Saturday, December 17, 2022

28 Turtles and Counting!

 No, we didn't stop to count the turtles as we hiked Blue Run Park trail. We counted the ones we saw in our photos when we got home.

So what were they trying to tell us?

Were they there to warn us of impending danger?

Are were they watching us and laughing behind our back!

Because when we got to the bridge looking out at the Withlacoochee River, we were admiring the view...

Standing looking out at the water...

Watching some boats go by...

la la la la la!

And hubby said that dark cloud on the horizon looks threatening!

So we turned around and headed back to the Jeep. Did we make it all the way back before it rained? NO!

The wind blew and the 'bottom fell out'! And we got drenched! We were still 1 mile from the Jeep when it started to 'pour the rain'! But at least we didn't hear thunder or see lightening. And we had zip lock bags for our cameras. So it turned out to be an adventure story to tell. (and it was in the 70s so it wasn't a cold rain)

And it was a good day for ducks!

Wood ducks in the swamp.

Living it up!

And all's well that ends well!

Enjoy your week! Stay warm and dry!

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

and I’d Rather B Birdin’.   

I'm joining Mosaic Monday HERE 

and I like Thursdays HERE !  


eileeninmd said...

Hello Diane,

Sounds like an wet adventure. I love seeing all those cute turtles. Great sighting of the Wood ducks. I like the views of the river and boats. It was a good idea to carry the plastic bags to cover your cameras. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

Tom said...

...these are fabulous! I never saw a turtle this year, thanks for sharing yours.

Tom said...

...these are fabulous. I never saw a turtle this year, thanks for sharing yours.

Ed Rosack said...

That's a lot of turtles Diane! Great photos - I really like the ones from the bridge!
Happy Holidays!

Andree said...

What a great day. I notice the algae on the back of a turtle. That's a good thing I read. The ducks are gorgeous. Yes, you'll remember this trip for a long time because of that cloud! :-)

Lea said...

Great photos!
Have a blessed day!

RedPat said...

Love seeing all those turtles, Diane. I think they knew what was coming for you. We had rain on Thursday but it was cold and not fun at all.

Bill said...

There seems to be lots of turtles in your area. I haven't seen a wild turtle in decades. Great photos, thanks for sharing and have a lovely weekend.

Linda said...

You had an ADVENTURE!!! Who knew turtles had such pretty coloring???

Rostrose said...

Oh, so many turtles, dear Diane! Maybe they were just looking forward to the rain - after all, water is their element!
By the way, my hubby and I also saw some terrapins and sea turtles during the last three weeks - because we were traveling (and we were a lot closer to you physically than in previous years ;-)) We also got wet a few times on our trip, fortunately not too often. But in Costa Rica the rainy season lasts longer this year than in previous years... I don't know if we saw 28 turtles. Maybe I'll count them afterwards :-)
Soon I'll show the first travel photos in my blog...
Hugs and happy weekend,

Pamela M. Steiner said...

That was a bunch of turtles, piled on top of each other even! Wow!!! So many pretty ones!! And the Wood Ducks! I love them. We have a pair here in our pond, but they stay on the other side and rarely venture close to our shore. If they do come near and I step outside they take off immediately. Oh, wow, for the rain! We did get some good rain the other morning. Thankfully no bad thunder or lightning here either, just good rain!! Which we needed terribly. Hope you are doing well! Merry Christmas!

Marit said...

The turtles looks very cute! Bautiful photos of the river!

roentare said...

The turtles look hilarious. Such a positive energy from them

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It must have been quite wonderful to see all those turtles - well worth a soaking.

Vee said...

Oh being soaked is no fun; not even if the temp was 70°...lots of fun pictures. Those turtles are having a party.

Cloudia said...

What a great adventure story with nice photos!

Mae Travels said...

Beautiful ducks in your photos — and that does sound like an adventure. Glad you didn’t have a camera problem.

best… mae at

HappyK said...

Loved seeing all the turtles!!!
Getting caught in the rain has happened many a time to me too. :)

HappyK said...

Loved seeing all the turtles.
I've gotten caught in the rain many a time too. :)


sounds to me all you needed was a bar of soap and it you would of had a free show right there in nature!!! growing up we had neighbors that always grabbed a bar of soap and went out side in the rain and showered--just for the fun of it!!! I love how the turtles climb all over each other to get to their piece of the log!!
hugs, di

Teresa said...

Me alegra ver que saliste a pasear. Parece que fue un bonito recorrido y con una aventura para contarnos. Gracias y abrazos.

Lowcarb team member said...

I did enjoy seeing the turtles.
Sorry you got wet, but the ducks didn't seem to mind!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

All the best Jan

Terri D said...

It sure did let down with some rain!! My car got washed on the way home from work!! Love the photos, as always!!

Lorrie said...

Great turtle photos - they look so expressive! Too bad about getting wet, but at least you didn't get chilled too much. An adventure to remember!

Shiju Sugunan said...

Great weather forecasters with colourful underside :) Glad you got back safe!

Ann said...

That's a lot of turtles.

Veronica Lee said...

I enjoyed seeing all those cute turtles, Diane! 🐢

Hugs and blessings!

Irma said...

What a great adventure and you got some beautiful pictures.
The turtles are really cute.
Greetings Irma

Phil Slade said...

I think those colourful turtles are amazing. And here's me thinking it never rains in Florida but just shines 24/7. I hope my Jeep didn't get wet and if it did, you gave it a wash and shine later.

Jenn Jilks said...

That was epic!
Our turtles are sleeping! Happy to see yours.

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! Wonderful nature shots ~ love the turtles ~ Xo

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative harbor)

Anni said...

I'm so jealous...wood ducks!! They are rare here in my part of Texas!!

Thanks for sharing your post with us all and Happy Holidays!!

NanaDiana said...

Oh! I remember those sudden downpours in FL. They are amazing and can come out of nowhere.
When I saw the 29 turtles title I was expecting a play on the 12 days of Christmas. lol.
Have a wonderful week, Diane. xo Diana

LA Paylor said...

beautiful nature shots as always. I read your comment on princess bubbles... I like silver bells song too! If you ever want to get back on the email list for the I Like crowd, let me know, I send out prompts in advance to them. Next Thursday the prompt is tell us about your holiday traditions, ones you gladly do each year and look forward to

Ricki Treleaven said...

I like turtles! Tee hee!

Debbie said...

ooooh it was a very good day for ducks. the turtles are so cute, we don't see them this time of year!!

have a bright new week diane, it's almost time for the big guy, in the red suit!!

Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful view of the river. The ducks were enjoying the water.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Sorry y'all got rained on
The turtles are adorable. Growing up, turtles as pets was popular. It is always a treat to see them living free.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Nice images, especially along the river before the rainstorm hit. Love the male Wood Duck. You should realize that the mind of a turtle is as impenetrable as its carapace.

Adam Jones said...

I'd like to stand on that bridge and look down the river. It looks lovely.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, I'm so glad you had bags for your cameras when the rain started to pour down. You take such wonderful photos, I wouldn't want to see you without your camera. This looks like turtle territory, and they are the cutest little things. Each one has a different look. The river view is so pretty. It's nice that all ended well. : )


Sharon Wagner said...

Cute mittens. Happy Holidays from Sharon's Souvenirs!

Angie said...

Diane - I linked to I Like Thursday this week, but I forgot to tell LeeAnna; do come visit if you have time. That is A LOT of turtles! So sorry you caught in the rain, but it does make for a good story. Speaking of stories, our daughter and her fiance did not make it to his home for Christmas due to the weather. They spent the weekend hunkered down in their apartment; very few presents and a last-minute scramble for dinner. This is a story they will tell for years to come!