducks in our pond, but I've never seen any babies. They usually stay on the far side of the pond so it is a rare occasion when we can get a good look at them. But oh, that alligator is HUGE!!!! I would be a bit wary of that fella. Love the hawks and the turtles, etc., but that gator is a bit too big to handle. LOL. I know you have a good camera zoom, but still... Anyway, I love the pictures you are able to get. What a joy to see all of this!!!

Debbie said...

fun, fun, fun...i enjoy seeing what you see. the wood ducks are always a treat, hawks too especially when they are not in my yard!! i hope the baby ducks are safe, mamma often looses a few to those hawks!!

we are having rain right now and it is in the forecast for tomorrow too. that's ok, i always enjoy my time indoors, i am working on a scrapbook!!

Debbie said...

i forgot about the alligator, how could i possibly forget about the big guy!! lol

Lowcarb team member said...

That alligator is huge!
Always enjoy seeing the baby ducks.

Enjoy your weekend.

All the best Jan

Ann said...

Wow, you really can see it all there

Sandy said...

The pictures are just beautiful. I love the ducks. The brown eyed Susans are popping around here as well.

Vee said...

Great photos! So how close, about, were you to that largest critter? 😳

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Not liking the long critter.

Ducks are adorable.

Irma said...

What beautiful photos of your walk.
The Red Shouldered Hawk is beautiful.
The alligator is huge, we only see it here in the zoo.
Greetings Irma

David M. Gascoigne, said...

The shot of the Wood Duck perched on the turtle is precious. I always take particular joy in coming across events like this. said...

Great photos as usual! I wondered when you would show an alligator....he's a big guy! Be careful as they can travel fast!

magiceye said...

Wowsome captures all!

Jenn Jilks said...

It is peculiar how some birds yell for food. We had a downy woodpecker doing that.
I love your critters but those HUGE reptiles are astounding.
(ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

Jeevan said...

I'm concerned about the safety of the cute duck family in the presence of an alligator in the water. Beautiful hawk! Have a nice week

BeachGypsy said...

Mercy that's one big gator!!--Look at his spines, wow! I love to see them and photograph them. Great shots of the hawk too, loved all the pictures. Felt like I was right there hiking with y'all! It's so hot hikes right now. Hope your weekend was great!

21 Wits said...

Well once those turtles start moving it'll be a big surprise! These are great photos and made my day! Fun in nature.

Linda said...

Love the ducklings! Gators are scary!

Nancy Chan said...

Cute ducks and their babies. Hope they will be kept save from the alligators.

Veronica Lee said...

Loved the photos of the wood duck.

Great shots of the hawk too!

Happy Monday!

Teresa said...

Un gran reportaje. Que miedo del caiman. Besos.

Rhodesia said...

A wonderful set of photos but the Hawk is my favourite.
Keep safe, t'other Diane

Judy Biggerstaff said...

Great pics! Nice comparison of from the smallest to the largest. The wood ducks are pretty birds, and the croc aren't as striking. Beautiful shots of the Hawk and the river, too.