Monday, June 20, 2022

Sunny Days at Cannon Farms in Dunnellon

 It was a hot sunny morning when I went to the farm last week but the flowers were in full bloom so I couldn't resist getting out in the maze!

Everyone there is so friendly and nice. Ashley offered to take me out farther to see more of the Zinnias but I wanted to spend time taking photos of the sunflowers. 

I spent most of my time in the sunflower field.

There were so many more blooms since I was there just a week ago.

It didn't feel too bad at 10 am. It was around 80 degrees with a light breeze.

I just kept on clicking and trying to remember that I had to choose a bouquet to bring home when I was finished.

I saw flocks of Cattle Egrets fly over the whole time I was there.

Ashley said that the flowers were drawing all kinds of birds and bees and bugs. 

She had seen a lot of ladybugs early in the season.

And the Monarch butterflies loved this special sunflowers. (I think they are Mexican sunflowers)

Hummingbirds were around and lots of honey bees.

I even saw a Swallow-tailed Kite while I walked around.

Being out in the flower fields gave me a chance to get better photos of the Zinnias.

They were gorgeous!

What a fun experience! 

I bought lots of fresh veggies again this week. We didn't have any go to waste last week but hubby mentioned more than once that we were eating 3 vegetables at every meal! lol This week the bonus was okra! We LOVE fried okra! And it's really worth the trip for the vine ripened tomatoes and fresh picked corn. Thanks to the owner for coming out to my Jeep with corn he had just picked and I almost missed.

Here's the sunflower I picked and brought home.

It doesn't get any better than Cannon Farms, family owned and operated! They are closed for the season now but it sure has been wonderful to spend time there! Thanks for everything Cannon Farms. See you next season!
Links to the farm are HERE and HERE

I'm joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE . 

I’m joining Thankful Thursdays and

I like Thursdays HERE too! 


Tom said...

...enjoy many sunny days!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my favorite today is the one with the tractor in the flowers. they are all gorgeous... a place I would love... when you are in the maze are their lots of bees? I am afraid of bees

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Quite often our meals are nothing but vegetables.

Lea said...

Wow! What a fun experience!
To continue our discussion of blueberries, the Kroger Grocery Store here has fresh blueberries on sale for 3.99 for the 18 oz carton that I have paid close to 6.00 for. You might want to check a Kroger near you to see if they are running the same sale.
Have a blessed day!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, how sad they are already closed! I guess it is just too hot? But the flowers all look so beautiful! What do they do with all of them? The zinnias in particular? I wish we had such a place closer to us. I need some fresh vegies, etc. beyond what I can get at the store. Thank you for this lovely post. I feel like I was there with you.

Debbie said...

hehehe...i am glad you mentioned "no waste", i probably said something about that in my comment on your last post. when we go to the farm markets, i always buy so much that we just can't eat it all!! everything is so fresh, so beautiful, it just does not stay fresh long enough!!

enough of that!! the flowers are gorgeous and the flight image of the cattle is stunning. i don't know how you people do it, flight pictures are just not my jam!!

i like the picture of the happy you were able to get out and that it was not too hot for you!!

ps...i am going to google orca, i don't know what that is!!!

Debbie said...

i looked up okra, it sounds interesting!!

eileeninmd said...

What a lovely place to visit, the sunflower field and the zinnias are just beautiful. I love the Cattles Egret and the Swallow-tailed Kite. Lovely post and photos. Take care, have a great new week!

Creations By Cindy said...

Love all the beautiful flowers and sunflowers are my fav. I always plant some to harvest in the Fall. Don't you just love fresh veggies? We too love fried okra and hope to have some before too much longer. My vines are beginning to run now. Happy week to you. Hugs and blessings, Cindy said...

Beautiful flowers. Why are they closed for the season so soon? i am drooling over the fresh veggies as I can't have anything with seeds and definitely not hoo!

Lowcarb team member said...

What a beautiful place to visit, I enjoyed seeing all of your photographs.

All the best Jan

Lorrie said...

Beautiful sunflowers and zinnias. I almost choked when I saw the zinnias. Mine are itty bitty little green leaves. I should take the computer out and show them what they are supposed to do!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

wonderful, wonderful photos

Jenna said...

What a beautiful place! I'd love to spend quite a while there.

Vee said...

Very pretty place! So amazing the difference between our two states. We are nowhere near beginning, yet your family farm has finished for the season. Hopefully, you'll have fresh vegetables all summer. I can't wait for fresh veggies myself.

Ann said...

What a fabulous place. I love sunflowers and these are all beautiful.

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for sharing the delifhts of the sunflower field.

Happy you linked up at Monday WRites


It's me said...

Wowwww beautiful summer post….love the sunflowers…happy week love Ria and Leaf 🍀🌻🌻🌻🍀🐾

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

What a pleasure it must be to visit this beautiful flower and vegetable farm, Diane. There is nothing better than fresh-picked vegetables, especially tomatoes and corn, and then bringing home a bouquet of freshly cut flowers that must last a long time. I like fried okra and I always freeze some to keep for when I make gumbo, which s one of my favorite soups.

HappyK said...

Love those sunflowers - you just have to smile when you see one. :)

Terri D said...

Good golly!! Such beautiful flowers!! I love the sunflowers!! Thanks for this post!! xo

Cloudia said...

Marvelous! Truly! 🌼

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Wonderful pictures!

ann said...

While sunflowers are my personal favorite, I love zinnias. I didn't any of either planted this year. The wild sunflowers always come up and some will crossed with the ones that I did plant last year. I've never seen a field of zinnias. Pure joy.

Angie said...

Diane - what a terrific farm. What do they do with all those flowers, if they are now closed for the season? Sell them as cut flowers? Use them to create seeds? I can see why you would spend hours there despite the heat, and it seems you chose a gorgeous sunflower! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

DeniseinVA said...

Great series of photos. Love the sunflowers particularly, as I consider them a favorite. Loved the egrets in flight also.

Linda said...

How wonderful! Love the flowers and the cattle egrets in flight.

BeachGypsy said...

Oh Diane these are BEAUTIFUL pictures!! What a neat farm! The sunflowers are gorgeous but I particularly enjoyed the ZINNiAS--- I actually finally have zinnias this year and I love them-- bright cheerful little flowers! I'm learning to prune them this week and to root and make new starts--fun! Of course I only have a SmALL zinnia bed--- NOTHIN like the huge fields you photographed!

Barbara said...

I LOVE zinnias. We drive by Canon Farms from time to time, but have not stopped. I didn't know they had zinnias. Gorgeous!

Cheryl’s Sunlit Pathway said...

I love all those beautiful sunflowers and photos

Tanza Erlambang said...

look like very big farming... and flowers so beautiful....

Have a great day

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I used to belong to a CSA farm and picked my own flowers and veggies. Actually okra was really difficult to pick as it was low and prickly. Love your gorgeous photos - glad you enjoyed the farm.

Irma said...

Wat een heerlijke plek is dit om te bezoeken, de zonnebloemen en de zinnia's zijn gewoon prachtig.
Ik hou van de zilverreigers.
Groetjes Irma

EricaSta said...

Yes, I'm a great fan of sunflowers too. They are the symbol for Summer, the mood is fantastisc with this fiel 🌻🌻🌻🌻 Thank you for sharing.

Have a wonderful week.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

You are so lucky to have that farm near you! I would love a garden ripe tomato right about now. Great photos!

mvmaithai said...

Love the sunflowers! My only one that survived is starting to bloom now. Can't wait!
I will have to make a trip to this farm when I'm in the Tampa Bay area. Thanks for sharing!

Janey and Co. said...

What a visual treat that place is…Thanks for taking us along.

Teresa said...

Se ven preciosos los campos. Gracias por las imágenes. Besos.

Buttercup said...

I would love to visit here. Need to put it on my endless "to-visit" list. Did stop by our local community garden this afternoon and the first of the hydrangea are coming out. The beauty of the season!

LA Paylor said...

a field of sunflowers... how grand is that!? great capture on the swallow tailed kite

Angela said...

Oh, the sunflowers are fabulous!

Red Rose Alley said...

It must take so much time and effort to take care of that flower farm. What a lovely place to visit. The sunflower field is wonderful, and you picked just the right sunflower to take home with you. It looks like blue skies and a pleasant day. The flock of Egrets was an extra surprise to see. I think sunflowers are so pretty, even when they are drooping in the heat. They're just so cheerful and Summery. Glad you had a good time, Diane.


PaintedThread said...

Wow - all those flowers are terrific!

Linda Walker said...

Hi Diane,
How are you? Hope all is well! What beautiful photos! Fields of flowers! Just dropping by to say hello! I have missed your posts so I will try to pop in more often! Have a wonderful weekend! Linda

Mae Travels said...

three vegetables at every meal sounds wonderful! I have only had frozen okra recently. Fresh would be nice.

best... mae at

Jeannie said...

What a fantastic farm! I loved the sunflowers and zinnias are my favorites! I had to look at these pictures twice they were so good!